Trial Of The Sacred Body Of The Ancients. 100,000 Thunder Tribulations To Body Tempering. Breakthrough To The Late Stage Of The Celestial Bridge Stage.

Jun Xiaoyao was already at the ninth level of the True Spirit Stage at the age of ten. That alone was enough to shock everyone.

However, when they saw Jun Xiaoyao's aura rising once again, everyone present was left dumbfounded.

Was he about to make another breakthrough?

"This is bad. Is this the Calamity of the Sacred Body of the Ancients?" Jun Zhantian raised his head and looked at the dark clouds billowing in the sky. His eyebrows knitted together.

Normal cultivators wouldn't face any tribulation if they broke through from the True Spirit Stage to the Celestial Bridge Stage.

However, the Sacred Body of the Ancients was different.

Such a body type was not something that could be tolerated by heaven and earth, with the exception of being limited by ten shackles.

Whenever the Sacred Body of the Ancients made a huge breakthrough, the heavens would punish them.

The breakthrough from the True Spirit Stage to the Celestial Bridge Stage was a huge leap.

Not only Jun Zhantian, but the other guests also noticed what happened.

"Is that the Tribulation of the Sacred Body of the Ancients?"

"That's right. Rumor has it that the Sacred Body of the Ancients would trigger a Tribulation when crossing a major stage. The divine child of the Jun family is in trouble now."

Cultivators feared Tribulation the most.

If he wasn't careful, he would die and his Dao would vanish. He would be left with no hope of victory or defeat.

For a body type like the Sacred Body of the Ancients, the Heavenly Tribulation it triggered was even stronger than ordinary ones.

Normal geniuses might not even be able to withstand a single blow.

"Xiaoyao, don't worry. I will protect you!"

Jun Zhantian and a group of elders stepped forward, exuding the aura of a powerful cultivator in the Saint Stage.

In the past, some forces wanted to cultivate the Sacred Body of the Ancients.

Every time the Sacred Body of the Ancients went through a Tribulation, there would be a group of powerhouses to protect him and assist him in overcoming it.

However, Jun Xiaoyao's handsome face remained calm and collected.

"There's no need, grandpa. It's just a Heavenly Tribulation. It's nothing worth worrying about. Just let me do it myself…"

Upon hearing Jun Xiaoyao's words, Jun Zhantian and the others were all stunned.

The expressions of the cultivators around him froze.

At that moment, the Thunder Tribulation finally turned into a torrent of lightning and fell!

The terrifying power of the Tribulation was terrifying!

Jun Xiaoyao stood in midair. His black hair was like silk, flowing with divine light and fluttering in the wind.

His clothes were fluttering in the wind, making him look like a demigod who was about to depart with the wind.

Jun Xiaoyao raised one hand, and the Furnace of Hell manifested once again.

The torrent of lightning fell directly into the Furnace of Hell.

Jun Xiaoyao's body shuddered.

Countless golden qi and blood rose within his body. The phantom of a golden Divine Elephant of the Ancients abruptly appeared, carrying with it a vast power that could suppress the heavens!

The elephant trunk sucked at the sky, and the rolling thunder poured into Jun Xiaoyao's body.

"100,000 Thunder Tribulations shall cast my Immortal Divine Body!"

Not only was Jun Xiaoyao unafraid of the Thunder Tribulation, but he also saw it as a way to temper the Sacred Body of the Ancients.


The lightning continued to fall, but it couldn't hurt Jun Xiaoyao. At most, it could only force him back.

"He… he's a monster…" Many people from various forces were rendered speechless.

Every genius who went through Tribulation was trembling in fear, fearing that they would perish.

Jun Xiaoyao, on the other hand, used the Heavenly Tribulation as a resource to temper himself.

"Sigh, looks like I've underestimated Xiaoyao…" Jun Zhantian and the other elders shook their heads with bitter smiles.

At times, Jun Xiaoyao's talents made the sages feel as if their minds were about to collapse.

If even they felt that way, it was understandable why the young geniuses who came to attend the banquet felt that way.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to catch up to the divine child of the Jun family…"

"That's right. This world of conflict seems to be a stage for the divine child of the Jun family alone…"

The top geniuses of some major forces spoke as cracks began to appear in their Dao hearts.

Eventually, the Thunder Tribulation couldn't do anything to Jun Xiaoyao.


Jun Xiaoyao pushed with his palm. The phantom of the Divine Elephant of the Ancients looked up at the sky and let out a long howl. Thunder rumbled across the sky, scattering the dark clouds that filled the sky!

