Lan Qingya Apologizes; Supreme Treasure Of Yuantian

Lan Qingya was completely dumbfounded.

She held her burning face and looked at Jun Zhangjian in disbelief.

Jun Zhangjian's face was extremely sullen, his eyes surging with coldness.

"Sir Zhangjian, did you just hit me?" Lan Qingya asked in disbelief.

Lan Qingya felt as if she was in a dream as she felt the swelling on her cheeks.

Hadn't Jun Zhangjian always been obedient to her?

Lan Qingya even felt as if the sequence of the Jun family was nothing more than that.

Lan Qingya even fantasized about having complete control over Jun Zhangjian in the future. He would do whatever she asked.

Who would be able to control the sequence position of the Jun family if they were to become a minister with a different surname?

Lan Qingya could!

However, looking at Jun Zhangjian's sullen expression now, Lan Qingya felt as if he had become a stranger.

"Who told you to provoke Jun Xiaoyao?" Jun Zhangjian's tone was filled with suppressed anger.

"I… I'm doing this for your sake, Sir Zhangjian. You tried to recruit Jun Linglong before, but she ignored you. In the end, she was willing to follow Jun Xiaoyao…" Lan Qingya continued to argue.

"You b * tch!"

Jun Zhangjian couldn't help but slap the other half of Lan Qingya's face.

Lan Qingya was sent flying. The corner of her mouth was broken and she was bleeding profusely.

"Do you know who Jun Xiaoyao is? Do you know who his father is?" Jun Zhangjian was so angry that his liver hurt.

Was Lan Qingya thinking that his position in the sequence was too stable for her to shake?

"Isn't that Jun Wuhui? We don't even know where he is now!" Lan Qingya gritted her teeth with an awful expression.

"You have no right to insult Uncle Wuhui!"

Jun Zhangjian slapped Lan Qingya a dozen times in a row, turning her face into a pig's head.

All of the followers around him wore astonished expressions.

Was the sun rising from the west?

"Not only is Jun Xiaoyao Uncle Wuhui's son, but his mother is also the divine lady of the Jiang family. He is also favored by the Eighteenth Ancestor. Are you trying to make me lose my position as Sequence Ten by provoking him?" Jun Zhangjian felt like slapping Lan Qingya to death.

He could have offended anyone, but he just had to provoke Jun Xiaoyao, who was of the highest status and background in the Jun family.

"Sir Zhangjian, I'm sorry. Please forgive me!"

Lan Qingya knelt and kowtowed, her chin covered in blood.

Despite her calculations, she never thought that Jun Zhangjian would be so wary of Jun Xiaoyao that he would even attack her.

"Get up and apologize to Jun Xiaoyao!" Jun Zhangjian said coldly.

"Sir Zhangjian, this…" Lan Qingya felt as if she was struck by lightning.

If that was the case, how was she going to continue staying in the Jun family?

Furthermore, asking her to lower her head and apologize to Jun Linglong was worse than eating sh * t.

"Huh? Not going?" Jun Zhangjian's eyes were as sharp as swords.

"I'll go…" Lan Qingya was terrified and humiliated.

A follower then found a bundle of thorns for Lan Qingya to carry.

The sharp thorns on the thorns pierced through her back, making her gasp in pain.

"Forget it. I'll go with you. That way, I can show my sincerity." Jun Zhangjian hesitated for a bit and decided to go with him.

Lan Qingya felt even more hopeless.

This was the first time she saw Jun Zhangjian so uneasy.

Who exactly was Jun Xiaoyao to make Jun Zhangjian so wary of him?

Jun Zhangjian left the spirit island with Lan Qingya and headed for the Heavenly Emperor Palace.

Along the way, many disciples of the Jun family noticed him.

"Is that… Jun Zhangjian, Sequence Ten? Is he out of seclusion?"

"Jun Zhangjian's strength has improved again, and he's heading towards the Heavenly Emperor Palace. Is he going to cause trouble for the divine child?"

"Wait, look at Lan Qingya…"

Many eyes fell on Lan Qingya.

She was begging for forgiveness. Her back was bloodied, her cheeks were swollen, and the corner of her mouth was bleeding. She looked extremely haggard.

"Could it be that Jun Zhangjian isn't going to look for trouble, but to… apologize?"

All the disciples of the Jun family were stunned.

How could the Sequence Ten of the Jun family just admit defeat like that?

A young man from the Jun family praised, "Tsk tsk, I'm afraid only the divine child has the right to make a Sequence One surrender without a fight."

