The Shackled Slayer [Pt.4]

As the class had started to fill with students, Sebastian sat next to Hiro as that was apart of their conditions to learn [Take Appearance], and as everyone got to class none of them had noticed Zoe wasn't there.

Zoe was currently in the Infirmary taking a nap after taking some meds from the nurse. She actually had listened to Hiro. However, he never explained why he told her to go and he wasn't going to tell her why.

* * * * *

Seeing Hiro as she entered the room, Remi ran over to him with a slight build-up of tears in her eyes as he was free and he wasn't in that horrid place anymore, he was finally back.

Rushing past everyone, and even ignoring Sebastian as he sat next to him, she grabbed Hiro's head and buried it in her breast, surprising all of them in that area.

"Remi what are you doing!" One of them had said as they shot up, but she didn't listen as she smothered him.

"Hiro, your back, you're really back!" Remi

But as she said that, Peter who was on the other side of the room and hadn't seen Hiro, heard her say that and as he saw them, his face turned blank as he balled his fist and walked down the row to where they both were.

"Remi lemme go, I can breath!" Hiro

Walking up to them, he stood behind Hiro and as he raised his fist, he bonked Hiro on the head surprising the both of them as he then embraced Hiro.

And unlike her or the others who were glad he was back. Peter was the happiest to see him as tears of joy ran down his face as he practically pushed Remi away and took the spot of her.

"Seriously! I can't breathe! Stop smothering me!" Hiro the smothered

That afternoon was just him being bombarded by his close friends and afterward, despite him still being angry because of Emily, he stood in front of them and deeply bowed as he apologized for 2 months ago.

Some weren't as forgiving as others as they still needed a bit more time. However, all his close friends took his apology without hesitation as they ruffled him up and passed him around glad he was finally back and safe now. . .

Until. . .Until they looked down to see that he was shackled, he didn't even know why they were still on him because Sydney never explained anything to him, but from what he could tell, and what Sanibel who was with them said,

He was still a prisoner, and this was his only outside freedom,

Which sucked like hell, meaning he was going to needed to hurry up and master that spell quickly, or else his life as far as he knows it is going to be very stressful,

Especially since he was an incubus, and they need to eat every 5 days, and because he can't consume that Unknown Black Energy anymore, today starts his countdown.

However this is his first time having such a low hunger as an incubus, so he doesn't know how long he can last.

Maybe to the end of the week? In 3 days, or even by the end of today, to where he can't resist feeding.

He didn't know.

* * *

After an eventful afternoon and a jealous Chloe as he was with them and not next to her as she was stuck with Emily sitting next to her again.

Sydney finally found out he woke up and when she went looking for him, she got a report that he struck a student, but he didn't try to escape and he attended his classes like supposed to.

However, hitting that guy plus attacking Zoe this morning meant more than enough for a serious punishment which she was deciding on as she entered Zoe's classroom and observed from the back corner.

"Okay guys, so thanks to... 2 months ago. Zoe had told us that our supposed mission was pushed back to what I hope is this summer. Meaning we still have time to prepare, we have more time to train and work on our struggles and survival" Peter

Listening to Him as the main OG group were all sitting at a single table with chairs pulled up all around,

"Wait but Hiro can't join us? He won't be able to train with us after school" Sebastian

"If he's a good boy then they might just let him stay an extra few minutes or more like a half-hour after school to "participate" in-class activities" Zarifall suggested.

"I am good, your all just antagonizing..." Hiro pouted

"Says the one who used their weird tail to stab the teacher" Zarifall

'Wait where even is she?'

"It's not weird!" Hiro

"I find it cute?" Remi

"I think it looks badass" Tina

"Agreed," Peter said and the others agreed as the scale-like textures were like armor and the tip was a weapon.

"I wonder if he can feel anything if we touch it?" Sebastian

"Touch it and I'll bite you!" Hiro

"How kinky~" Tina

"Shut up! Stop talking about my tail, you weirdos!" Hiro

"I guess you really are a hot-headed lizard?" Zarifall

"Shut up, you're literally just a puddle" Zarifall

"The fuck you just say! Trying to throw hands oh wait yours are bound!"

Growling at each other, Sebastian and Peter held the 2 back and they continued their talk.

"Anyways~ Hiro is a strong Mage so if you could we'd appreciate any tips, pointers, and or spells you could give us" Tina

"Can we not talk about me? Why don't you talk to Zarifall about it, she's a stronger than me in magic" Hiro

Looking over to Zarifall they gasped as they had no clue this entire time,

"So what if I am lizard breath? You know fire magic? Teach them that" Zarifall

"I don't feel like seeing my friends die, "MY" fire magic was taught to me by my clan, it's hard to master, and unless you die, you'll end up as insane as my sister" Hiro

Looking over to Mari as she was sitting in the back talking to Isabell, they then looked back to Hiro,

"She's not insane?" Peter

"Ehh, it's debatable" Hiro

"Either way the answer is a hard no, my fire magic isn't the same as traditional fire magic and I doubt any of you have the affinity to use it" Hiro

"Is it because you're a Sorcerer?" Tina

Hearing Tina says that both Zarifall and Hiro flickered and paused and just looked at each other. She looked at him like "you told her!" and the look in his eyes said to her "did you tell her!" and the both of them both mentally agreed that neither of them told her.

