The Deal, Ero In Exchange For Support

Following another strong scent, this time it wasn't that of an in-heat beastfolk, this one was as pure as light and it was driving him crazy.

It was as if his Incubus nature kicked all thought out of the way and grabbed the steering wheel to his mind as it was like "Follow that scent! We need to have it! Don't fuck up this time!" and so he followed it.

Strolling down the hallway as he was curiously looking around for who gave off the scent as the smell is getting stronger.

"Hey, what are you doing out here, get back class now," A slayer Guard said approaching Hiro.

Turning to the Slayer Guard as he walked up to Hiro, Hiro turned to him and asked,

"Um... I don't remember where the restroom is? Do you know where I can find it?" Hiro

And as he said that the slayer looked to him suspiciously but then sighed as it was just some stupid kid who probably had to take a dump.

"There's one 4 hallway's down, it's to the left. Go straight to class after your done" Saying that he turned back around to go back to the doors, and as he walked away, Hiro respectfully mid-bowed.

"Arigatogozimasu" Hiro

Continuing his travel down the hallway, it was closer, and as he hummed he could hear the sounds of strong feminine voices down the hallway to the left of him.

Looking to his left as it was down a blocked-off hall which was halfway down to the restrooms, he walked into that blocked-off area, and as he stepped past the in construction sign, he walked down it.

Walking down the hall he heard a few voices shit-talking and as he got to the end of the hallway, he heard the voices around the corner to a dead-end area and as he just walked around it without being stealthy.

He saw 3 iron wolf gang girls ganging up against one girl as she was hit down to her butt and being kicked by them as they were laughing and mocking her.

Calling her ugly, disgusting, fat, piggy, and other stuff as they brutally attacked her, he didn't understand why they were going that? But he didn't care as with a malicious grin, he was about to use his 2 newer Incubus abilities/skills to turn this all around and turn it into an orgy just like how his goblin-like mind wanted it to be.

But as he stepped down the hallway towards them, the scent he was looking for was very strong around here, and as he paused and looked down there to the chubby girl they were beating up, he could sense it now. . .It was her... She was the one who he was searching for.

She's the one with the scent of light.

With an ecstatic expression on his face as he was practically drooling now, it smelled so delicious and pure that he wanted to take her then and there.

But he had an issue, there were vermin in his way and they were in between him and his delicious meal.

[Nightmare eyes] With his eyes flickering pitch black and scarlet, his tail hit the ground causing a thud and as the others didn't hear it, they wish they should have as he kicked the ground and dashed at them.

Hearing the sound of running they all finally turned around but it was too late as he jumped in the air over the middle girl and as he put his hands up, her neck was caught in his shackles,

As he was about to hit the wall which the chubby girl was being beaten against, he twisted and kicked off of it. Using the middle girl as a grapple as he kicked the girl to her right, and then twisted again, hitting his foot against the ground as he landed and then he performed a double takedown and flung her into the wall and onto a water fountain which her body collided with and broke it.

As for the 3rd girl, he didn't spare her as he ran up to her and before she could threaten him with her gang's status, he drop-kicked her into the wall.

Getting up as he was on the ground from that attack, so did the other 2, other than the one who hit the water fountain, and as the 3 of them were all up.

"Do you have any idea who you're messing with you bastard, we the iron wolves will hunt you down and beat you to a bloody pulp for this!" The Iron Wolf Gang Girl 1 yelled.

"You picked the wrong day to lose your life you coward, because your dead!" IWGG 2

As the 2 of them fully got up and raised their fist, Hiro grinned as he heard those words.

"Oh, so forget making you into my toy, I guess I'll just have to kill the both of you then, hahaha" Hiro

Hearing a psychotic laugh they looked to Him and as they saw a shackled humanoid, they flinched as it was none other than Hiro The Traitor.

"It's the traitor..." IWGG 1

"Who?" IWGG 2

"Aragrid, it's the one who killed the 29 Slayers in cold blood 2 months ago" IWGG 1

"That's him?" IWGG 2

Starring at him with open eyes as it was one of the people the 5 Iron Wolves told their lower members to avoid contact with. They both stepped back and IWGG 1 was fidgeting as she suddenly bowed,

"We apologize for the misunderstanding, we didn't know that this pig was who you were tormenting" IWGG 1

"What are you doing!" IWGG 2 whisper yelled over to her and she hit the girl over the head and forced her to bow as well,

"I'm trying to save our lives dumbass!" She whisper yelled back to her and Hiro was amused by the both of them as he grinned and crossed his arms.

