Sparring with Jun Zhangjian. That's It? That's It?

Previously, Jun Zhangjian vaguely heard from the elders of his line that Jun Xiaoyao had the Sacred Body of the Ancients.

At that time, Jun Zhangjian was still unconvinced.

The Sacred Body of the Ancients was almost extinct in recent times. Even if a Sacred Body of the Ancients were to appear once in a while, it would quickly be forgotten.

Since ancient times, the environment of the realm was not suitable for the Sacred Body of the Ancients to cultivate. Ten shackles were even cast from the sky, restricting the cultivation of the Sacred Body.

If Jun Xiaoyao truly had the Sacred Body of the Ancients, he would be considered a piece of trash.

Would the Eighteenth Ancestor value a crippled body?

Therefore, Jun Zhangjian always thought that Jun Xiaoyao might have some kind of body type similar to the Sacred Body of the Ancients.

Now, however, he saw the golden magical power surging when Jun Xiaoyao raised his hand. It did look like the Sacred Body of the Ancients.

That was because the Sacred Body of the Ancients was born with a golden spirit sea. Even its blood was golden in color.

Jun Zhangjian couldn't help but ask, "Brother Xiaoyao, is this really the legendary Sacred Body of the Ancients?"

"That's right." Jun Xiaoyao nodded faintly.

That was never a secret, and he wasn't going to hide it anyway.

Jun Zhangjian's eyes widened when he heard Jun Xiaoyao's confirmation. Lan Qingya, who was kneeling on the ground, was also shocked.

"It really is the Sacred Body of the Ancients. If that's the case, why would Jun Zhangjian be wary of a useless body…" Lan Qingya lowered her head, her eyes filled with resentment.

She would never forget the humiliation she suffered today.

"In that case, I shall take my leave now." Jun Zhangjian cupped his hands slightly.

Having a huge chunk of his flesh cut off, Jun Zhangjian no longer wanted to stay here.

"Hold on…" Jun Xiaoyao suddenly said.

"Little brother Xiaoyao, you…" The corner of Jun Zhangjian's mouth twitched.

Could it be that this younger brother of his was greedy enough to swallow an elephant?

Jun Xiaoyao cleared his throat and said, "Ahem… Brother Zhangjian, you're mistaken. I'm just eager to spar with you."

Jun Zhangjian's eyes were filled with surprise. He shook his head and said with a smile, "Brother Xiaoyao, you're still young. There's no need for you to do this. We'll spar when you grow up."

Jun Xiaoyao was only three years old, while Jun Zhangjian was already thirteen or fourteen.

If he were to injure Jun Xiaoyao at that time, he wouldn't be able to bear the wrath of the Eighteenth Ancestor.

As such, Jun Zhangjian rejected him outright.

"It's just a sparring session. I hope you won't refuse, brother," Jun Xiaoyao insisted.

"Ah, if that's the case, then fine. However, I hope that you will act accordingly, little brother," Jun Zhangjian said with a calm expression.

He was indeed inferior to Jun Xiaoyao in terms of status.

In terms of cultivation level, however, he could easily crush Jun Xiaoyao.

Moments later, they arrived at an open space outside the Heavenly Emperor Palace.

At that moment, a group of members of the Jun family, who had gathered outside the Heavenly Emperor Palace to watch the commotion, stuck their heads out to see what was going on.

When they saw Jun Xiaoyao and Jun Zhangjian walking out as if they were about to fight, their faces were filled with astonishment.

"What's going on? I thought they were here to apologize. Why are they fighting?"

"No, that's not right. Judging from the way Divine Child Xiaoyao behaved, they probably didn't have any conflicts. They were just sparring." Some people with discerning eyes could tell.

Their eyes were filled with interest.

The sparring session between the two was very interesting.

One of them was the divine child who grew up with countless halos, while the other was the Sequence Ten who had long become famous.

Although no one thought that Jun Xiaoyao could beat Jun Zhangjian due to his age and cultivation, they still betted on it.

"How many moves do you guys think Divine Child Xiaoyao can withstand from Jun Zhangjian?"

"Three moves, I guess."

"No, it should be able to last at least ten moves."

Jun Zhangjian couldn't help but smirk when he heard what those people said.

