Merging Of The Sacred Body And The Vision Of The Sacred Body Overpowering The Corpse Of The Supremacy. Everyone Was Shocked!

In the depths of the Supreme Treasure, terrifying magical power fluctuated.

The golden qi and blood in Jun Xiaoyao's body surged as if a god of war had descended upon the world. He unleashed all kinds of techniques with immense power.

On the other hand, the Demon Corpse of the Supremacy was surging with demonic intent.

Any cultivator at the Celestial Bridge Stage or even the geniuses of the Unifying Stage would be instantly pulverized by such a terrifying demonic corpse.

Only a freak like Jun Xiaoyao, who couldn't be judged by common sense, could contend with him.

With Jiang Shengyi by his side, her Innate Energy Vessel was also a force to be reckoned with.

Every move she made seemed to be one with the Dao. As she waved her hand, her powers surged and shook the void.

Jun Xiaoyao sensed it when he attacked.

Under the aura of the Innate Energy Vessel, his Sacred Body of the Ancients had become even stronger.

This reminded Jun Xiaoyao of the ancient emperor who possessed the Innate Sacred Body and the Energy Vessel.

'Could it be that when these two types of body types are superimposed, a qualitative change would occur?' Jun Xiaoyao's eyes flickered.

He didn't want to turn his body into the Innate Sacred Body's Energy Vessel because it was unrealistic.

The only way to get it was to check-in for a reward.

However, that was too unrealistic. The rewards for checking-in couldn't be specified.

Jun Xiaoyao was thinking of another possibility.

Such a possibility might enable him to deal with the corpse before him.

At that thought, Jun Xiaoyao sent a telepathic message to Jiang Shengyi. "Sister Shengyi, I need your help."

"What favor?" Jiang Shengyi asked.

"Send the power of your Innate Energy Vessel into my body and merge with my sacred body," Jun Xiaoyao said.

"This…" Jiang Shengyi was also slightly stunned.

She never thought that Jun Xiaoyao would come up with such a plan.

Although the Innate Sacred Body and the Energy Vessel were indeed extremely powerful body types,

However, it was impossible to create something like that.

"Xiaoyao, are you trying to create that body type? However, this isn't something that can be done by imparting techniques. You need to do this… that…"

Jiang Shengyi was rendered speechless.

A faint blush appeared on her fair and translucent face.

Jun Xiaoyao was slightly stunned before becoming speechless.

Were all women's thoughts so strange?

"Sister Shengyi, where do you think you're going? I just want to try increasing the power of my sacred body with the power of the Innate Energy Vessel. I want to see if I can suppress the Corpse of Supremacy."

Jun Xiaoyao replied helplessly.

"Oh, I see." Jiang Shengyi bit her lip in embarrassment.

She scolded herself for thinking too much.

At that moment, the Corpse of Supremacy shifted its target and charged towards Jiang Shengyi.

With Jiang Shengyi's physical strength, there was no way she could withstand a single blow from the Corpse of the Supremacy.

Seeing this, Jun Xiaoyao stepped forward and shielded Jiang Shengyi.


When the two collided, Jun Xiaoyao was sent flying backward, only to hit a soft spot.

"Sister Shengyi?" Jun Xiaoyao tilted his head. Jiang Shengyi caught him in her arms.

"Xiaoyao, focus!"

Jiang Shengyi made up her mind and drove the power of the Innate Energy Vessel within her body.

Immediately, the aura of the Great Dao emanated.

Jiang Shengyi's body was glittering like the finest jade.

Countless runes were branded and flowing around her.

Such a scene was extremely astonishing. Jiang Shengyi seemed to be favored by the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Various runes, divine light, and runes manifested around her.

The Great Dao of Heaven and Earth seemed to be paving the way for her.

"Is this the power of the Innate Energy Vessel?" Jun Xiaoyao muttered to himself.

No wonder the Innate Energy Vessel was no weaker than the Sacred Body of the Ancients.

Such a body type that was almost like the Dao was simply too terrifying. He was practically the favored child of the heavens.

Jiang Shengyi poured the power of the Innate Energy Vessel into Jun Xiaoyao's body.

Immediately, the Innate Energy Vessel and the Sacred Body of the Ancients seemed to resonate.

