The 2 Iron Wolf Gang Pups And A Quarter Complete Incubus~♡(R-19)

'What the hell is wrong with Sona? How could she even think about that? It's disgusting! And why is she acting like one of those filthy humanoid animals!!!'

IWGG 2 thought to herself as she was blushing and looking away as IWGG 1 was fiddling his dick or whatever. She didn't care and thought it was disgusting even thinking about it.

And she also thought that her best friend Sona was disgusting to even be thinking about a male "member" more or less wanting to see it.

Anyways, she's a hardcore bitch and she's dated many men, so why the hell was she so curious about it? Was she trying to look at his size to see if it was bigger or smaller than her ex's or something?

She didn't get it and she didn't care, all she knew was she was going to "not like it" and just try and "tire him out" until he left them alone and did as he promised to make them stronger.

After all, she heard men usually get tired after a minute of good... ... ...Holy shit she forgot they were talking about sex.

She variously shook her head as that fucker had to put his dick inside of her!

There was no way she was going to let that happen and she didn't care if she died! There was no way she was going to have sex!!!

But then as she thought about it! Sona was going to be subjugated to all of what that pervert had planned and she couldn't let that happen!

She had to protect her weaker friend from that dog! So she didn't care anymore! She didn't care if she was going to be poked for a few moments!

As long as she didn't have to see her friend dressing up as a dog and wear a collar and do embarrassing stuff, she was going to be there for her 109%!

Looking over to Sona she looked at her beautiful raven black hair in a tight bun, and then to her beautiful figure as she was on her knees and–

She was sucking his meat pipe!

"Noonononono! What the hell are you doing! You said you were going to have sex not embarrass Sona by forcing her to suck your filthy smelly cock!" Aragrid yelled

But as she yelled that and a sliver of saliva dripped down Sona's mouth as she took it out, she looked to Aragrid confused. But then she chuckled.

"Don't worry he's not forcing me to do anything, I'm actually trying to beat him. If I can bully this meat thang then I'll be the victor!" she said swallowing her words as her mouth was slathered in cock mixed saliva.

But on the inside, she was sighing as 'Just let me enjoy this... Please' she stuck her tongue out rubbing the tip of his gland as she looked up to see his lewd expression. And she inner smiled as that meant she was doing good.

"Oh, what's this? Are you almost ready to call it quits? But we just started? Try to keep it in and not blow it when such a beautiful young lady just got on her knees to suck you off" She teased as she was checking off stuff from her bucket list right now.

But Aragrid didn't believe this and as she stepped over to them, she grabbed Hiro by the shirt collar and as she did, he stumbled forward, his hands grabbed Sona's head for balance support and his cock gradually and unintentionally trusted deep into her mouth making her gag as it hit the uvula.

Aragrid started arguing as she didn't believe Sona for a second, and as she was arguing Sona tried taking his dick out of her mouth. But because of Aragrid it was intensely shoved back in. Her mouth was being violated and she couldn't take it as it was in a single moment that thrust, thrust, and thrust came into play, and she was losing herself to the dick as she had to hold her breath as she kept taking dick down her throat.

After many seconds of mouth violation and Hiro verbally fighting back making his cock thrust more intense as no one was paying any attention to her. She literally couldn't breathe, she was at her last draw and if she had to deal with this for less than 10 more seconds, she was literally going to pass out.

Not able to do this anymore as her head was ringing and she was on the verge of passing out, Sona tapped on the both of their legs, but as she did and the both of them were arguing, Aragrid didn't even look down at her as she then said as she felt Sona's taps.

"Stop lying to me! Sona don't try and stop me!" But as she said that thinking that she was toughing on her pants for what happened before, Hiro who now looked down heeding chuckled

"You know... I don't think now is the best time to be arguing with me? Your friend here kinda needs to breath" Hiro

"Breath my ass! What needs to happen is–" But as she said that, Sona flipped her skirt up showing them both her cute striped panties.

She was caught off guard and as her face flushed in embarrassment, "Sona!" she yelled and pushed down on her skirt as she couldn't believe that girl actually did that to her.

As she let go of Hiro, Hiro pressed Sona's head away to finally let her breathe.

