Resisting The Corpse Of The Supremacy. Ji Xuan Was Going Crazy!

The collision was like a collision between planets. The shock waves were terrifying to the extreme. The entire depths of the mystic realm seemed to have been swept by the shock waves.

The minds of Jiang Shengyi and the others buzzed as their faces instantly turned pale.

That was a Demon Corpse of the Supreme Stage!

Even if the current strength of the demonic corpse was less than one ten-thousandth of its peak, it was still not something that a cultivator in the Celestial Bridge Stage could contend with.

"Xiaoyao!" Jiang Shengyi's face paled.

She couldn't imagine how she would face Jiang Rou if something were to happen to Jun Xiaoyao.

They had agreed to take care of Jun Xiaoyao in the Supreme Treasure, but now, they could only watch helplessly.

Jun Zhangjian, Jun Xuehuang, and the others felt their hearts tremble.

On the other side, Ji Xuan looked back at Jun Xiaoyao while dashing towards the coffin.

He didn't believe that Jun Xiaoyao would be able to come out unscathed.

The violent explosion gradually died down. In the midst of a cloud of dust, two figures retreated at the same time.

Jun Xiaoyao appeared.

He was still wearing his spotless white robe and his handsome face that was as calm as water.

However, his eyebrows were knitted together with a hint of seriousness.

The qi and blood in his chest were churning slightly, while his arms felt a little numb.

On the other side, the Demonic Corpse of the Supremacy also revealed itself. Similarly, its body was not damaged at all.

After all, he was a supreme being when he was alive. Even if his physical body was corroded and weakened countless times, it was still impossible for him to be destroyed so easily.

Jiang Shengyi felt as if she was about to stop breathing when she saw Jun Xiaoyao appear unscathed.

Then, extreme joy was seen in her crystal clear eyes.

"That's great." Jiang Shengyi moved lightly and flashed away.

"Sir Divine Child is fine!" Jun Zhangjian, Jun Xuehuang, and Jun Wanjie were all pleasantly surprised.

At the same time, their eyes were filled with fervent adoration.

The Divine Child of their family was able to fight against a demonic corpse of the Supreme Stage with his Divine Bridge Stage cultivation.

He didn't even sustain a light injury, let alone fall!

If news of this were to spread, the entire Mystic Realm would be thrown into a frenzy!

Throughout the ten thousand years of history of the Mystic Realm, no one had ever been able to stand up to a supreme cultivator in the Celestial Bridge Stage, even if it was just a corpse.

Not at all!

"This is ridiculous!"

Even Ji Xuan, who was usually calm and collected, was stunned at that moment. He couldn't help but swear something that he had never uttered before.

This was too absurd!

Was Jun Xiaoyao still human?

He was able to fight the Corpse of the Supremacy at the Celestial Bridge Stage without being injured?

No one would believe it if word got out!

At that moment, Ji Xuan completely doubted whether Jun Xiaoyao was the reincarnation of some ancient emperor. Otherwise, how could he be so powerful?

"What a monster! Jun Xiaoyao is a complete and utter monster!"

Ji Xuan was on the verge of losing his mind. Unable to maintain his composure, he began cursing and swearing in his heart.

With such a freak around, how could other geniuses compete in this era?

Who could compete with Jun Xiaoyao?

Even the genius of the Ji family, who had become the current Holy Maiden of the Renxian Sect, was probably no match for him.

"I don't care anymore. I'll go look for treasures first. That Corpse of Supremacy can hold Jun Xiaoyao back."

Ji Xuan thought to himself. He had completely lost all thoughts of competing with Jun Xiaoyao.

All he wanted to do now was to find the great opportunity within the coffin and leave.

With that opportunity, he might even be able to fight Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao naturally noticed Ji Xuan's actions. He tilted his head and said, "Zhanjian, Xuehuang, Wanjie, go deal with Ji Xuan. Don't let him leave with the treasure."

"What about you, Divine Child?" Jun Xuehuang asked.

They also wanted to help Jun Xiaoyao deal with the corpse.

"I'm more than enough here," Jun Xiaoyao said.

"I'll help you." Jiang Shengyi stood firmly beside Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao was slightly stunned. He said, "That's the Supreme Devil Corpse. It's too dangerous."

"I'm your aunt. If I don't help you, who else would? When I see you get hurt, Sister Jiang Rou will also scold me." Jiang Shengyi pursed her lips into a charming smile.

There was no way she would let Jun Xiaoyao face the Sovereign Devil Corpse alone.