The power between the two seemed to be blending.

It was a very peculiar feeling.

Jiang Shengyi's face was slightly flushed. She bit her lip and didn't make a sound.

Jun Xiaoyao, on the other hand, felt that his Sacred Body of the Ancients was even more powerful.

It was as if he was on steroids.

On the other side, the Demonic Corpse of the Supremacy seemed to sense some kind of instinctive danger as its bloodshot eyes flickered.

Ji Xuan and the others also noticed the commotion.

"The power of the Innate Energy Vessel. What is Jun Xiaoyao trying to do?" Ji Xuan's heart sank slightly as he had a bad feeling about this.

At that moment, Jun Xiaoyao was enveloped by a divine light.

Golden divine light and the light of the Great Dao flickered around him.

Although such a state was far from being comparable to a true Innate Sacred Body, the Dao Embryo.

Compared to the Sacred Body of the Ancients, however, it was much stronger.

"It's time to end everything."

Jun Xiaoyao's tone was apathetic. At that moment, it was as if he was a high and mighty deity making his judgment.

He was confident even when facing the corpse of the Supreme Demon.

Jun Xiaoyao fully activated the power of the Sacred Body of the Ancients. Several figures began to appear in the void around him.

Every single figure was sacred and transcendent, exuding a sacred aura.

It was as if multiple Holy Lords were appearing in the void.

On closer inspection, there were tens of thousands of phantoms!

"This is… the phenomenon of the sacred body!"

Jiang Shengyi came to her senses as well. She suppressed the strange feeling in her heart and was shocked by what she saw.

The power of the Sacred Body of the Ancients was not limited to the unparalleled physique.

The phenomenon of the sacred body was also a killer move.

Jun Xiaoyao had never used the Sacred Body phenomenon throughout his entire journey.

It was not that he didn't want to use it, but no one was qualified to do so.

Now, Jun Xiaoyao finally unleashed the phenomenon of the sacred body and the Reverence of the Ten Thousand Saints while facing the corpse of the Supreme Demon.

Furthermore, this phenomenon was enhanced by the power of the Innate Energy Vessel.

One could easily imagine how powerful it was!

"Supreme Yuantian, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. You should just rest in peace after you die."

Jun Xiaoyao stood in midair with his hands behind his back, looking as indifferent as a deity.

At that moment, the specters of the Ten Thousand Saints all bowed and paid their respects to Jun Xiaoyao!

It was as if he was the only god who worshipped the heavens and earth!

Such a sight was truly astonishing!


A terrifying force came crashing down!

Golden divine light illuminated the surroundings. The ordinary corpses were instantly pulverized by the force!

Even the Corpse of Supremacy was greatly suppressed. Its strength fell by more than 40% once again. Under the illumination of the divine light, the black Qi all over its body began to emit white smoke.

The Sacred Body of the Ancients had a suppressive effect on all kinds of evil forces.

With the magnification of the phenomenon, the effects were even more pronounced.

Not only was the Sovereign Devil Corpse suppressed, but all of the grey fog in the depths of the Supreme Treasure began to disintegrate under the phenomenon of the sacred body.

Meanwhile, in the Great Wild Forest outside…

The Sky Mirror hovering in midair was originally shrouded in grey fog, preventing anyone from seeing what was happening inside.

However, the grey fog started to disperse. The scene inside the Supreme Treasure was also branded into the sky through the Sky Mirror.

"Look, the Sky Viewing Mirror is starting to function!"

"Gasp, is that the corpse of Supreme Yuantian? How did it become corrupted?"

"Oh gosh, pinch me. Am I seeing things? The divine child of the Jun family is fighting the Corpse of Supremacy?"

"Holy f*ck! How is this possible?!"

"This is ridiculous!"

The entire Great Wild Forest was in an uproar when the Mirror of Heavenly Vision revealed the scene in the depths of the Supreme Treasure of Yuantian.

The tens of thousands of cultivators were left at a loss for words. Their eyes were wide open as if they had seen the most impossible miracle!

Everyone stood where they were with their mouths agape in disbelief!

Even the elders of the Immortal Orthodoxy who were sitting cross-legged in the sky widened their eyes and almost fell from the sky.