Training in the Torrent of the Weapons, Jun Zhantian's Heart Was About to Collapse

Jun Zhangjian's face alternated between green and red.

He was just thinking that he shouldn't be too harsh on Jun Xiaoyao. It would've been bad if he hurt him.

Now, he was covered in dirt and wounds.

"Little brother Xiaoyao truly has the disposition of a god. I'm impressed…" Jun Zhangjian stood up and forced a smile that was uglier than crying.

He had completely lost face today.

Jun Xiaoyao went all out in the fight. He didn't even have time to use his Undying Sword Body.

Even so, Jun Zhangjian wasn't confident that he could overpower Jun Xiaoyao even if he could use the Undying Sword Body.

Jun Xiaoyao was born with the Reverence of the Ten Thousand Saints.

Who could resist the sacred body phenomenon?

'What a monster…' Jun Zhangjian thought to himself.

He was only three years old, yet he was already so powerful. In a few years, he would probably be able to challenge the top five sequences.

Everyone around them was so shocked that their mouths were agape. It wouldn't be long before the news of the battle spread throughout the entire Jun family.

Jun Xiaoyao had just broken through the Extreme Stage of the Eons at the Old Tablet of Taiyue, and now he had defeated Jun Zhangjian.

A few members of the family who had doubted Jun Xiaoyao before were now impressed by him.

"Little brother Xiaoyao, you will have a bright future ahead of you. When you are ten years old, you will definitely be able to become a sequence holder, even above me," Jun Zhangjian said.

According to the rules of the Jun family, only members of the younger generation were allowed to join the fight for the position of Sequence when they were ten years old.

Jun Xiaoyao shrugged.

He was already the Sequence Zero appointed by the Eighteenth Ancestor.

His status was even higher than Sequence One.

It was just that it hadn't been announced yet.

It would be announced at the Ten Years Old Banquet. Who knew how Jun Zhangjian would react when he heard about it.

"Farewell, little brother Xiaoyao." Jun Zhangjian only wanted to cultivate in seclusion.

Jun Xiaoyao, on the other hand, said casually, "By the way, brother Zhangjian, you're in the sequence. There's no need for you to make everyone your follower. That would be beneath you."

Jun Zhangjian's eyes flickered when he heard that. He said, "Understood."

On the other hand, Lan Qingya's face turned extremely red upon hearing that. She felt extremely humiliated.

It was obvious that Jun Xiaoyao was referring to her.

Jun Zhangjian and Lan Qingya then left.

'Sigh, I'm still not good enough…' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

Although he was currently at the stage of building his foundation, it was time for him to cultivate some martial arts moves and Abhijnas.

Otherwise, his methods would be too simple.

As a Clan of the Ancients, the Jun Family had no lack of rare martial arts records.

'I should ask grandpa,' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

On the other side, Jun Zhangjian stopped not far away.

"It seems that you should leave the Jun family on account of our past friendship," Jun Zhangjian said apathetically.

"No, Sir Zhangjian, please don't chase me away!" Lan Qingya's face turned ashen.

In the Jun family, she was given access to all kinds of cultivation resources and enjoyed a higher status.

If she were to leave the Jun family, she would be no different from those female cultivators who were struggling at the bottom.

"Get lost. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have gotten into so much trouble and embarrassed myself!"

Jun Zhangjian flung his arm and sent Lan Qingya flying, causing her to spit out blood.

As she watched Jun Zhangjian leave with indifference, the pain on Lan Qingya's face turned into a deep resentment.

"Jun Xiaoyao, it's all your fault for bullying others with your status…"

"The Sacred Body of the Ancients… Could it be that the Sacred Body of the Ancients has broken a set of shackles? If I were to report this to the enemies of the Jun family or the Far ancient royal family…"

Lan Qingya's expression changed as she speculated.

With her limited imagination, she simply couldn't imagine that Jun Xiaoyao had a Sacred Body of the Ancients with 10 shackles broken.

To her, a Sacred Body of the Ancients with one set of shackles broken was extremely rare.

"By the way, I heard that Jun Xiaoyao will be holding a Ten Years Old Banquet in the future. By then, if he were to attract enemies…"

Lan Qingya knew that given her abilities, she would never be able to take revenge on Jun Xiaoyao in her next life or the next.

The only way was to get someone else to do the dirty work.

"Just you wait. Jun Xiaoyao, that slut Jun Linglong, you'll both pay for what you did!"

Lan Qingya's hair was disheveled and she looked very haggard. Eventually, she was escorted away by the guards of the Jun family and thrown out of the house.

On the other hand, Jun Xiaoyao didn't care about a nobody like Lan Qingya at all.

