Purifying The Corpse Of The Devil, Secret Of The Source Of Darkness, Reverence Of The Supreme

The old priest of the Daoji Heavenly Sect wore a rather dazed expression. He opened his mouth slightly and said, "Is that really… the divine child of the Jun family?"

Even the old priest, a saint who had been cultivating for many years and had a composed temperament, was stunned. It was obvious how much shock this scene brought to the world.

"That's right. It's the divine child." The elder from the Jiang family also sounded a little shaken.

As Jiang Rou's son, Jun Xiaoyao was considered half a member of the Jiang family.

The elder of the Jiang family was very pleased to see that Jun Xiaoyao was able to fight a Demon Corpse of the Supreme Stage.

"Perhaps I should think of a way to deepen the relationship between the divine child and the Jiang family. For instance, it would be good if he could marry Luoli…"

The elders of the Jiang family were already thinking about how to completely win Jun Xiaoyao over and bind him to the Jiang family.

After all, there were only a few people throughout the ages who could rival the Corpse of the Supremacy at the Celestial Bridge Stage.

Elder Ji Bangyin of the Ji family was also frozen like a clay statue, unable to utter a single word.

The shock was simply too great.

The elder from the Lair of Zulong and Long Bichi were also completely petrified.

Long Bichi, in particular, was overwhelmed by fear and helplessness when she saw Jun Xiaoyao unleashing the Sacred Body Vision to suppress the Supreme Demon Corpse.

Although Long Bichi was fearful of Jun Xiaoyao before, she didn't think that he was invincible.

At the very least, Long Aotian and the others who were still in seclusion were absolutely qualified to contend with Jun Xiaoyao and even defeat him.

However, Long Bichi's head was spinning at the sight before her. She couldn't even stand properly.

She now felt that even if Long Aotian came out of seclusion, defeating Jun Xiaoyao would still be as difficult as ascending to the heavens.

Even Jun Zhantian's expression froze for a brief moment, let alone the others.

The next thing he knew, he was overjoyed.

He had originally planned for Jun Xiaoyao to attend the Supreme Treasure so that he could make a name for himself in front of the world.

Now, however, Jun Xiaoyao's performance was simply too dazzling. It could even be considered a miracle. Even Jun Zhantian was shocked by it.

The news would probably spread throughout the Huangtian Mystic Realm in a few days.

Jun Xiaoyao would become synonymous with being invincible among the younger generation!

The reputation of the Jun family would naturally rise as well.

As for the other tens of thousands of cultivators, they were all shocked to see Jun Xiaoyao being worshipped by the Ten Thousand Saints and easily suppressing the demonic corpse.

His eyes were filled with horror and shock.

A cultivator took a deep breath and said, "Although the power of the Supreme Fiend Corpse of Yuantian may not be even a ten-thousandth of what it was when it was alive, it's still not something that the younger generation could contend with."

An elder of a major force in the Divine Flame Realm shook his head and said, "That's right. It would be extremely difficult for even Heavenly Completion Stage and Divine Flame Stage to deal with the demonic corpse."

"The divine child of the Jun family is so terrifying…"

Every cultivator present felt their scalps go numb, unable to calm down for a long time.

As for the female cultivators, they saw Jun Xiaoyao dressed in a white robe, looking as transcendent as a deity.

His elegant and graceful movements almost made them swoon.

Countless female cultivators were blushing as they fantasized about being Jiang Shengyi and having intimate contact with Jun Xiaoyao.

At that moment, Jun Xiaoyao, who was in the Supreme Treasure, naturally didn't know that the outside world was already in an uproar because of him.

All of Jun Xiaoyao's attention was focused on dealing with the corpse.

It had to be said that the Sacred Body Vision had far exceeded Jun Xiaoyao's expectations.

Initially, he thought that it would be good enough if he could weaken the strength of the corpse by a few percent.

He never thought that it would also be able to purify the evil aura of the black fog in the corpse.

The power of the Corpse of the Supremacy had been suppressed to its limit.

