Ch-35 Development

It has been a month since Noah dual cultivated with Chu Yuechan for the first time. There were many repeats for that event.

'I still remember their reaction. There has been good progress in the sect.' Noah thought.


When the 6 fairies and the sect mistress saw after her first session with Noah, all of them were shocked beyond words.

"Yuechan, you are at the Throne Realm!" It was the sect mistress Gong Yuxian, who was the most shocked. Advancing to this level meant that you are the peak powerhouse of this Nation.

"Yes, sect mistress." Chu Yuechan replied in a tone that barely conveyed her happiness.

"How did you advance this much sister?" Chu Yueli asked. She knew that it was not normal.

"Well, the Grand Elder said that my talent was at a decent level, so he helped me. He even helped me open all 54 profound entrances." Chu Yuechan was trying hard to not exclaim out of joy as she spoke in a calm tone like it was not a big deal.


"Grand Elder is amazing!" Feng Hanxue said.

"The Grand elder can even help you advance a big realm in a single day." Feng Hanyue said in an amazed tone.

"Sister Yuechan, did the grand elder tell you about when he will be free next time?" Mu Lanyu, the 4th ranked among the 7 fairies asked.

Everyone perked up their ears to listen. They all wanted to advance in cultivation like Chu Yuechan.

"You can go one by one in the late evening time. The grand elder also asked to send the top disciples, who want to go." Chu Yuechan explained what Noah said to her.

5 of them were happy after hearing it. They thought that the grand elder will be busy. Murong Qianxue already had the treatment.

Only the sect mistress kept the cold expression during the meeting. She asked Chu Yuechan to talk to her after the meeting.

It was not long before 6 fairies left to decide who will go first to the grand elder.

When it was only 2 of them were in the meeting hall, Gong Yuxian looked at Chu Yuechan with a dark frosty expression.

"Yuechan, I can sense that you are not pure anymore. Why did you go against the sect rules?" She asked in a tone that left no room for excuses.

Chu Yuechan was stunned and a little bit panicked from the question. Many thoughts raced through her mind in a short time. She made her mind after thinking for a few minutes.

"It was my intention to do that. Sect mistress, the grand elder helped me a lot. You know that I wanted to protect our sect, but I did not have the power to do so. The grand used his higher cultivation to help me remove all the problems with my foundation." She said.

Gong Yuxian did not know how to reply to her foolish disciple.

"I understand what the sect mistress is thinking, but I know what I did and I don't regret it. Dual cultivation with the grand elder helped me a lot." Chu Yuechan added.

"But you broke the sect rule. Yuechan, how can you do that?" Gong Yuxian was still firm on her opinion.

Chu Yuechan looked at the sect mistress with a bit of confusion in her mind.

"Sect Mistress, Grand elder is part of the sect, thus me being with him is not against the rules. The rule was to prevent our cultivation art from the outside. The grand elder is the one who made our new cultivation art and he is part of the sect. So there is no problem with it." Chu Yuechan tried to explain to the sect mistress.

Gong Yuxian did not how to reply to the twisted logic of her disciple. She just stared at her and left the meeting hall.

*Flashback End*

During the month in the Frozen Cloud Asgard, Noah made a lot of progress.

After Chu Yuechan, the next one for the treatment was Jun Lianqie, the 3rd ranked fairy. The process of her treatment was almost the same of Murong Qianxue. He did not dual cultivate with her, but did all other things.

Her cultivation reached the peak of the Sky Profound Realm with most of her profound entrances opened.

The 4th ranked Mu Lanyi came after her, Noah treated her the same as Jun Lianqie.

It was Chu Yueli's turn after both of them. She asked Noah to treat her like her sister, Chu Yuechan.

Noah did not take her virginity. He was somewhat enjoying corrupting these innocent fairies.

He can make them his women at any time, but he was taking his time with them.

At last, Feng Hanxue and Feng Hanyue, the twin sisters came together for the treatment. Noah then experienced the fun of lewding two innocent sisters.

He used their naivety to make them do shameful acts. At the end of the act, both of them were too embarrassed to even talk, but they still took all the affection Noah gave them.




Life went tranquil after the first week in the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect. The 7 fairies came to visit him from time to time. Noah just made them do more lewd things.

In the 2nd week in the sect, the top disciples, who are going to participate in the Blue Wind ranking tournament came for the treatment.

Noah used these disciples as an example and with dual cultivating with them, he increased their cultivation to the early Earth Profound Realm. It was enough to crush everyone in the tournament. He also taught them profound arts to increase their battle power.

With the transformation of the 4 disciples going to the tournament, all the disciples in the sect knew about the amazing treatment of the grand elder.

It was this time that Noah gained access to another positive emotion to add to his Enemo profound art. He did not gain much energy from this emotion but it was a great addition for the future.

Gong Yuxian was somewhat angry when she looked at the worshiping and awe of the sect disciples for Noah, but she was not capable of doing anything. It was not hurting her sect, she was just repulsed by the method.



Besides enjoying the time in the sect with dual cultivating with Chu Yuechan and Feng Qianhui, and teasing all 6 fairies, Noah did not forget about his other projects.

Due to his busy schedule and the constant pestering from the husbands in the Divine Phoenix Empire, he just used pills and profound formations to control them.

Now the Emperor of the Divine Phoenix Empire left the women marked by Noah alone and the same went for other nobles.

Noah took away almost all the harem of his father. As the emperor, his harem was full of the top beauties of the empire. He only left tens of women among them for his father.

The matters of the illusory demon continent were going smoothly and Noah daily went there to dual cultivate with different women.

'Even I am amazed by my daily life sometimes.' Noah thought one time as he was sleeping with 5 beautiful women from the Elf clan and other demon races together in the royal palace in the territory of the royal Feng clan.

He was used to this kind of debauchery-filled lifestyle. He was aware of how messed up this will look from the point of view of someone from the modern earth. Even his past self will look at him like he was scum for using women to fulfill his goals.

But after staying on this planet for almost 17 years, Noah knew how different it was. Beautiful women without any major talent or backing of a clan will be targets of men more powerful or have a higher social hierarchy than they have.

Noah treated them better than most of the men and combined with his unparalleled appearance and cultivation, women only felt thankful for accepting them. Most of them were seduced by his various methods, but the women only gained benefits or love by being together with him.

Only he knew how many women thanked him for accepting them and giving them chance to live a different life.

Noah was lost in his thoughts about the difference in values and perspective between his two lives while sleeping naked with 5 beautiful women.



The little demon empress was aware of the growing harem of Noah in the Feng clan. During the monthly treatment in the first 4 months, she was somewhat angry with him.

She only said that he was going too far expanding his harem, but she knew how big harem those nobles and royalty have. So she only mentioned it once or twice.

Noah treated her first 4 months, then told her to collect herbs that can help increase her vitality and help her body in growth.

He told that it will take a few years to achieve perfect results.



At the end of the month in the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect, it was time for the Blue Wind ranking tournament.

Noah with the 4 disciples and Chu Yuechan and Mu Lanyi left to attend the tournament.

'It is time to collect the water element Heretic seed.' Noah thought as he flew on the flying mount with 6 beautiful women.