And as he did, all the saliva in her mouth that had built up from the many movements/thrusting just spilled on the floor and down her chin and throat.

Coughing as that was way too much for her to handle and she damn near passed out, Aragrid who looked down at her embarrassed saw all that saliva that was flooding down her mouth and her coughing and this made her instantly mad at Hiro as he did something to her when she wasn't looking. Despite it actually being more or less her fault. She was still pissed off at him!

About to argue and go on the defensive as she hated how he treated her friend Sona, Sona looked up at her horribly and as she didn't wipe away all the spit running down her mouth, she grabbed Aragrid's shirt,

"Bitch!" Sona

Forcefully pulling her down to her and onto her knees, Aragrid was surprised, and then she was surprised even more as she saw how pissed Sona was.

Sona then looked up at Hiro in the same manner and as she grabbed his shackles, she did the same dragging him down to his knees and grabbing the both of them by their shirt collars.

"Listen here... You motherfuckers..."

Panting hard as she had just had to hold her breath while taking dick down her throat, she scared Aragrid and as for Hiro, he found her face being sloppy kinda nice to see.

His point of view wasn't rational as he was a quarter complete incubus just experimenting.

Looking at the both of them equally as pissed off as it was both their faults. He could of let go. And she could have believed her,

She then let go of Hiro as she knew he was in it for the sex so he wasn't going to run away... Probably?

But as for Aragrid, she gripped that bitch even tighter as she moved her hand down to her own skirt and unzipped it, pulling it off, and then finally sitting on her butt as she had been on her knees this entire time.

But she didn't do all of that for nothing, it's not like she just wanted to give it a breather down there too,

She tilted back with Aragrid in one hand and looking daggers into Hiro, and she spread her legs,

"You motherfuckers better work wonders or I'll seriously kick your fucking assess black and blue. I'll also bite off your dick you fucker!"

Angry at them, Aragrid didn't know what to do as she was so against dick... But pussy?... She didn't know if she was into that either? She never even touched herself, more or less another girl, so she didn't know how she felt about this.

But Sona was super angry...

And Sona was scary when angry...

But then as Aragrid closed her eyes and tried debating on what to actually do, Sona was surprised and not by her.

She was instantly stunned as she saw him sexily lick his lips and it was as if a ♡ formed above his head.

Not knowing what was going on in his head at the moment the both of them were then bewildered as they heard him say, "I don't ever give services, but I like your filthy mouth~" right before he pressed his tongue against her inner thigh.

Which had surprised the both of them as he slowly and seductively brushed closer to her coochi.

Gripping Aragrid's shirt collar even tighter as she/Sona watched with anticipation as this had to be the hottest shit she's ever experienced.

Aragrid was perplexed as wasn't it supposed to be him forcing her to do naughty stuff? Not the other way around???

She didn't get it and as she watched with great interest as she was mainly confused. His tongue slathered even closer.

And as he got in between her legs, he nuzzled her panties right before kissing the part which wasn't even her pussy. But that didn't matter as it still got the both of them turned on as he then savored the moment by slowly teasing her pussy and going deep to leaving a mixed wet stain right where her slit was.

With his breath tickling her down there, he pressed up while on his knees,

Licking his lips as there was a taste of her juice on his bottom lip from behind her panties, she could feel her chest tighten, and as this was shocking for Aragrid as he just gave Sona clothes on oral.

Their eyes widened as he pushed more off the ground and then went over to Agagrid, taking advantage of her being stunned to steal a kiss and completely ruin Sona as she watched this.

She wasn't even pissed anymore, her chest throbbed, her body slightly warmed up, and her pussy ached as it was just nuzzled her, and now she was watching as this hot guy who just touched her pussy through the cloth with those lips just kissed her best friend.

Confused by whatever this was, Aragrid was? He tilted away and with a literal ♡ above his head which wasn't actually there but they felt like it was. But then his tail moved pushing the back of her head, making her lean forward,

"Your turn, I don't want to hog all fun~," He said and she looked at him with murderous eyes as she wasn't going to do this, she wasn't going to touch any nasty pussy especially eat out her best friend. And he saw it in her eyes, but that only made him mischievously smirk,

Looking at her hateful face, he then mouthed, "play with either me or her, you choose " and as she gulped, she mouthed back "go kill yourself" but then she chose one as she wasn't about to touch his dick and she regretfully chose her best friends pussy.

