The Shackled Slayer [Pt.3]

Returning to his 3rd class right before lunch ended, he sat at an empty table and all he could hear from the ones around the room was gossip about him. He was now being avoided by everyone and talked about.

But he didn't really care, so putting his shackled hands on the table and laying his head down he shut his eyes as that just meant he didn't have to make any interaction.

Or so he thought, because as soon as he thought he was going to be left alone Emily sat right next to him.

Unlike the others, she wasn't salty that he tried to kill her, or the fact that he was now known as a traitor and criminal. Actually, this was perfect for her because that meant she could now avoid interactions with people.

And it was great for him too, because he wanted to sleep, and with the indifferent girl who was usually quiet sitting next to him, this was the best condition for a long nap...

Or so he thought it was going to be quiet between them,

"Don't forget you still have to help me find the hidden vampire for my mission" Emily

She had said to him and as he turned his head looking away from her, she then started bugging him as she softly and indifferently said the same thing again and again until she got a reaction from him.

"Okay! I get it! Just let me sulk for a bit!" He was annoyed by her persistence and as she saw him all hot-headed, she lightly smiled,

Was this an act or was she for real?

Who knows?

"Okay partner"

She was so annoying and she barely spoke!

However there was a reason for her being like this, and it was because of this damn school.

So yes she had doubled motives behind getting closer to him, and that was all because of his new title and reputation, it meant a lot to her, but it was all in a good way as it meant she would finally be avoided by everyone if she stayed close to him... Including a certain group.

Glancing over to 3 boys in their class she had a faint smile on her face as those members of the 6th rank gang known as the black bullets would finally stop harassing her.

This moment couldn't have been any more perfect for her.

. . . . .


"Why do you smell like that?" Looking over to him he sniffed her and as she found it weird, he sat back and looked disgusted?

"Smell? What do you mean?" Emily

Not understanding what he meant by that, she was curious as he looked nauseous after leaning in and sniffing her.

"You smell like a nasty whore?"


"You have so many awful scents over you, I wouldn't be surprised if you spent all of your time after school and used like a cumdumpster? It's disgusting Emily, so if you want to sit next to me can you at least have the decency to mask your after-school activities? I know you're a rabbit but fuck it's disgusting" Hiro

Being way too blunt as he had no reason not to be, she paused, her face blankened and shivers went up to her spine as he could smell it? When the hell did he have such a keen sense of smell! Bad enough the beastfolk could small her being marked by several men, but now him?

With an embarrassed look on her face, she looked away and clenched her fist,

"My apologies, I'll freshen up when I get home, but until then please bear with it, today's the last day I hope to be like this. . ." She said grabbing and gripping hard onto her skirt which just like her and the rest of her clothes, smelled strongly of cum.

But as she was super flustered and embarrassed, he looked at her grimly looking down and he saw a strong sense of hatred in her eyes, and he felt that he somewhat understood, or so he thought he did.

Raising his hands up he put them on her head, and she looked as she jolted from a shock.

"sigh, You're a hopeless girl you know that? Anyways, I hate their scents but I can tolerate yours, so..." Hiro

Looking at him with a completely different expression on her face as she saw him blushing.

He then said,

"You don't have to prostitute yourself anymore, I remember reading in a book about your kind so I know how strong your libido is," Hiro

"uh-huh," She said with a newfound anticipation.

"So I'll ask Tina if you can buy a new vibrator from her to deal with your libido, instead of having to do something unsettling for you like that" Hiro

But as he said that, she wasn't expecting him to say that? She was expecting him to say that he'd fuck her instead and she was going to tell him to fuck off and die.

But now, just looking at that flustered face and sense of innocents waving over him, she couldn't help but laugh,

"You sure you don't want to just be like all the other predators and fuck me as well" Emily

But as she said that his gaze sharpened and as he started sabers at her,

"You're pushing it" He big time refused and a true smile formed on her face.

She then sat back and looked up as he coldly looked at her for making such a joke.

"You're an alright guy Hiro, I like that about you" Emily

But as she spoke in riddles or whatever? A large (?) formed above his head as he suddenly got confused by her.

Facing him again, she said with a delighted attitude,

"Tell Tina I'd like to buy one, oh and if you tell anyone about any of this I'll kill you," She said sweetly.

And with a smile on his face, he said "okay~" knowing he was about to make a small profit off of this. He was going to raise the price by silver to keep for himself for when he turned into, he didn't have a name for that form yet? But whenever he transformed.

* * *

After that, the class went by relatively fast, however, he was still being avoided and gossiped about, and to make it worst, he even got an abundance of hateful looks from the 3 guys of the black bullet gang who didn't fear him.

And as this continued and he ignored them, they approached him, he didn't notice it at the time, and when he did, some tall robust man who was like the leader of that group wrapped his arm around Emile and put his hand on the desk.

"What are you doing over here babe? Don't you want to come to hang out with us and not this loser?" BBB1

Saying that as he was at Emily's side, he looked daggers into Hiro, and Emily clenched at her skirt and then let go as she started to get up.

