The Abnormality Of The Bones Of Supremacy, Still Overpowering Ji Xuan. Final Fight!

Ji Xuan threw another punch, but it was different from before.

The punch seemed to contain the meaning of reincarnation, which was far more powerful than the Fist of the Emperor.

Even Jun Xuehuang, Jun Zhangjian, and the others felt extreme danger from that punch.

"Be careful, Divine Child!" they couldn't help but remind him.

"Xiaoyao, be careful," Jiang Shengyi reminded him.

On the other hand, Jun Xiaoyao's expression remained unchanged as he looked at the incoming fist with a hint of astonishment in his eyes.

That was because he sensed that the Bones of Supremacy in his chest seemed to tremble slightly when Ji Xuan unleashed his fist intent.

'What's going on here? Is the thing in Ji Xuan's hand somehow related to my Bones of Supremacy?' Jun Xiaoyao muttered to himself.

His Bones of Supremacy had awakened the Light of Tribulation and the complete version of the Hand of Heaven.

However, the power of the Bones of Supremacy was definitely more than that.

It still had more potential to exploit.

Now, after sensing the fist intent of the Life and Death Reincarnation, his Bones of Supremacy actually reacted.


Jun Xiaoyao's eyes flickered as he clenched his fist.

Seventy thousand granules of the giant elephant exploded. Golden magical power surged and condensed into the Divine Elephant of the Ancients that could suppress the universe.

He activated the Lair of Zulong's Abhijna, the Dragon Fist.

The dragon qi within Xiao Chen's body wound around his arm and morphed into the shape of a blue dragon. It was the dragon qi that he stole from Xiao Chen.

With both the Dragon and Elephant boosting him, Jun Xiaoyao felt as if he could shatter the sky and the earth with a single move!

Jun Xiaoyao pushed out his fist and palm. The fluctuations of the Dragon Elephant's movement were terrifying!

The air in front of him seemed to be pushed away by the immense force, creating a vacuum domain!

That punch was simply astonishing!

"Life-Extermination Fist!"

Seeing this, Ji Xuan let out a roar and unleashed his strongest power.

The Divine Energy of the King of the Saints poured madly into his hand.

Runes were branded in the void around him as the aura of the Saint Stage emanated.

At the same time, the metal he held in his fist made his Life-Extermination Fist even more destructive.

It could be said that any genius who faced the moves of these two would feel despair and be unable to resist at all!


Like a meteor crashing into the earth, their fists collided. Violent waves of magical power spread out, razing the surrounding earth and causing thick cracks to spread.

Ji Xuan was sent flying as blood sprayed from his mouth.

His wrist was shattered, and his entire arm was slightly twisted. His skin and blood vessels were unable to withstand the divine power and directly cracked open.

The dark piece of metal in his hand also lost its grip and was thrown away.

Jun Xiaoyao raised his hand and grabbed the metal.

"Give it back to me, Jun Xiaoyao!" Ji Xuan only stopped after destroying several broken halls.

He kept coughing up blood, looking both shocked and furious.

Ji Xuan never expected that he would still be no match for Jun Xiaoyao even if he went all out.

He even lost such a important thing.

Jun Xiaoyao ignored Ji Xuan and played with the piece of metal in his hand.

This time, the Bones of Supremacy in his chest felt a clear desire.

"Is this metal… Reincarnation Gold?" Jun Xiaoyao raised his eyebrows and asked.

He was born in a Clan of the Ancients, so his horizons were naturally extraordinary.

He had seen all kinds of rare treasures before.

The Metal of Reincarnation was known as the Divine Metal. It could be used to forge the Emperor's Verification Weapons, making it extremely rare.

A piece of Reincarnation Gold the size of a fingernail was enough to make a group of saints fight over it if it was placed outside.

Unfortunately, the fingernail-sized piece of Reincarnation Metal had lost its essence. All that was left of it was the intent of reincarnation.

Ji Xuan made use of the will of reincarnation to make his Life-Extinguishing Fist even more powerful.

However, he was still defeated by Jun Xiaoyao.

"I can't believe you have something like that, Ji Xuan," Jun Xiaoyao said faintly.

"Give it back!" Ji Xuan's expression was ugly.

At that moment, Jiang Shengyi said, "I heard that there is a Sacred Spirit of Reincarnation left behind from ancient times in the Shengling Academy. Is this small piece of Reincarnation Gold a residue that has been removed from its body?"

"I see." Jun Xiaoyao was enlightened.

Ji Xuan was also the Holy Child of the Shengling Academy.

It was not impossible for him to get his hands on that tiny piece of Reincarnation Gold.

'If that's the case, I guess I'll have to make a trip to the Shengling Academy in the future. This might be related to the transformation of my Bones of Supremacy,' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

He looked at Ji Xuan and said indifferently, "What did I think it was? It's just residue. How could it be considered a treasure?"

With that, Jun Xiaoyao crushed it into dust.

The Reincarnation Gold that had lost its essence could easily be crushed.

Ji Xuan's face was flushed with anger.

He had never experienced such humiliation before.

While Ji Xuan was furious, he also felt powerless.

Previously, he thought that even if he couldn't defeat Jun Xiaoyao, he could at least fight him.

However, the cruel truth told him otherwise.

There was still a massive gap between him and Jun Xiaoyao.

A little saint was nothing before the divine child of the Jun family!

"No, I haven't lost yet. The entire treasure is still under my control. If I can get my hands on that treasure, I might be able to surpass Jun Xiaoyao in the future!"

Having realized that, Ji Xuan reorganized himself and grew excited.

He took out the ancient talisman and poured his powers into it.

Several runic patterns spread out from the ground with the pitch-black divine tower as the center. The entire depths of the mystic treasure were covered by countless runic patterns that looked like stars.

At the same time, the ground shook as hundreds of demonic corpses broke out of the ground.

Instead of targeting Ji Xuan who possessed the ancient talisman, they headed straight for Jun Xiaoyao and the others.

Most geniuses would've been scared out of their minds by now.

However, Jun Xiaoyao remained composed.

"Is that what makes you so confident?" Jun Xiaoyao didn't care.

"Hmph, Jun Xiaoyao, just accept this gift. I might crush you the next time we meet!"

As soon as Ji Xuan finished speaking, his figure flashed and entered the pitch-black tower.


Jun Xiaoyao sneered and raised his hand.

The turbulent magical power surged as an astonishing sword intent emanated from Jun Xiaoyao's body.

A dazzling ray of sword light pierced through the sky, seemingly manifesting the phantom of an immortal. The sharp ray of sword light seemed capable of tearing through space.

With a sweep of his sword, a deep gully was left in front of him. Hundreds of demonic corpses were instantly killed.

They might have been very powerful in the past, but after their deaths, they lost their powers and were corroded by the grey fog. As a result, their powers were greatly reduced.

Even so, the corpses could still pose a threat to the geniuses of the Unifying Stage at the Celestial Bridge Stage.

Now, Jun Xiaoyao was able to annihilate over a hundred corpses with ease!

Ji Xuan, who entered the Divine Pagoda of Darkness, broke out in a cold sweat when he saw what happened.

When Jun Xiaoyao fought him, he didn't even use the Sword Chant of the Immortal Slayer!

"How could the Chinese chives that I want to harvest escape my grasp?"

The Wings of the Devil extended from Jun Xiaoyao's back. His speed skyrocketed as he dashed towards the pitch-black divine tower.

Ji Xuan immediately unleashed the Ji family's Ultimate Abhijna of Movement. He dashed toward the top of the pagoda like a bolt of lightning.

Winner takes all.

This was the final gamble!