The Lair of Zulong's Hope, Long Aotian, and Ye Xingyun's Ambition

Jun Xiaoyao's Ten Years Old Banquet came to an end amidst the ups and downs of his life.

The sect masters, elders, and young geniuses of various forces were all shocked and amazed when they left the Jun family.

To them, what they saw at the Jun Residence this time was simply astonishing.

The divine child of the Jun family, in particular, was like a young emperor who was invincible.

Whether it was the Ye Family's Kingly Body of Stars or the Dragon Child of the Lair of Zulong, they were all soft persimmons that he could knead as he pleased.

When some young geniuses compared themselves to the divine child of the Jun family, they couldn't help but sigh in despair.

With the Sacred Body of the Ancients and the Bones of Supremacy, Jun Xiaoyao's talents could no longer be described as monstrous. He was practically born to be a great emperor.

With Jun Xiaoyao around, no one else would have a place in this world.

Even some of the elders were sighing. With Jun Xiaoyao's current cultivation speed, wouldn't he surpass them in a few years?

Aside from Jun Xiaoyao, Jun Zhangjian and Jun Xuehuang also performed very well. They could easily kill geniuses of the Far ancient imperial family.

The Eighteenth Ancestor of the Jun family, who had never shown his face the entire time, was naturally the most shocked one.

A grand patriarch who had been buried in the ancestral temple of the Jun family for countless years.

Killing a Destined Supreme of the Lair of Zulong with three slashes shocked everyone.

Everyone knew that after the Ten Years Old Banquet, the Huangtian Mystic Realm, which had been peaceful for a long time, was about to become turbulent.

Not long after the Jun family's banquet ended…

Far away in the Hong State, in the Lair of Zulong's headquarters, a furious roar of a dragon shook the dry earth and shook the stars.

Every living being in the entire Hong State felt as if they were sensing the mighty power of the apocalypse.

A creature from the Hong State said with a pale face, "It's the supreme being of the Lair of Zulong. Why is he so angry?"

It would take some time for news of the Jun family's banquet to spread, so no one knew about it.

Many powerful telepathic thoughts were communicating within the Lair of Zulong.

"Calm down. What's the point of being so angry? Are you going to kill your way into the Jun family?"

"That little b * stard of the Jun family dared to kill the dragon child of my line. He deserves to die!"

"Jun Shiba also dared to kill Youlong. Is he not afraid of the Lair of Zulong at all?"

The angry voice from before said coldly.

"Jun Shiba is a lunatic. Killing him will be very difficult…"

Another powerful being from the Lair of Zulong sent out a telepathic message. "Should we tell Aotian about this?"

"That won't be necessary. Long Aotian is currently in seclusion to refine the fifth Dragon Essence. By the time he finishes refining the seventh Dragon Essence and the Blood of the Emperor Dragon, he will be able to dominate the younger generation of the Mystic Realm. He could even kill the divine child of the Jun family with ease!"

"Alright, I shall wait for the day when Aotian kills the divine child of the Jun family!"

"The Jun family will make them pay for what they've done!"

On the other side, a divine bird flew across the void with a carriage.

Inside the carriage, a young man wearing a blue robe with dashing eyebrows and bright eyes slowly woke up.

It was Ye Xingyun.

"Ouch… it hurts…"

As soon as Ye Xingyun moved his body, he felt as if he was about to fall apart. His face turned pale from the pain.

Uncle Fu said, "You're awake, young master."

"I…" Ye Xingyun was at a loss for a while before he finally recalled everything that happened at the banquet.

He felt utterly humiliated.

As the genius of the Ye family of the Clan of the Ancients, Ye Xingyun had never suffered such humiliation before.

Much less embarrass himself in front of his goddess.

"Jun Xiaoyao…" Ye Xingyun gritted his teeth and clenched his fist so hard that his knuckles turned white.

"Young master, the divine child of the Jun family is not to be trifled with. I heard that the divine child not only has the Sacred Body of the Ancients, but he also has a piece of the Bones of Supremacy. He even killed the Dragon Child of the Lair of Zulong with ease," Uncle Fu said with a sigh.

"What? Is that true?!" Ye Xingyun was stunned. He couldn't believe his ears.

Jun Xiaoyao was still holding back when fighting him. He didn't even use the Bones of Supremacy.