"Okay..." Emily

But as soon as she started getting up, Hiro who saw her do that, looked to the Black Bullet Boy who seemed like their leader of that group and said,

"Oh are these friends of yours Emily?" Not knowing anything he casually said that and she didn't get to say anything as BBB 1 spoke for her.

"Yeah loser, and I'm her boyfriend so if you know what's good for you piss off" BBB 1

Saying that he looked down on Hiro and threatened him, but as he did, Hiro glanced at them and looked mildly distracted.

But then he looked at the main guy,

"Oh really? Wow. That's good to hear actually, I never thought Emily would ever make friends more or less a boyfriend~" Hiro

Hearing him say that Emily glanced at him from the side of her view and as he had a smile on his face, Hiro got up and extended his hands out to BBB 1 who had been confused just like the rest of them as he just threatened this idiot?

But then again, he was an idiot, and that was all to him, or else he wouldn't be sitting next to Emily.

Extending his hand out to Hiro's, he grabbed Hiro's hand as if this was a greeting and they were going to shake on it, however, instead of shaking, BBB 1 squeezed, really really fucking hard.

And as he squeezed Hiro felt it and his eyes broadened as the man was trying to bring him to his knees and make him beg for his stupidity,

And as it looked like Hiro was falling weaker to this man, he then stood straight up.

He was not about to kneel in front of a man,

"You have a good grip, your strong, in like that" Hiro

But then he turned his head to Emily and with a frown he mouthed,

"Your boyfriend is weak, you should dump him" Hiro mouthed

And Emily just looked at him blank-faced as she knew this idiot was just fucking with them, she was even fooled for a moment or 2 until he just stood the hell up and mouthed that to her.

Looking back to the guy he stopped pretending as he was getting bored of them.

"You're not actually her friends, are you? You're her bullies" Hiro

He said but right before the guy could say anything, he flexibly threw his foot up and kicked BBB 1 in the face and knocked him to his ass.

And before anyone could react he stopped forward twice and then stomped BBB 1's face knocking him out and bloodying his nose.

"I hate people like you... Now, what should I do with you... Hm... I guess I should kill you for mocking Emily with your presence" Hiro

He then looked to the other 2 and with a cold gaze he then said,

"I change my mind, I'll kill all 3 of you" Hiro

But as soon as he said that, Emily walked past them and as she got in front of him she slapped him,

"You dumbass how dare you to hurt my boyfriend! Do anything else and I'll make sure you get sent back to jail and rot for good!" Her voice was too emotional and too unlike her.

Looking down at her his expression turned into confusion as he didn't get why she was defending them, they were her bullies and he thought that was obvious?

Or were they???

She started screaming at him in their defense and as it caused a commotion. But he was still wondering why the hell she was defending them?

He understood that she had a role and she wasn't supposed to break character, or at least she was supposed to keep her identity hidden without anyone finding out who she actually was, but she was taking it too far.

No, he was naive for thinking that, because she had been taken too far since she got here, and even now before he came back, every day she took it too far.

She then raised her hat to hit him again, but as she did, he grabbed her wrist and as he looked down at her, he was ticked off now, he didn't like how far she was taking her acting.

"Don't you dare say another word to me. Raise your hand and I'll raise mine in return. So watch your back because your shit has gone too far and I'm not backing a coward who can't even stand up for herself" Hiro

Saying what he felt, he threw her arm down and walked away, but as he did, he turned back to face her and as he saw her expression shift for a second, and then back to angry, he clicked his tongue.

"Forget what I said earlier, if you want help ask someone else. You and I have nothing to do with each other anymore" Hiro

Leaving the classroom Emily just stood there and instead of rethinking to her choices, she turned around and started helping the people who harassed her.

And she gained some respect from them for it, but at the same time, she lost her partner in her mission.

* * *

Returning to his homeroom as it was empty since Zoe has only taught during her 1st and 4th class period. He saw that there was a new desk and Zoe was sitting in it as she had a bandage around her thigh.

And as he walked in she jolted as she looked at him entering from her side of the room, which was the front of the room.

Starting at him intimidated by what he might do, their eyes crossed paths, but then he looked away as he walked to the 3rd row and sat at the desk next to Remi's, exactly where Sebastian sat.

And as he sat down the both of them stayed in that room quietly and awkwardly as no words were exchanged, only a look of hesitation and another of hate as he hated her so much more than he had previously had...

Because this hate was personal.





"Zoe" Hiro

Hearing the sound of his voice she looked towards him and slightly ducked behind her desk as she was stripped of her staff and completely defenses.

"W-EW-Waht is it?..." Zoe

Looking down at her he was very aggravated and she could see that in his eyes. And she could already guess what he was going to say, he was going to say, I hate you, I will kill you, go kill yourself you stupid bitch, or something worst like mocking her people or something hateful and mean.

"You look like shit dragged through the mud, go to the infirmary and take a nap" Hiro

"Huh?" Zoe