They both started silently yelling back and forth as one detested against this.

As they were doing that he was so amused that he was going to let them bicker with each other before killing them, and while that was going on he then turned around and looked at the chubby girl who he was targeting.

However he was in such a good mood that he was going to postpone what he was previously going to do,

So as he looked down to the chubby girl with Hazel hair and blue eyes,

"You can go now dear, they won't hurt you, if they ever do come and find me and I'll take care of them" Hiro

Hearing him say that she weakly looked up as she was hurting all over for being hit all over, and as she saw a handsome young man with a deviant but hot face, she was scared, but relentlessly, she heard his kind words and she let out a sobbing breath as she silently wept before saying,

"T-T-Thank y-y-you" the girl was terrified of him as she looked into his eyes, and as he saw that, they flickered and the pitch-black turned white while the scarlet became less bloody and of a normalish red.

"No need to be scared, I won't hurt you" As the other 2 were fighting and discussing their next moves, Hiro was just chatting with her as he saw her as adorable and he just wanted to make a move, but he resisted as he had... Let's say a long-term incubus moment.

"I-I'm n-not s-scared" Unknown

But as she said that he chucked as he extended his hands to her,

"Come on I'll help you up so you can get to class" Hiro

Looking at his shackled hands, she was hesitant as she was now very wary of him, but as she looked at his benevolent expression, she reached out and grabbed his hands.

And as she did, she was fucking freaking out on the inside as she looked at him again, but as her breathing was super heavy, she swallowed and he easily helped her up to her feet.

"Now go to class, I'll teach these bullies a lesson, kay~" Saying that with a sweet and idiotic smile, she flushed,

"Oh and I'm Hiro Natsu by the way, I hope to see you around"

"I-I'm M-Mallory Kuron, um, t-thank y-you again for helping me " Saying that timidly as she looked down, he then stepped back and turned to let her by, and as she saw that, she quickly walked away.

Watching her walk away he found his chest tightening up and he could feel his heart racing as that was exciting,

'Mallory Kuron huh? Interesting~'

Now looking over to the 2 who were still bickering with each other, he stepped over to them, and as they receded as he was in front of them, they started sweating.

"Now, what should I do with the 2 of you?" Hiro

Hearing him say that, they gulped and as he saw them both still bowing, he chuckled as he thought about something rather delicious,

"Now that I think about it I don't want to offend Zora?"

'But at the same time, I really do'

"If you let us go we won't ever bother you, no one has to know about this and we'll never torment that girl again" IWGG 1

"No, I can't do that" Hiro

"Why the hell not you snuck attacked us you motherfucker!" IWGG 2

As she yelled that he grinned and then said,

"You have guts, I like that~ How strong are the both of you?" Hiro

Hearing that he liked her guts, IWGG 1 was relieved and said,

"Were both Rank 1 fighters" IWGG 1

Hearing that he rubbed his chin and then said,

"How about we make a trade? Oh and don't worry I won't kill any of you, if I did my own life would be on the stand" Hiro

Hearing that they were both relieved, but at the same time a vein popped on IWGG 2 and she stood up and yelled at him,

"No shit Sherlock, murder is murder you dumb fuck!"

"Calm down Aragrid!" IWGG 1 yelled in return for her fussing.

But as she did and IWGG 2 was complaint a lot without care, IWGG 1 turned to him as he mentioned something that interested her before IWGG 2's outburst,

"You mentioned a trade? What do you mean by that?" IWGG 1

She was interested and that meant he didn't need to do what he had planned for them.

"I was going to say become my pets, but you're too weak for my taste"

"So we're not good enough you shit fucking brain dead psycho!" IWGG 2 was missing the point, and she would rather argue than realize what he just said,

"So how about this, give me some of your time and I'll work with your iron wolf gang. To let's say weaken the competition for you guys... Girls" Hiro

Hearing that she instantly thought about the pros and cons to it as she was the smart one of her friend group and the other girl was the pain in the ass, and as she had thought about what he said, she looked at him and if he could take them down while shackled, she was wondering what he could do if he was free from that restraint.

Plus he was the traitor, if he backstabbed them they could rat him out to the chairman of the Slayers and get him sent back to jail. Even now they could do it, but then again she heard what he did the other day to that one guy of the Black Bullet gang and they didn't seem to care if he hurt the members who were in gangs, and that included hers.