Jun Xiaoyao nodded slightly without saying anything.

Now was not the time to be touched.

He naturally remembered that.


The Fiend Corpse of the Supremacy charged forward once again, bringing with it a torrential murderous aura. The aura alone was enough to cause the divine palaces of geniuses of the Celestial Bridge Stage to explode.

"This demonic corpse sure is difficult to deal with," Jun Xiaoyao said with a frown.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Shengyi felt rather speechless.

Was that even human language?

To other geniuses, the nearly invincible Corpse of the Supremacy was nothing more than a handful to Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao raised his hand. Dragon qi erupted as if a lifelike true dragon had manifested.

It was the Abhijna of the Lair of Zulong, the Sky Prison of the Veritable Dragon.

With his other hand, he unleashed the Torrent of the Weapons. Thousands of golden weapons transformed into weapons such as sabers, spears, halberds, and so on in midair, forming a torrent that shocked the world.

Jun Xiaoyao unleashed two powerful moves at once, colliding with the Corpse of Supremacy once again.

The Corpse of the Supremacy didn't have any magical powers. It was simply resisting Jun Xiaoyao with its decaying body.

This made Jun Xiaoyao increasingly understand the supreme power of a supreme cultivator.

One had to know that the Supreme Fiend Corpse of Yuantian only had one ten-thousandth of its power when it was alive.

From this, one could infer just how powerful a true Supreme was.

However, Jun Xiaoyao believed that with his talents, it would only be a matter of time before he became a supreme being.


The massive shockwave spread once again, pushing both Jun Xiaoyao and the Corpse of Supremacy back.

Both of Jun Xiaoyao's arms were slightly numb, while the blood in his chest was boiling.

"This is the first time I've experienced something like this." Not only was Jun Xiaoyao not discouraged, but he also found it rather novel.

Unfortunately, the Demonic Corpse of the Supremacy could only make his qi and blood churn, and it couldn't truly injure him.

Jun Xiaoyao had never been truly injured since he was born.

Jiang Shengyi also helped Jun Xiaoyao from the sidelines.

On top of the divine tower, Ji Xuan found an ancient wooden box in the coffin.

The box looked extremely ordinary.

There was only one box in the entire coffin.

"This is it!" Ji Xuan's eyes burned with excitement.

At that moment, a bolt of lightning pierced through the air. Ji Xuan turned his body to the side with a serious expression.

"How dare you touch something that the young master wants?"

Jun Wanjie and the other two rushed over.

"Damn it, are you not going to help Jun Xiaoyao because you want him to die at the hands of the Corpse of Supremacy?" Ji Xuan's expression was solemn.

"We believe in the young master's strength. There is no way you could take this away," Jun Wanjie said coldly.

At that moment, some of the demonic corpses that hadn't been cleared out earlier also came up through the divine tower.

With the ancient talisman in Ji Xuan's hand, they shifted their attention to Jun Wanjie and the other two.

"Zhanjian, Xuehuang, you two deal with the corpses. I'll deal with Ji Xuan," Jun Wanjie said.


Jun Zhangjian and Jun Xiaoyao nodded.

What followed was a great war between various parties.

While Jun Zhangjian and Jun Xuehuang dealt with the demonic corpses, Jun Wanjie went up against Ji Xuan, preventing him from taking the wooden box away.

However, the most important battle was still between Jun Xiaoyao and the Corpse of Supremacy.

If Jun Xiaoyao were to fail, Jun Wanjie and the others would have to help him. Ji Xuan, on the other hand, could take the wooden box away.

However, in Ji Xuan's eyes, it was already a miracle for Jun Xiaoyao to be able to resist the Corpse of the Supremacy.

Ji Xuan would never believe that Jun Xiaoyao could defeat the Corpse of the Supremacy.

"Stop wasting your time, Jun Wanjie. As long as I can stall until Jun Xiaoyao is defeated by the Corpse of Supremacy, I can take the opportunity to lead the wooden box," Ji Xuan said with confidence.

This was a blatant scheme, so he wasn't afraid to say it out loud.

"How could you possibly know what the young master can do?" Jun Wanjie said coldly, feeling extremely confident in Jun Xiaoyao.

"Hehe, if Jun Xiaoyao is so powerful that he can even defeat the Corpse of the Supremacy, then I, Ji Xuan, shall piss on the spot!" Ji Xuan sneered with sarcasm in his tone.

"You will regret this," Jun Wanjie said with a deep gaze.