The others who heard them looked at Hiro and Tina asking,

"What's a Sorcerer?" half of them

And Hiro lost his shit as he started sweating and panicking.

"Yeah and I'm also a demon known as an incubus..."

He didn't mean to say that! He just said it without thinking!

"Demon? Incubus?" Everyone

Shaking his head as Zarfiall was like "I don't know what that is either, but shut the fuck up you're going to bury us! Let me talk! I got this!" and she opened her mouth to save his ass, but then he spoke.

"Yeah! Sorcerer! It's my class of skills! I practice the art of magic called Sorcery! It's just like magic but more magic and less material requirement to use spells!"

Trying to save his own ass he was struggling hard as this could be the day his clan branch was exposed... But then as the others looked at him suspiciously, Remi clapt her hands together.

"Oh, so it's like when Sensei Zoe used some materials to teach us about support magic, so instead of mastering, or using a few materials to activate the spell, you can just use a lot of mana to active it" Remi

Holy fucking shit Remi you an idiot witch-hunter and a life savor.

Hearing her say that he vastly nodded his head,

"Exactly! However, the only downfall is we use too much magic in our spells to active it and bla bla bla bla bla"

He started rambling which threw them off as it was magic talk and they barely understood the magic theory, so they barely understood him now.

Ignoring him,

"Anyways that was a bust, Zarifall–"

"sign. You're all hopeless, you can't rely on magic for everything, none of you even have 100 points of magic? So I doubt I could teach you any of my spells other than a simple mana spell which you already know called [Mana Blast], which I suggest you try to master on your own" Zarifall

The process of learning magic from them was a so they had to change the topic to physical training and ways to make it harder but also increase their strength, speed, and dexterity faster and more accurately.

And as they were doing that and Hiro was still uttering words in the form of a panicked rant which they still couldn't understand,

Remi got up and walked around the table with her chair, putting it next to him and just adoring his little rant about magic for a few moments while they disgust their strategies and fluff.

She found his ranting adorable and if Derek was here and not on a mission, she knew he would be so upset at the moment, but she didn't care, she was happy right now and no one was taking it away from her.



Hiro finally gained a bit of awareness and as he saw that they were doing something else as he was just talking to himself now, he stopped talking and sighed in relief as that meant they bought it.

But then he noticed to his left Remi was there and as she had her elbows against the table/desk and her face held by her palms just looking and listening to him, he got a bit flustered as she stared at him with a cute smile.

"W-What is it?" Hiro

"Oh nothing~ I'm just listening to you talk about the hargarian theory of mana passages and flow, so you can continue" Remi

Hearing that she had actually been paying attention and knew what he was talking about, he was surprised, but then got flustered as she kept looking at him like that...

However, his heart skipped a beat as she was the first one to actually know what he was talking about and listen to it,

So he continued.

And as he did and many moments passed as he looked at her and personally explained it for the hell of it, he couldn't help but blush by the end of it as she asked questions and even told him her own theory of it which she had now learned from him.

And he was all jumbled up as this woman who I hate with every fiber of my being was making him light-hearted and happy.

* * *

As the end of the class came near and he finished with her talking to him about it, he was finally happy again and as the others had set a plan and told them about it.

Once the bell rang, Sydney walked up to him ad grabbed him by the back of the shirt collar,

"Time to go back to your cell, prisoner" Sydney

Hearing her say that the others looked discouraged, and right before they were about to leave and go into a personal vehicle to travel to headquarters,

Peter walked up to them and with a serious expression he asked Sydney a question which he got a reasonable but unfortunate answer to and then he patted Hiro's back and they all wished him a farewell until tomorrow.

The question he asked was when was Hiro's freedom was going to be extended to let's say at least a half-hour after classes, and she told him that it may never happen.

To which was hella discouraging, but he wasn't going to argue with her.

Afterwards, Hiro left the university and return to the mini jail, to where he spent an hour being physically punished by Sydney for his 2 bad actions which she was expected him not to make again after thoroughly beating him.

* * *The next day* * *

The next day was the 15th and when he woke up he could feel it, his hunger, it was strong and it was like he was malnourished throughout the whole day. It was tough, his phallus throbbed all day and the entire time his throat was parched and there was nothing Sebastian or anyone could do to help.

That same day Emily had received a vibrator from Tina too, yes, he was a man of his word, and through he disliked her, he couldn't handle that smell from her as she was in all his classes.

And yet, yet she smelled even stronger in his later classes as if she was having sex between each class with many men and it disgusted him so bad that he threw up in his 4th class and every time she tried to sit next to him in his other classes, he moved away from her to where she was then forced to sit with other guys and girls she didn't like.

* * *The Next Day* * *

Waking up he couldn't take it, it was too strong, his lust, it was influencing his mind and he couldn't even desperately call out Marcilina as she requested he didn't summon her for a while 2 months ago because she was tired and needed to sleep to recover her energy since he didn't feed her and she didn't have enough energy to materialize to eat from him.

So that only meant today he needed to feed, and he didn't even think about trying Sydney because she was flat-chested and had no ass, she was practically a guy,

So he needed to find someone, and he needed them badly.