But then as she thought about it, she paused as he said pet? He was going to originally make them into his pet and she didn't know what he meant by that?

Was he trying to form his own gang? Was that what he meant?

"Wait before I answer, what did you mean by pet?" IWGG 1

"Are you even listening to me! Let's just kick his ass since he's so fucking arrogant!" IWGG 2

"It's just a kinky–" Hiro

"Ahhh I get it! Don't say anymore!" She instantly started blushing as he meant that sexy slave and master fluff!

"How can someone with 29 kills be such a pervert?..." She uttered under her breath, but he heard her.

And as he did her said passionately innocent,

"I'm a cursed human as you tell by my tail and once I think a week I get super horny" Hiro

Clenching their eyes at him as he said that, IWGG 1 then said,

"How horny?" IWGG 1

"Right now I just want to *Bleep* *Bleep* *Bleep* and *Bleep* the both of you~!" he said boldly but innocently as he just got it off his chest.

Not expecting that the both of them deeply blushed and IWGG 2 yelled,

"I'm not giving you my virginity!" and the other one looked at her stunned "your a virgin?" she said and he chuckled,

"What a treat~" Hiro

"Say that again and I'll kick your ass!" IWGG 2

"What a treat~," Hiro said again.

Teasing her as he said it again she stepped forward and as she had her fist balled, she threw a punch at him but then he caught her hand and she was stunned as he did it so easily.

"I take it back, become my pet and I'll make sure you become powerful, girly" saying he might teach her a thing or 2.

She clenched her teeth and as she was about to hit him with her other hand as she knew he couldn't block it, the other girl grabbed her hand and sighed as these 2 were troublesome.

"Stop antagonizing us you pervert, just tell us to tell us the offer from the trade"

Not letting go of IWGG 2's fist, he proceeded to say,

"Oh that's simple, the iron wolf gang is ranked top 10 amongst local gangs, and for some of your time I'll help you to raise your rank, whether it is through sabotage, or fighting their gang by myself" Hiro

"So... what? You want to go on a date and in exchange, you'll help fight our enemies? Also were the 9th ranked gang, not 10th" IWGG 1

"I was thinking more of a love hotel and wine" Hiro

"So what you want is sex in exchange? You filthy dog" IWGG 1

"There no way I'm sleeping with this scumbag even if it's for the sakes of our gang! I don't care if he's hot or not! He's a pervert and he was about to kill us a few moments ago" IWGG 2

"I was... But not anymore" Hiro

"You were! My point exactly!" IWGG 2

Deeply sighing as she looked at the 2 of them, she thought about it as IWGG 2 started arguing at him.

"Pervert, unhand me or I'll kick your ass, ha I bet you'd like that too! Your a masochist aren't you!" IWGG 2

"You can try but I make no promises of what would happen next," He said deviously and it was seriously pissing her off.

"Fine I accept your offer, but you have to keep the end of the bargain or else–" IWGG 1

"You'll report me to the Slayers or someone else right?" Hiro

"Exactly?" IWGG 1

Why she agreed to this wasn't exactly for her gang's benefit, she honestly had other motives to this like how she knew he was a magic-user.

"You're not going to sleep with this fucker are you!?" IWGG 2

But as she yelled that the other girl nodded, but she wasn't about to let him take away her best friend just like that, she wasn't going to let him turn her into someone in which he could dick around with and use whenever he wanted.

"Fuck you! If your taking her then your also taking me as apart of the deal! I'll take half of whatever you have planned for her and if you dare hurt her I'll make you wish that you were killed by the Slayers!"

Saying that IWGG 1 was baffled by her, but it bright a slight smile to her face as she then looked at him and said,

"One more condition, you mentioned a way to get stronger? We both want to know how as well" IWGG 1

"Okay" He agreed

She didn't know why... But she was somehow excited? She wasn't fully on board with the whole in exchange for power fluff and fuck thing. But she was now thinking about sex and she didn't mind doing it with him?

For some odd reason, she also didn't hate or dislike him? She barely even feared him after hearing that he wouldn't kill her? It was so strange? But for some reason she was actually comfortable around him right now? And though she didn't know how she felt about being pipped,

It gave her some strange thoughts?

And now she strangely thought... What did a dick even look like? And why was everyone around her age so obsessed with it.

"C-... Can I see your dick?" IWGG 1

"Bitch are you crazy!" IWGG 1