Ch-36 The Blue Wind Ranking Tournament

The journey to the Heavenly Sword Villa was supposed to take a few days, Noah delayed the departure till the last day. With the boost from his profound energy, the profound flying beast few in a very high velocity.

In a few hours, the group of 7 people on the profound beast arrived at the location of the tournament. The arrival of the group did not go unnoticed as they flew directly towards the platform where the competition was supposed to hold.

Despite the importance of the water element Heretic God seed, Noah did not want to spend a week staying in the Heavenly Sword Villa. So he delayed their arrival to the day when the final 32 participants would fight. Every major sect and clan of the nation was here.

The Blue Wind Ranking tournament was held every 3 years for entry in the Heaven Basin Secret Realm. Top 500 sects send 3 participants between 16 to 20 years old. After some rounds of eliminations, the best 32 participants will remain to determine the ranking.

4 major sects of the Blue Wind Nation will be the ones that determine the top 4 positions as even the participants from the Imperial family could not match them.

But this year was different as the participants from one of the 4 major sects, the Frozen Cloud Asgard has not arrived at the tournament. The other 3 major sects were somewhat suspicious of this happening.

The final part of the tournament was ongoing on the platform of the Heavenly Sword Villa. It was at this time when everyone felt the arrival of a group on a flying mount beast. They were thinking about who was bold enough to interfere with the tournament where every top-level power of the nation was present.

Before anyone foolish enough to rebuke the intruders, a heavy aura landed on everyone, that aura alone made them immobile, no matter how much they struggled.

Before the eyes filled with fear of the unknown, the group standing upon the beast floated downwards to the platform of the Heavenly Sword Villa. All of them relaxed a little when they saw familiar people from the Frozen Cloud Asgard among the group.

"What does the Frozen Cloud Asgard mea--" The elder that was leading the Xiao Sect wanted to say something to pull dissatisfaction from all the sects here as they disrespected the joint tournament led by all of the sects.

But before the elder could finish speaking, his face was planted on the floor by the pressure from the aura alone. Noah then hinted for Chu Yuechan to speak to them.

"Our Frozen Cloud Asgard does not mean to disrespect the tradition of the Empire or offend all the sects and clans here. Our sect will cut off from all matters of the Blue Wind Empire after this ranking tournament." Chu Yuechan spoke as she also unfolded the domain of an Emperor Profound Realm. With help from dual cultivating with Noah and some other profound arts given by him, she will be able to defeat any opponent in the Throne level.

Everyone was shell shocked by the words spoken by Chu Yuechan, they were more surprised by the domain Chu Yuechan revealed. Most of them were familiar with the cultivation of 1st ranked fairy Chu Yuechan. So looking at a throne-level expert at the age of 33 or 34, they did not even respond to what she said.

Chu Yuechan did not give any time for them to ask anything. She paused for a moment before speaking, "There are 4 disciples that are qualified for the tournament. As this will be the last ranking tournament that our sect will participate in and we did not follow the rules of the ranking tournament. The 4 disciples will take the challenge of any participants here."

All sect or clan elders were stunned again after hearing the bold declaration. Anger was the next that came into the minds of elders and leader, but even the reckless or hot tempered people did not want to voice their complaints.

Taking the silence as the acceptance of elders and leaders, she told the disciples to walk ahead. She also asked for someone to test their age and cultivation.

The silent defeat of all the top sects and clans, turned into hushed discussion about the meaning and future consequences of the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect's declaration.

It did not take long for a disciple of the Heavenly Sword Villa to bring the device to check age and the cultivation of disciples.

One by one disciples that dual cultivated and trained by Noah, walked forward with confidence. All of them wore veils similar to Chu Yuechan because of the their beauty.

After the modification of their cultivation art and nourishing from Noah, enhanced their beauty to a level that was hard for the average man to ignore. In fact, Noah made these 2 features available to his every woman. Their cultivation techniques made them reach perfection, although on a lower level compare to him and his Origin Dual Cultivation technique helped hasten the effect of their cultivation art.

One of the disciples, dressed in a typical blue and white robe of the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect, but with little pink flower embroidery on it, stepped forward and placed her hand on the device. Profound energy was sent inside the device and it checked for what it was meant to.