However, she didn't know what to do as she wasn't a lesbian and she's never masturbated so she didn't know where any of the good points were?

Looking up as she saw Sona waiting patiently but the look on her face also said "hurry the fuck up or I'll kick your ass into pound cake" she gulped and awkwardly went in, opening her mouth and pressing her lips onto Sona's panties.

She had no idea what to fucking do? And as she tried mimicking what that bastard Hiro the traitor did, she awkwardly licked her panties where there was a little wet spot was and she hoped to the best of her abilities that it made Sona feel good.

And as she did she heard a muffled groan and that was Sona's voice, it was so good that it was better than Hiro's, and that meant she did better and needed to do it more.

Little did she know, as she was doing that which made Sona feel nothing, Hiro crawled away, and as Sona got mad and grabbed his shackle again as he crawled in her direction,

He silently mouthed "Shhhhh" and as she held his shackle, he went over to her upper body and,


He pressed his lips against her making her squeal, she thought he was running away but that clearly wasn't the case or maybe it was? But he was fucking her over emotionally and her heart couldn't take it as she squirmed a bit.

But then as she got a bit quieter, he whispered,

"I saw the way you were looking at us kiss, you want to try it too right?"

She deeply blushed and covered her mouth in shock as she didn't expect this... But then after a shallow gulp and a heart pump, she nodded her head and he slowly savored her as he pressed his lips against hers and made a slow advancement on her as he kissed her.

And as for Aragrid,

As she was trying her damn best to lick pussy through the clothes, she tried to be more intimate with it as she buried her face into Sona's crotch.

She didn't want to but had to, and so as she nuzzled her nose against Sona's clit, which was effective as that was the only thing that girl could feel from her doing this, Aragrid felt how soft Sona's pussy lips were,

So she decided to target the left lip as she refused to make any actual raw contact.

Awkwardly nibbling on it with her lips through the plain white panties, she was unable to get Sona wet with lewd juices, but instead, she wet Sona's panties with her saliva as her mouth was currently overflowing with a large build-up,

But, despite her unskilled technique, Sona got wet and she could taste her bitterness in the fabric, but it wasn't because of her. It was because of him.

As Hiro took his time savoring every press, she grabbed his face and they slowly kissed. She then crossed her legs around Aragrid's head an buried her face into her crotch which made her feel a lot more as she was now actually in there.

The double sensation was getting to her and as she crossed out 3 more things on her bucket list which was,

1. Passionately kiss a hot guy without him being too assertive and trying to rush things to get sex,

2. Kiss someone while having my pussy eaten,

3. Have a threesome with my best friend Airy/Aragrid,

They were crossed off in her mind as those 3 were going to happen and were happening as her lewd fantasies were coming to life,




Minutes went by and as it was hot down there and Aragrid could barely breathe and all she could smell was sweaty pussy. Sona gripped his hair tingly as she suddenly came, wetting Aragrid's face with her honey.

Squeezing Aragrid with her thighs as she arched and stuck her tongue out, Hiro went for it and licked her tongue, taking it in, and sucking on it all the way as he was... uh... still experimenting and gaining Exp for his Ero skills.

Which he was almost there to develop a mouth Ero skill and level it up!

However, suffocating Aragrid, Aragrid tapped Sona's outer thigh repeatedly and Sona wasn't responding because of SOMEONE on her tongue, and Aragrid's face and breath tickling her pussy.

So it looked as if she was just going to have to suffocate down there.

But then coming to the rescue as Hiro stopped and crawled over Sona and making this into the 69 positions, he spread her legs freeing Aragrid,

And as she was thankful as she thought that Sona was done punishing her as her face was wet with nasty pussy juice.

He grappled his hand around Aragrid's short brown hair, and as he saw her gorgeous face covered in delicious honey, he surprised her as he licked her cheek like a dog, tasting and savoring her honey as he was... Incubusing better than that fucker Sebastian who wouldn't ever do this.

Making Aragrid blush as this was so weird, she didn't stop this as she was truly catching her breath and couldn't stop him.

"You're... So... Weird..." Aragrid said as she knew it was him despite not being able to open her eyes.