Ye Xingyun felt more humiliated. Jun Xiaoyao never took him seriously at all.

"Damn it…" Ye Xingyun felt both resentful and humiliated.

Suddenly, a vague memory flashed across his mind.

He seemed to see a magnificent palace of stars and a magnificent figure draped in the sun, moon, and stars with his back facing him.

"What is that? Is it a dream? Or…" Ye Xingyun muttered to himself.

He knew that there were reincarnations of saints and even reincarnations of Supreme Emperors in this world.

Those reincarnated geniuses were the true cheaters. Their vision and cultivation far exceeded that of ordinary geniuses.

Ye Guchen, the taboo genius of the Ye family of the Clan of the Ancients, was rumored to be the reincarnation of the Far ancient Sword Demon, Dugu Wubai.

According to historical records, the Sword Demon had once killed a quasi Emperor with the Imperial Slaughtering Sword.

'Could it be that I'm also the reincarnation of some supreme cultivator like Ye Guchen, while the Star Palace is a treasure of opportunity left for me?' Ye Xingyun thought to himself.

That was highly possible.

As time passed, he would awaken even more memories. By then, he might be able to find that Star Palace and inherit all the opportunities that the supreme being had.

"Jun Xiaoyao, what goes around comes around. Once I awaken my memories, I'll be able to rise to prominence."

"Luoli, I will let you know who is the best match for you!"

Ye Xingyun was invigorated once again. He felt like he was about to take off!

Meanwhile, at the Jun Residence…

After the banquet ended, Jun Xiaoyao was being harassed by Jiang Luoli.

It was time for her to return to the Jiang family, yet Jiang Luoli refused to leave.

On the other hand, Jun Xiaoyao had turned the girl that Ye Xingyun yearned for even in his dreams into someone that he couldn't shake off.

"Xiaoyao, do you need a maid to serve you tea?"

"Linglong is here."

"Xiaoyao, do you need a maid to wash and fold your blanket?"

"Linglong is here."

"Xiaoyao, do you need a maid to warm your bed?"

"You have Linglong… Ahem, what are you talking about?" Jun Xiaoyao cleared his throat in annoyance.

Eventually, even Jiang Rou began to urge him to get married.

"Mother, the Eighteenth Ancestor still needs to see me. I'll be taking my leave now." Unable to stand the harassment and clamoring of a group of women, Jun Xiaoyao left right away.

"Hmph, Xiaoyao, I will never give up!" Jiang Luoli clenched her fist and said, looking like a fangirl who was chasing after her idol.

Jun Xiaoyao arrived at the deepest part of the Jun family's ancestral grounds and saw the Eighteenth Ancestor.

The Eighteenth Ancestor, who was dressed in a gray robe and had a head full of white hair, was sitting cross-legged in midair.

It was as if the sun and moon were rotating around him. The terrifying scene of the void of life, the collapse of the heavens, and the reversal of galaxies appeared.

His aura was unbelievably powerful, making people feel as if they were facing the heavens.

No wonder he could kill a Destined Supreme with three slashes.

Jun Xiaoyao sighed to himself. None of the patriarchs of the Jun family were simple people.

Not to mention, the Jun Family seemed to have 17 people as powerful as the Eighteenth Ancestor!

Upon seeing Jun Xiaoyao's arrival, the Eighteenth Ancestor revealed a rare smile.

"Very well!" the Eighteenth Ancestor said.

He was obviously praising Jun Xiaoyao's performance at the Ten Years Old Banquet.

It was one thing to defeat Ye Xingyun, but tearing apart the Dragon Child of the Lair of Zulong would definitely bring honor to the Jun family.

Jun Xiaoyao cupped his hands together and calmly asked, "May I ask why the grand patriarch has summoned me here?"

When facing the Eighteenth Ancestor, even some of the elders would feel rather nervous and cautious.

However, Jun Xiaoyao remained calm and collected.

That greatly satisfied the Eighteenth Ancestor.

With the Sacred Body of the Ancients and the Bones of Supremacy, there was no doubt about his talents.

However, what was even more surprising was that Jun Xiaoyao was so calm and collected. He didn't seem like a ten-year-old teenager at all.

"Don't you want to learn the Sword Chant of the Immortal Slayer?" the Eighteenth Ancestor asked with a faint smile.

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes brightened.