'Sun Li, age: 19 Years old, cultivation level: 1st level of the Earth Profound Realm'

It was level only a few geniuses from a generation can achieve in the Blue Wind Empire. All of the people were amazed by the cultivation of the girl. They never heard a genius with this name was present in the Frozen Cloud Asgard.

Sun Li stepped back and joined the group. Another disciple moved for the test, the result was left them quite shocked.

'Yuan Jie, Age: 17 Years old, Cultivation: 2nd level of the Earth Profound Realm'

The third disciple also went forward for the test.

'Kong Lifen, Age: 17 Years Old, Cultivation: 4th level of the Earth Profound Realm'

It was like a stone was dropped in a calm lake, everyone was shocked after watching 3 once in a generation level genius coming from the sect that was supposed to be on the same level as them. The other 3 major sects knew that the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect was on decline for some time. They did not know how these 3 disciples came from the sect.

After carefully looking at them, the 3 disciples were standing a step behind the another disciple, who was present in the group. They wanted to know if the last disciple was more monstrous than other 3, but they did not have any courage to ask.

"Any of the participants can challenge our 3 disciples, but be aware of your own capabilities." Chu Yuechan said once again and the group went stand on the sides.

Noah did not pay much attention to these small matters, he looked at the side of the Heavenly Sword Villa. The Villa Master was Ling Yuefeng, he was just appointed as new Villa Master. His wife from the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region was sitting beside him.

Noah did not have thoughts about her. Despite her one in a thousand level of beauty that was not even comparable to the maids that his lovers from the noble family of the Divine Phoenix Empire. Her personality was quite shallow and it was not worth his time.

'I have so many lovers because there so many people in cultivation worlds. Even the small Blue Wind Ranking tournament can gather 1500 participants from 500 sects, the scale of this continent is enough to produce many beauties.' Noah thought as he looked at the wife of the Villa Master.

'I did not even know how large my harem will become after going to the Realm of the Gods.' Noah sighed as he gathered his thoughts on the matter at the hand.

There was even an elder from the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, he seemed related to the wife of the Villa Master. Maybe his father.

Noah also noticed focused gaze of the Villa Master on the Chu Yuechan. He had pursued after for 10 years and only married after that. His wife seemed aware of this and was looking in a very bad mood. She had just given birth to 2 children and now realized how her husband still had another woman in his mind.

Noah smirked behind his mask and thought of plan to tease the pathetic Villa Master. Noah used powerful soul and Profound energy and messed up with the senses of the Villa Master.

From the perspective of the Ling Yuefeng, Chu Yuechan seemed to notice his gaze and looked at him. His heartbeat, increased when the eyes of the woman, whom he yearned for more than 10 years looked at him. He wanted to meet her after the tournament finish for today. His imagination was running wild, but the next set of event left him so shocked that he felt difficult to breath.

Chu Yuechan moved and came beside the masked man standing in the group. The masked man felt her presence and met her gaze. The man circled his hand around her smooth waist and her body crashed onto his. Chu Yuechan moved her arms to embrace the man. She then looked towards the masked man, her hands lifted his mask and the man moved her veil to side.

Next moment, Chu Yuechan tip toed and kissed the masked man. The kiss was deep and sensual.

It was this act that left Ling Yuefeng shocked. He was somewhat fine that Chu Yuechan did not accept him because he knew about the rules of her sect and the fact that no other man can have her, but looking at the scene of her initiating a kiss with some man, he felt all those reason crumbling.

A deep resentment and hatred grew in his heart. He hated the masked man, who stole the beautiful, unattainable goddess of his heart.

Noah looked a bit surprised at the Villa Master, he just wanted to tease him by messing up with his senses. He did not think that this illusion can agitate him to this level.

He felt a wave of mixed emotion seeping out from the Villa Master. Although a bit surprised, Noah recorded the information about the wave that contained the negative emotion. Noah had not cooperated any negative in his Enemo Art, it was a welcomed surprise to gain access this from a prank meant to tease.

"What are you doing?!?" Ling Yuefeng roared as he sat up from his seat.

'Well, this is going to more entertaining.' Noah thought as he looked the Villa Master pointing his finger at him.


Gimme stones!!!

And I will release more chapters!

Bye Bye!