But as it was weird for her, and she could now weakly move her arms, she moved them up to his shirt about to push him away when she slightly opened her eyes to see what looked like a mix of Pink Scarlet as he then licked under her eye, taking more honey from her face. But making her close them again as she felt her heart race from embarrassment as they could both see her face nastily covered in cum.

Barely seeing this from behind him, but able to see part of it, Sona was jealous as she wanted him to lick her face like a dog, and as Aragrid was blushing harder than Marcilina's skin tone, she endured that weird slick sensation as he got the other side and cleaned her face of cum.

But it wasn't over as he moved to her lips and as she was going to push him away, he nibbled her lip and she could feel herself actually crushing on him in the moment as she was just begging in her head for him to make a move and kiss her one more time.

But as he didn't and she opened her eyes to see him backing away, she instantly got mad at his dog-like behavior, and as she saw that his cores were tinted with pink, something wavered over her as her heart thumped.

"Your such a dumbass, don't ever lick me again... Or I'll actually kill you," She said as her voice became more and more bashful by the moment.

She didn't get what was going on but this was all because of him and temptation.

Sitting there, she then slightly eeked as she saw him get down and slide Sona's drenched in saliva and cum/honey panties, revealing her wet pussy which was slimy with thick honey making it stringy past the cloth.

This was too much lesbian shit for her to handle and as she covered her eyes. . .But then peeked through her fingers as she couldn't not look as she still needed to make sure he didn't do anything bad to Sona.

She watched as her best friend's pussy was being licked and eaten, and Sona gasped and moaned harder than she had when Aragrid was doing the same thing through the fabric.

Seeing such a sight and how they weren't pleasuring him, but instead of her? Her opinion on guys stayed the same, but her opinion on this one guy changed as he didn't do it out of fear, he did it because he was a horny ass motherfucker...

But other than that FACT! He seemed to enjoy giving pleasure...

Or so she thought. . .It wasn't accurate.

Watching as her best friend was getting oral, she gulped as Sona got wetter and wetter, and even her own panties were drenched as she actually got horny off of this live porno.

Still looking through her fingers as she was pretending to not be a degenerate pervert, Sona then moaned loudly as she then sprayed him all over the face with her honey slime and got him all wet with a strong climax.

Backing off as he licked his lips, this was filling him with excitement as he was getting hotter by the second, and that wasn't in terms of looks, his lust was just brimming.

But as he was going to take her for another spin as she was gasping for air as that was her 2nd climaxes in a row and her pussy was practically feeling numb,

She could still feel his breath on her heat and as she could and he made her all tingly, she uttered,

"No more... I can't take it anymore... My minds already half blank... I... Nnedd .. Break" Sona

And as Sona pleaded that, her right-hand gal came to save the day from this lustful incubus, but as she was going to hit him and tell him to screw off,

Instead, grabbing him by the chin, she lifted his face and open mouth kissed him.

Making him shift between people like a snap as he closed his eyes and kissed back, but as he did and she was about to get some Sona treatment.

She broke off and licked his cheek,

Thankfully it looks as if he shaves clean because as she licked him it was smooth and as she could taste the nasty bitterness of her close friend all over him, and it smelled strongly just like her. Strong and lewd. She still licked him just as he had licked her.

And as he was there pressed up, she heard his voice and he groaned as it wasn't his dick rubbing against Sona's belly, but it was because of her and as she licked again, more down, and then meekly up, she then got a,

"Please... Kiss me" Hiro

He actually... Pleaded?

And as he did and she took off half of the cum on him, she grinned as she moved her hand up to his mouth and it opened as her thumb pressed against his Lips.

She laid her thumb on his tongue and as she didn't need to say anything, his tongue licked under her thumb, and she softly groaned as his slick tongue was unnatural, the texture of it felt as if it was made only for pleasure.

As she felt her entire thumb being bested by his awkwardly skilled mouth, she licked the rest of Sona's cum off, but as she was about to spit it out like she has done with the other cum streaks.

She held it in her mouth as it mixed with her saliva turning it more stringy and goopy and as she move to the center and opened her flooded mouth, she gave it to him as their mouths connected and she raised herself up making him drink it all like how they did in that let me take you dancing nightcore image.