Every single one of the ten sequences was filled with arrogance.

It was too difficult to subdue the enemy without a fight.

However, Jun Xiaoyao did it.

Jun Xiaoyao was relaxing in the Heavenly Emperor Palace.

Jun Linglong was making tea for Jun Xiaoyao.

Using the Ten Thousand Years Dew as water and the tea leaves plucked from the Tree of Enlightenment.

If this pot of tea was placed outside, some ordinary geniuses would never be able to enjoy it for the rest of their lives.

Jun Xiaoyao, on the other hand, drank it every day.

"Young master, please…" Jun Linglong handed him a cup of tea, looking like a dutiful maid.

Jun Xiaoyao took the teacup and sipped it. He nodded and said, "You're doing well…"

Jun Linglong blushed. Was he talking about making tea?

At that moment, a servant of the Heavenly Emperor Palace called out respectfully from the door, "Sir Divine Child, Sir Jun Zhangjian is here."

"You're finally here, huh? You've kept me waiting for so many days." Jun Xiaoyao's eyes brightened as he grew excited.

Was the kingly storyline finally starting?

Lan Qingya went back to complain while Jun Zhangjian raged for no reason before deciding to teach him a lesson.

Jun Xiaoyao needed someone to test his Divine Elephant Overpowering Force.

Jun Linglong remained composed. She knew that Jun Zhangjian couldn't do anything to Jun Xiaoyao.

"Hehe, little brother Xiaoyao, this is the first time we've seen each other ever since you were born. I didn't expect you to do so in such a manner. What a shame."

A clear and bright voice was heard as Jun Zhangjian walked through the door. Lan Qingya, who looked rather haggard, followed right behind him. She had her head lowered and a thorny bar on her back.

'Huh? This… this can't be right…' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself as he watched.

He felt that Jun Zhangjian was not playing by the rules.

Jun Zhangjian said with a faint smile, "My follower offended little brother Xiaoyao and specifically asked her to come here and apologize. I hope you will be magnanimous, little brother Xiaoyao."

Lan Qingya gritted her teeth in utter humiliation, but she still knelt on the ground.

He squeezed the words out of his mouth and said, "I hope Sir Divine Child and Jun Linglong can forgive Qingya…"

Having said that, Lan Qingya felt like burying her head in the ground.

Jun Linglong's pretty face remained cold.

Jun Xiaoyao remained silent.

Jun Zhangjian's eyes twitched at the sight.

He was truly afraid that Jun Xiaoyao would complain about the Eighteenth Ancestor. If that were to happen, his future as a sequence holder would be completely destroyed.

Gritting his teeth, Jun Zhangjian took out a token and said, "By the way, I accidentally obtained two pieces of the Supreme Token of Yuantian while training outside. Rumor has it that they might be related to the Supreme Treasure of Yuantian. I have no use for one more piece, so I'm giving it to you, brother Xiaoyao."

"The Supreme Treasure!" Jun Linglong was also secretly shocked.

Beyond the Saint Stage was the Supreme Stage.

That was an existence that truly stood at the pinnacle of the Mystic Realm, undying and indestructible, deterring the ages!

The value of such a Supreme Treasure was unimaginable!

Such a token would trigger a storm in the outside world, attracting countless geniuses to fight for it!

Jun Zhangjian spent a lot of effort and paid a hefty price to get his hands on two pieces.

Jun Xiaoyao was also surprised. He didn't expect Jun Zhangjian to be willing to take out something so valuable.

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard the system's voice in his mind again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host. New check-in location refreshed!"

"Please check-in at the Supreme Treasure of Yuantian!"

"Another check-in location?" Jun Xiaoyao's eyes flickered.

He discovered some rules for checking into the system.

Firstly, multiple check-in locations could be located at the same time.

Secondly, check-in locations could be triggered by events.

For instance, the check-in location refreshed as soon as he learned about the Supreme Treasure of Yuantian.

'Well, I guess I'll have to make a trip there in the future,' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

The check-in opportunities were extremely rare, and the unknown rewards were also very tempting.

"Brother Zhangjian, you're being too courteous…"

Jun Xiaoyao smiled faintly as he raised his hand and grabbed the Supreme Token of Yuantian.

Jun Zhangjian's mouth twitched.

I may not be human, but you're a real dog.

However, while Jun Zhangjian's heart was aching, he was also shocked.

"Such potent power. It's golden in color. Is it truly the Sacred Body of the Ancients as the rumors say?"

Jun Zhangjian was secretly shocked, feeling even more wary of Jun Xiaoyao.