Light finally returned to the world.

Jun Xiaoyao's harvest was also delightful.

Firstly, his cultivation broke through to the Celestial Bridge Stage. Not only that, but he also broke through to the late stage of the Celestial Bridge Stage.

The Celestial Bridge Stage was divided into early, middle, late, and perfected stages.

Once one reached the consummate level, the divine bridge in their bodies would be built.

After that was the Unifying Stage, where the spirit and flesh merged into one.

After that, he would look for some Seeds of Dao, Seeds of Immortality, and so on to integrate them into his body. That was known as the Dao Integration.

After reaching the Dao Integration Stage, one would reach the Nirvana Stage. They would seek out the Fire Seed and baptize the Divine Palace in their minds, allowing their truesoul to transform into their primordial spirit.

After Nirvana, one's strength would surge and reach the Heaven Ascension Stage.

The last step was to ignite the Divine Fire and open the stairway to the Saint Stage.

Divine Bridge, Unification, Dao Integration, Nirvana, Skyward, and Divine Fire!

This was the middle stage of cultivation.

Beyond that was the Saint Stage.

Jun Xiaoyao, on the other hand, reached the later stages of the Celestial Bridge Stage at the age of ten. He was already considered an absolute monster.

Normally, geniuses his age were still wandering between the Divinity Stage and the True Spirit Stage.

Previously, Long Haotian was only able to step into the Celestial Bridge Stage with the help of the Dragon Essence.

Aside from his cultivation stage, Jun Xiaoyao had awakened another 10,000 granules of the giant elephant in his body with the help of the power of the Thunder Tribulation and the Dragon Essence.

That meant that Jun Xiaoyao's physical strength had reached 500 million catties!

This was simply terrifying!

The physical strength of an ordinary genius was only a few hundred thousand catties at most.

Even the top geniuses were only worth millions or tens of millions of catties.

Jun Xiaoyao had 500 million catties of divine power.

Additionally, Jun Xiaoyao discovered that the Bones of Supremacy in his chest was also absorbing the power of the Heavenly Tribulation and Dragon Essence.

'It seems that the Light of Tribulation isn't the complete form of this Abhijna. I'll have to find a way to nourish this bone in the future,' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

Like the Sacred Body of the Ancients, the Bones of Supremacy had unlimited potential that would keep Jun Xiaoyao company.

Similarly, the two unique body types required the nourishment of various treasures.

They were like two bottomless pits.

"Fortunately, I was born in the Clan of the Ancients. If I were born in a small clan, I wouldn't even be able to afford the resources, let alone cultivate."

Jun Xiaoyao couldn't help but sigh again. Reincarnation was truly a work of art.

'Oh right, I forgot about the flesh of a Destined Supreme,' Jun Xiaoyao thought.

"Come on, Xiaoyao. Have some dragon meat!" Jiang Luoli had a bright smile on her fair forehead. She was smart enough to keep an eye on Jun Xiaoyao.

At that moment, she brought over a plate of grilled dragon meat and handed it to Jun Xiaoyao. She blinked her watery eyes and looked very obedient.

"Thank you." Jun Xiaoyao nodded faintly.

The way he ate was even more composed and elegant than Jiang Luoli.

The life essence of a Destined Supreme level dragon meat was simply astonishing. Even the Bones of Supremacy in his chest were desperately absorbing it.

Jun Xiaoyao was also looking forward to the day when the Bones of Supremacy would transform.

The Light of Tribulation alone was already so powerful.

If he were to transform once again, just how powerful would his Bones of Supremacy become?

'After checking in at the Ten Years Old Banquet, I still have to check in at the Supreme Treasure of Yuantian. Looks like I'll have to start preparing after this,' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

The rewards for checking-in were truly abundant. The Accomplished Sacred Body of the Ancients, the Divine Elephant Overpowering Force, and the Bones of Supremacy were all of great help to him.

Jun Xiaoyao was very curious about what reward he would receive by checking in at the Supreme Mystic Realm of Yuantian.

'I wonder if Xiao Chen still has any value left for me to harvest,' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

After the Ten Years Old Banquet, Jun Xiaoyao could finally enter the world and travel around the Mystic Realm.

He was also looking forward to the boundless Mystic Realm.

Jun Xiaoyao stood with his hands behind his back and looked up at the sky as he sighed. "I hope this world of great conflict isn't too boring for me…"

He felt lonely and invincible.