As he gulped down every bit of it, she stuck her tongue out and as she pressed it against his, she started French kissing him, full tongue and all as she believed he deserved a reward for his behavior... Unlike how she expected from a perverted guy.

But as this continued and Sona could finally begin to feel a sense of touch back on her pussy, she hit his butt and lewdly moaned,

"You 2 can get back to work now~"

But as she did, she then got the response of,


It was unclear but as she heard that, she started sitting up and as she had she looked just to see them kissing, but his hand was under her skirt and he was fiddling her pussy.

"oh I see now? Your jealous huh? Well it sucks to be you because I'll show you where that jealousy is going to get you... Little sis" Sona

She said and as she had, Sona kicked Hiro off of her and as he fell onto Aragrid, her eyes broadened as his rock hard dick was pressing against her virgin pussy right through a thin layer of cloth, and as it was close to her being deflowered, he could sense the tension radiating through the air and as Sona quickly moved for an assault,

And as he glanced over to her, his eyes sharpened as a bloody demonic color started to form as she startled him, his eyes then faded back to a tinted pink as he got out of the way.

Hiro got out of the way and joined Sona as the both of them were now working together in this one.

He grabbed Aragrid by the wrist holding her down to the floor, and Sona got down to her legs, opening them wide as she licked all the way down and to her slit through the cloth and made Aragrid tense up and try and resist as she didn't want Sona to lick her.

She was in no way a lesbian, she wanted Hiro to do it.

Yeah you heard me! She was hard time crushing on Hiro the traitor at the moment as he had captured her eyes at this moment. She kicked Sona trying to resist.

However she didn't resist against him as he held her arms down, and as she could feel his breath on her face as he was so close.

"Don't resist..." Hiro

He said an she looked into his eyes and gulped as she gradually started blushing even more,

"W...What are you going to do to me... Yu... You savage" But as she said that and he glanced down at her trying to bashfully kick Sona away,

He then looked back at her and she had the face of I'm about to orgasm and as he didn't think much into it, her soft supple lips weren't being used so...

As he moved his lips to hers, they touched but as soon as they had, she arched and grabbed his head tightly as he was buried into her breast as she orgasmed explosively.

And as she did and she was panting, Sona toughed on his pants, and as he saw that he was calling him over to her, he slipped out of her arms and turned positions as their faces met above Aragrid's crotch.

"You still horny? If so follow my lead" Sona

And as she said that she lowered herself licking Aragrid's drenched panties, and as Hiro followed her example, he went farther than she had ever planned on doing as he shifted her panties revealing half of her coochi

As he moved his hands as his arms laid on her lower belly. He shifted the tip of her panties revealing half of her slit.

And as he laid his arms down and got down low, he then licked her was cunt, sending tingly shocks through her body as his tongue felt so amazingly good against her raw pussy compared to Sona licking through her panties.

She moaned out loud but then swiftly covered her mouth as she couldn't be too loud, it risked them being discovered, and as she didn't want that to happen as this would have to stop,

She looked down to see his cock out and through she was so against it, she had no choice as she lifted her lower half up, pressing her butt against Sona's face as she scooted a bit under from the bottom position, and then she took his dick which had already been wet from Sona's throat into her mouth.

Which if she had to be honest was better than licking that bitches pussy.

And as she did this, she was losing her mind as his smell was so strong and lewd that she was just moving her tongue in a line as she had it in there.

And as she is in there for a while now, and she had already orgasmed again which lifted her up again, the both of them didn't stop bulling her pussy as it was already numb yet they were going for round three.

She couldn't take this and as she wanted to call it quits, she felt her mind slip for a moment, and as she did and she came to a bunch after god knows how long,

He trusted into her mouth as it was already in there and as she didn't know how many passed as she took a few breaths after every few thrusts, suddenly cream started pouring in her mouth and she couldn't spit it out.

She swallowed that odd tasting cum as it wasn't actually as bitter and nasty as she though, to which she then started to regret as it had knotted her stomach as it was a thick load and it had took some time to go down.

But that thick knot had turned into butterflies and those butterflies had started absorbing into her body,

In which its effects were unknown,

But what was known was she came again, and after a few minutes of these 2 bullying her body, she was super mega horny.