To Jun Xiaoyao, she was less than an ant.

The reason why he warned Jun Zhangjian like that was because he didn't want to be an eyesore in the future.

Jun Xiaoyao was currently asking Jun Zhantian for advice.

"What? You want to learn martial arts techniques? Aren't you biting off more than you could chew…?" Jun Zhantian knitted his white eyebrows together.

To him, Jun Xiaoyao was being too reckless.

He was only three years old. He was still at the stage of building his foundations. Why would he need to learn martial arts techniques?

Furthermore, training in martial arts techniques and Abhijnas required talent and comprehension. It also required a lot of time.

"Just let me try. If it takes too much time, I won't learn it," Jun Xiaoyao said.

In the end, Jun Zhantian couldn't argue with him and agreed to let Jun Xiaoyao learn a martial arts technique first.

What's more, Jun Zhantian was trying to pull a fast one on Jun Xiaoyao. He specifically chose a technique from the Jun family that was extremely powerful and of a very high level, but it was also an extremely complex offensive Abhijna.

Jun Zhantian explained, "This is the Torrent of the Weapons. Upon mastering it, one's powers can be condensed into weapons such as sabers, spears, swords, halberds, battleaxes, hooks, and forks. Once the Torrent of the Weapons is unleashed, tens of thousands of divine weapons will be unleashed along with it, destroying everything in their path. It is extremely powerful."

"Alright then, I'll start practicing the Torrent of the Weapons." Jun Xiaoyao's eyes were filled with excitement.

Jun Zhantian chuckled and thought to himself gleefully, 'Grandson, you're still too young to fight with me. Back then, I spent a whole year training in this Abhijna before I was able to grasp the basics…'

Jun Zhantian expected Jun Xiaoyao to give up after cultivating for a few days.

A few days later…

A rumble was heard within the Heavenly Emperor Palace as boundless golden light surged into the sky.

The golden magical power swept across like a storm before coalescing into weapons such as sabers, spears, halberds, and so on that could split the sky and split the earth.

Jun Xiaoyao walked out and shook his head slightly, looking very disappointed as he said, "Grandpa, it's only been a few days, and I've barely grasped the basics. Cultivating Abhijna is indeed very complicated."

He then proceeded to recommend an app that was comparable to the old version of the Divine Weapon for Chasing Books.

"Ahem…" Jun Zhantian almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Grandpa?" Jun Xiaoyao was confused.

"It's… it's nothing. If you want to learn any Abhijna in the future, go to the martial arts tower and look for it yourself. I need some time to myself."

Jun Zhantian turned around and left, not wanting to spend any more time with this little monster.

If he were to stay here any longer, Jun Zhantian feared that his entire life would've been for nothing.

Jun Xiaoyao was confused.

Five years passed in the blink of an eye.

Jun Xiaoyao was already eight years old this year.

The young man had just grown up and was as handsome as a deity.

Sometimes, Jun Linglong could stare blankly at Jun Xiaoyao's handsome face for an entire day without feeling bored at all.

To any woman, being able to see such an ethereal and handsome face every day was definitely a blessing that they wouldn't be able to cultivate for three lifetimes.

Jun Xiaoyao, on the other hand, had always been focused on training and never slacked off.

His technique was the Supreme Method of the Jun family, the Sutra of Supreme Mystery.

The body forging method was the Divine Elephant Overpowering Force.

The soul forging method was the Meditative Methods of Chaotic Divinity.

Other than that, he was also cultivating some of the Jun Family's martial arts techniques, including the Torrent of the Weapons. It could be said that he was progressing at the same time.

Jun Xiaoyao's cultivation also broke through the Ninth Level of the Spirit Sea Stage and into the Divinity Stage, similar to Jun Zhangjian's cultivation stage back then.

Due to the unique features of the Sacred Body of the Ancients, the spirit sea in his dantian was a boundless golden one.

The density of one's magical power was unparalleled among those of the same level. One could even call it the Boundless Spirit Sea.

Jun Xiaoyao muttered to himself, "There are only two years left until the Ten Years Old Banquet. After that, I should head out and explore the world. At the same time, I should check out the Supreme Treasure of Yuantian."

He had never forgotten about these two check-in locations.

After all, he had already obtained the Accomplished Sacred Body of the Ancients and the Divine Elephant Overpowering Force. He was very curious about what other treasures he would be able to get from checking in.

On the other side, Jun Linglong was also cultivating in a side hall of the Heavenly Emperor Palace. She had completely become Jun Xiaoyao's loyal maid.

At one point, Jun Linglong sensed something. She took out a jade scroll that was used to send messages. There was news inside.

"It's her?" Jun Linglong's eyes widened.