Jun Xiaoyao stepped forward and struck out with his palm.

Accompanied by the power of the Sacred Body of the Ancients' qi and blood, it struck the chest of the corpse.

The Qi and blood of the Sacred Body of the Ancients was extremely effective against evil spirits.

Coupled with the suppression of the vision, the black mist within the corpse of the Supreme Demon was dispersed once again, emitting white smoke.

The black hair on the corpse of the Supreme Demon began to fall.

His bloodshot eyes gradually turned dark.

Two soul fires that looked like candles in the wind lit up in his eyes.

Jun Xiaoyao knew that it was the last remnant of Supreme Yuantian's consciousness.

"Are you the one who freed me, junior…?"

Strands of divine consciousness emanated from the soul fire and transmitted to Jun Xiaoyao.

"That's right." Jun Xiaoyao also sent a telepathic message.

"It's the Sacred Body of the Ancients. No… it's the Sacred Body of the Ancients that can break shackles…"

Shock rippled through his consciousness.

Evidently, Supreme Yuantian was also surprised that Jun Xiaoyao had broken the shackles on his sacred body.

"Senior, how did you end up like this?" Jun Xiaoyao asked with his divine consciousness.

"The change in the world… the source of darkness…"

The divine consciousness came intermittently.

"The source of darkness in the foreign realm?" Jun Xiaoyao frowned slightly.

"I seem to be able to see a man dressed in white with his back facing the common people, suppressing the ends of darkness, ruling over the ages alone…"

The remnant soul of Supreme Yuantian continued to say things that Jun Xiaoyao couldn't understand.

However, Jun Xiaoyao also speculated that the death of Supreme Yuantian and the mutation of his corpse probably had something to do with the so-called source of darkness and the Dark Matter.

However, Jun Xiaoyao couldn't come into contact with such things at the moment.

At that moment, the remnant soul of Supreme Yuantian transmitted his voice once again. "The legacy of your true self is on your glabella, the Dao Sword of the Emperor of Yuantian…"

Jun Xiaoyao was slightly surprised.

As expected of a supreme cultivator, he still had such a powerful perception despite having only a wisp of his soul left.

"Since there is a legacy… that is fate… That thing is in the wooden box…"

"The rest might be in the lower realm… the continent…"

The residual soul of Supreme Yuantian came out intermittently like a candle in the wind, unable to hold on for much longer.

Jun Xiaoyao remembered each and every one of them.

"Her family… is also in the lower realm… Please take care of her family with that ancient talisman as a token…" Supreme Divinity Yuantian said.

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes were deep.

He finally understood why Ji Xuan didn't attack him with the ancient talisman, the demonic corpses, and the Supreme Corpse of Yuantian.

It turned out that the ancient talisman was the keepsake of Supreme Yuantian and his partner.

His cultivation partner also had a family in the lower realm.

"Finally, please allow me to return to ashes and dust…" the Supreme Divinity of Yuantian said.

He then bowed to Jun Xiaoyao.

Everyone inside and outside of the Supreme Treasure was shocked by what they saw.

Because Jun Xiaoyao and Supreme Yuantian were communicating telepathically, outsiders didn't hear their conversation.

However, one could see the corpse of the Supreme Lord bowing to Jun Xiaoyao.

"What's going on? How could a supreme being kneel before the divine child of the Jun family?"

Outside the Supreme Treasure, everyone gasped and felt their scalps go numb.

The divine child of the Jun family was simply unfathomable.

Inside the Supreme Treasure, Jun Xiaoyao nodded slightly and sent a telepathic message. "Don't worry, senior. I will do my best. Go in peace."

Jun Xiaoyao waved his hand and golden magical power surged.

The corpse of Supreme Yuantian didn't resist at all. It immediately turned into a cloud of dust and dispersed.

The Supreme of a generation dissipated.

At the same time, Ji Xuan, who was on the other side, saw what happened. His heart sank to rock bottom as his body trembled.