Although handing over a piece of the Supreme Token of Yuantian made his heart bleed, it seemed like he could show off now.

"Be careful, little brother Xiaoyao!"

As soon as Jun Zhangjian finished speaking, the aura of the fifth level of Divinity Stage gushed out.

Without using any martial arts moves, he pointed his finger at Jun Xiaoyao as a sword.

Jun Xiaoyao simply clenched his fist and threw a punch.

1000 granules of the giant elephant in his body were awakened, granting him 10 million catties of terrifying divine power.

The punch seemed to warp the void as a huge blast of air blasted out!

Jun Zhangjian's expression immediately changed when he sensed the power. He tried to pull his hand back, but it was too late.


With a loud bang and the sound of bones cracking, Jun Zhangjian was sent flying like a cannonball. Even the bones of his fingers were shattered.

This scene stunned all the members of the Jun family who were watching the commotion.

What exactly happened?

Lan Qingya, who followed along, also had a frozen expression on her face.

Jun Linglong's eyes were sparkling with excitement. She was right.

"Ahem…" Jun Zhangjian's face was ashen. The bones of his fingers were broken, and his eyes were filled with shock.

That terrifying divine power left his heart palpitating.

Jun Xiaoyao himself was also very surprised.

Wasn't Jun Zhangjian the Sequence Ten of the Jun family? Shouldn't he be very powerful?

That's it? That's it?

Jun Xiaoyao's expression darkened slightly as he said, "Brother Zhangjian, you can't be so modest with me just because I'm young. That's an insult to me."

With that, Jun Xiaoyao attacked.

Jun Zhangjian's expression changed. At the same time, he felt bitter.

He swore to the heavens that he would never back down.

However, Jun Xiaoyao wasn't the only one. Even the onlookers from the Jun family were talking among themselves, thinking that Jun Zhangjian had given in.

"Nine Swords of Dawn!"

Seeing Jun Xiaoyao attacking once again, Jun Zhangjian had no choice but to go all out.

Nine rays of sword light slashed out one after another, tearing through the air. The energy fluctuations were so powerful that it was terrifying.

"Underworld Protection!"

Jun Xiaoyao immediately activated the ultimate defensive technique of the Divine Elephant Overpowering Force.

In an instant, it was as if a specter of the Underworld manifested and enveloped his entire body.

The nine rays of sword light collided with the specter of the Underworld and instantly shattered into countless specks of light.

Jun Xiaoyao dashed out once again. A pair of pitch-black wings appeared on his back. It was the Wings of the Devil.

His speed instantly skyrocketed as he arrived before Jun Zhangjian.

"Spear of Underworld!"

Jun Xiaoyao raised his hand and made a grabbing motion. Boundless Divine Energy surged and transformed into a purplish-black spear that burned with pitch-black Underworld Flames as if it could penetrate anything in the world.

"Sword Chant of the Violet Emperor!"

In his haste, Jun Zhangjian unleashed his trump card, the Sword Chant. A purple sword shadow slashed across the sky.


A huge collision erupted. However, the Spear of Underworld, which was enhanced by 10 million catties of force, broke through the purple sword shadow and then fell towards Jun Zhangjian without losing any momentum.

Jun Zhangjian hurriedly unsheathed the longsword on his back and blocked the attack.


A loud bang rang out as Jun Zhangjian's sword was sent flying. He crashed into a wall.

The eyes of the members of the Jun family who came to watch the fight were about to pop out. Their eyes were filled with shock.

It had only been three moves, right?

Jun Zhangjian, the Sequence Ten, was knocked out?

Even if he were to be modest, he couldn't possibly be so modest.

At that moment, even Jun Xiaoyao came to his senses.

It turned out that Jun Zhangjian wasn't going easy on him. He was just too strong.

Upon thinking about how he misunderstood Jun Zhangjian, Jun Xiaoyao shook his head and blamed himself.

He walked up to Jun Zhangjian, who was covered in dirt, and apologized, "I'm sorry, brother Zhangjian. I misunderstood you. I thought you were just being modest. I didn't expect you to really try your best…"

When Jun Zhangjian heard this, he almost spat out the blood that he had just swallowed.

He was wondering if he should say something like that!