Jun Xiaoyao's Strength; Continue to Crush

Upon hearing that voice, the joy on Ji Xuan's face instantly disappeared.

However, he didn't panic. Instead, he calmly turned around.

He immediately saw Jun Xiaoyao and the others.

Jun Xiaoyao had his hands behind his back. His expression was calm and collected, but his deep eyes were filled with coldness.

Ji Xuan's actions made him stand against Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao would never treat his enemies well.

However, what surprised Jun Xiaoyao slightly was that Ji Xuan didn't seem to be too surprised or fearful of him.

Instead, he looked calm and confident.

One could see the gap between Ji Xuan and Xiao Chen from there.

Although Xiao Chen was a lucky man, his background was limited. While the Ancient Kingdom of Dragon was a top-notch orthodoxy, it was obvious that it couldn't compare to the Immortal Orthodoxy.

Ji Xuan was born in a Clan of the Ancients. He was stronger than Xiao Chen in both temperament and vision.

That piqued Jun Xiaoyao's interest.

At least it shouldn't be too boring.

"Ji Xuan, aren't you surprised to see me here?" Jun Xiaoyao asked casually.

"Jun Xiaoyao, I never intended to become enemies with you, but you've gone too far. Do you really think that I, Ji Xuan, am a treasure-seeking rat?" Ji Xuan's eyes were sharp.

"What else could it be? Isn't that all you're worth?" Jun Xiaoyao replied calmly.


Ji Xuan's eyes twitched slightly.

As the little saint of the Ji family, he had never suffered such humiliation before.

Jun Zhangjian and the others, on the other hand, were used to it. Jun Xiaoyao usually wore an aloof and otherworldly white robe.

However, if he were to really use his mouth, he would be so angry that he would die on the spot.

Xiao Chen was nothing more than a victim of verbal abuse.

"Heh, looks like even the divine child of the Jun family has to bully others with numbers."

Ji Xuan's eyes flickered as he looked around.

There was only one person on his side, while there were five people on Jun Xiaoyao's side.

There was no need for such a fight.

"Ji Xuan, I know what you're planning. You want me to fight you one on one."

"I don't mind bullying you with numbers, but there's really no need to deal with you."

He immediately saw through Ji Xuan's intentions.

"Rumor has it that the divine child of the Jun family is extremely arrogant and conceited. It seems that's true. How would we know if we don't try?"

Ji Xuan's eyes glimmered sharply.

He had always wanted to fight Jun Xiaoyao.

As a top-notch genius, who would submit to anyone before actually fighting?

At least Ji Xuan was unconvinced.

That was why he wanted to take this opportunity to fight Jun Xiaoyao.

"Ignorant fool!"

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes were cold and distant. The endless golden spirit sea in his dantian stirred up huge waves.

Boundless golden magical power and divine energy surged like a vast ocean. That aura was so intimidating that it shook one's mind!

Jun Xiaoyao extended his hand without using any martial arts moves.

A single palm strike was like a powerful Abhijna that could pulverize any genius in the Celestial Bridge Stage.

Ji Xuan's expression was no longer calm and composed as he sensed the immense power. Instead, it became extremely solemn.

When Jun Xiaoyao was still, he looked like a demigod descending upon the mortal world.

However, when he moved, it was as if the Divine King had arrived and the Martial God had descended. His aura was so terrifying that it made people tremble!

Ji Xuan made his move as well. He extended his right arm that had merged with the bone of the King of the Saints.

The King of the Saints was an existence that surpassed the Saints. He was considered to be at the very top among the Saints.

The bone of the King of Saints was invaluable and extremely powerful.

At Ji Xuan's cultivation level, it was practically cheating.

It was as if a divine artifact had been picked up by the players of the Beginner's Village and merged together.

He would become an extremely powerful genius.


As the two fists collided, magical power rippled and vibrated. Ji Xuan was the one who was knocked back!

Ji Xuan staggered back dozens of steps. The Qi and blood in his chest churned, and he swallowed the metallic taste that welled up in his throat.

His eyes were filled with unprecedented shock and astonishment.

What was going on?

He clashed with Jun Xiaoyao with his right arm that had the bone of the King of the Saints. Why was he the one injured?

Ji Xuan's eyes were filled with astonishment and confusion.

On the other side, Jun Xiaoyao raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a hint of surprise, "As expected of the Hand Bone of the King of the Saints. He only sustained minor injuries from my attack."

Jun Xiaoyao was used to using force to overpower others.

He would first slap any enemy he encountered.

Eighty percent of his enemies couldn't even withstand a single slap from him.

Only the remaining 20% of his enemies were worth him using other methods.

However, Jun Xiaoyao didn't expect that Ji Xuan would only sustain a light injury after taking a direct hit from him. That was a feat worthy of the title of King of the Saints.

Ji Xuan doubted himself even more upon hearing that.

Shouldn't he be the one who sent Jun Xiaoyao flying?

Now that he was slightly injured, Jun Xiaoyao thought that he was pretty good?

How was that considered decent?

"Unfortunately, the bone of the King of the Saints is a foreign object. It's not yours. It's not yours after all!"

As Jun Xiaoyao spoke, he formed the Seal of the Emperor with one hand and blasted it forward.

With Ji Xuan's strength, it was impossible for him to fully utilize the power of the Bone of the King of the Saints.

Furthermore, it was not his bone. It was still slightly incomplete.

As for Jun Xiaoyao's Bone of Supremacy, it was obtained by the system. It was perfectly fused with his physical body and wouldn't have such defects.

"Jun Xiaoyao, stop giving advice. How could you possibly know the power of the Bone of the King of Saints?"

Ji Xuan felt rather humiliated and angry, as if he had just been insulted.

He threw another punch. The bone of the King of the Saints burst with divine light. Runic patterns revolved around the bone of his arm, showing how powerful it was.

The light of his fist was so dazzling that it pierced through the void, bringing with it an aura of the Emperor. It was the Ultimate Abhijna of the Ji family, the Fist of the Emperor.

Jun Xiaoyao conjured the Seal of the Emperor. A towering figure of an emperor appeared, making it seem as if the world was trembling under his majesty.

As the seal blasted out, divine light burst forth and magical power surged!

The two of them clashed with their fists.

This time, Jun Xiaoyao activated the Divine Elephant Overpowering Force.

The granules of the giant elephants infused their divine power, making the seal seem as if it had the power to destroy the world!


A deafening sound rang out in all directions.

The entire depths of the Supreme Treasure of Yuantian were rumbling and trembling.

Amidst such an intense collision, a figure was sent flying once again.

It was Ji Xuan!

This time, he finally couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood. His face instantly turned pale.

He blocked Jun Xiaoyao's first move, but not his second.

"How… how is this possible?" Ji Xuan tightly clutched his trembling right arm with his left hand. The bones of his fingers felt as if they were about to break as his entire arm was trembling.

"As expected of the divine child…"

Jun Zhangjian, Jun Xuehuang, and the others all wore respectful expressions.

Although they knew that Jun Xiaoyao wouldn't lose, they didn't expect him to be crushed so easily.

After all, the little saint Ji Xuan was quite capable.

Jun Xiaoyao put his hands behind his back and said, "Now, do you know how foolish it is to challenge me, the Divine Child?"

"You…" Ji Xuan was rendered speechless.

He never expected Jun Xiaoyao's Sacred Body of the Ancients to be so powerful.

Ji Xuan's eyes flickered at that thought.

He was not willing to lose just like that.

Ji Xuan flipped his wrist and held a piece of dark metal in his hand.

In an instant, the will of reincarnation quietly spread.

"Jun Xiaoyao, take this!"