The Seven Unbelievable Ones In The Mystic Realm; Deploying Soldiers; Arrival Of The Allies

Jun Xiaoyao had some understanding of the seven unbelievable events.

Few people in the Mystic Realm had never heard of such a thing.

The so-called Seven Unbelievable Ones referred to the seven strange legends that circulated throughout the Mystic Realm.

For instance, the legend of the Ghost Ship of the Starry Sky referred to a ghost ship at the end of the starry sky. Anyone who saw that ship, whether they were saints, would be confused. Then, they would board the ship and head to the other end of the Yellow Springs.

For example, there was a rumor about a headless figure wielding a rusty sword dripping with blood who wandered around the Mystic Realm in a daze. Every cultivator who encountered the headless sword would encounter misfortune, from ordinary cultivators to supreme cultivators without exception.

Such tales eventually led to seven unbelievable tales.

It could be said that every single one of them represented a secret of the Mystic Realm, something that could be considered taboo.

Generally speaking, no cultivator would be willing to come into contact with something like this. It was simply too unbelievable, too ominous, and could easily kill a cultivator.

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes flickered as he asked, "Are you saying that this piece of bronze is related to one of the seven incredible ones?"

"That's right. Among the Seven Great Unbelievable Ones, there is a legend of the Bronze Immortal Palace. This piece of bronze may have come from the Bronze Immortal Palace," Jun Zhantian said solemnly.

"The Bronze Immortal Palace?" Jun Xiaoyao was slightly surprised.

The Bronze Immortal Palace was also one of the seven unbelievable halls.

It was an extremely strange and ominous celestial palace.

Although it was called the Immortal Palace, many people felt that it was no different from a grave.

Most of the cultivators who entered the underground palace had perished.

The reason why the Bronze Immortal Palace was so attractive was that it was rumored to have something to do with immortals.

Anything related to immortals was something that cultivators would flock to.

Since ancient times, countless young supreme beings, powerful rulers, and powerful saints had entered the Bronze Immortal Palace in an attempt to probe the secrets of immortals and obtain their opportunities.

However, most of them perished.

Even the few cultivators who escaped from the palace remained silent, as if they were afraid of something.

It was for this reason that the Bronze Immortal Palace was listed as one of the Seven Great Mystical Grounds.

Jun Zhantian's tone was solemn as he said to Jun Xiaoyao, "Xiaoyao, your talents are unparalleled. Even if you don't take the risk, you can still become a saint and become a grand patriarch in the future. It's not impossible for you to become a divine emperor. You mustn't put yourself in danger out of curiosity."

Jun Xiaoyao was the most important treasure of the Jun family right now. Nothing could happen to him.

Jun Zhantian would never agree to it if Jun Xiaoyao insisted on searching for traces of the Bronze Immortal Palace because of a piece of bronze.

Jun Xiaoyao laughed and said, "Heh, you don't have to be so nervous, grandpa. I was just asking out of curiosity. I didn't expect the fragment to have such a history."

Just as he finished speaking…

The mechanical voice of the system rang out in his mind once again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host. New check-in location refreshed. Please check-in at the Bronze Immortal Palace!"

Jun Xiaoyao felt rather speechless upon hearing that voice.

Was the system trying to set him up?

Who could go to a place like the Bronze Immortal Palace?

To be honest, Jun Xiaoyao's curiosity was piqued.

He briefly organized the check-in locations. There were three check-in locations now.

Panwu Hill, the royal palace of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix, and the Bronze Immortal Palace.

The royal palace of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix was the simplest one, and it could be checked in very quickly.

The Panwu Hill required a bit of effort, but it was not difficult.

The Bronze Immortal Palace, on the other hand, was nowhere to be seen.

No one knew where the next Bronze Immortal Palace would appear.

Therefore, Jun Xiaoyao was in no rush. He had plenty of time to improve himself.

"Thank you for enlightening me, grandpa. I still have things to do, so I'll take my leave now," Jun Xiaoyao said.

"Xiaoyao, remember not to investigate the Seven Great Unbelievable Ones by yourself. If that doesn't work, you have to let grandpa know," Jun Zhantian reminded him.

"I do." Jun Xiaoyao nodded.

Jun Xiaoyao then walked out of the gate of the Jun family.

There were four tight formations in the sky.

They were the Four Guards of the Wind Forest and the Fire Mountain. Each guard had 10,000 people, totaling 40,000 people. They were all ready to go.

The Wind Shadow Guard wore blue armor and wielded a scimitar.

The Imperial Guard wore golden armor and wielded a spear.

Wearing crimson armor, the Fire Guard sat on the Flame Foal and wielded a spear.

The Mountain God Guards wore pitch-black heavy armor and wielded giant shields and battle axes.

The divine guards of the four directions were all imposing and full of fighting spirit!

Jun Xiaoyao was very satisfied with what he saw.

Jun Linglong handed over the Divine Child's Token and said, "Young Master, there are 40,000 members of the Four Guards of the Feng Forest and the Fire Mountain. They are all ready to go!"

Jun Xiaoyao put away the Divine Child Token and nodded faintly. "Very well. I'll be counting on all of you to make this trip to the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix."

Upon hearing that, the four guards of the Feng Lin Fire Mountain all cupped their fists at Jun Xiaoyao and half-knelt before him.

"The Wind Shadow Guard is willing to go through fire and water for the Jun Family and the Divine Child!"

"The Imperial Guards are willing to go through fire and water for the Jun family and the divine child!"

"The Fire Horse Guards are willing to go through fire and water for the Jun Family and the divine child!"

"The Divine Guard of the Mountain God is willing to go through fire and water for the Jun Family and the Divine Child!"

The Divine Protectors of the four directions shouted in unison, their auras engulfing thousands of miles like tigers!

His roar shook the heavens and shattered the clouds in the sky!

"Very well. With all of you here, what can't be done?" Jun Xiaoyao also felt his blood boiling.

Which man didn't have the ambition to conquer the world?

Jun Xiaoyao then boarded a golden chariot.

Meanwhile, the Nine-headed Lion was pulling the golden chariot into the air.

Jun Zhangjian, Jun Xuehuang, Jun Wanjie, and Jun Linglong each led one of the four guards of the Fenglin Mountain and Fire Mountain, following closely behind.

A group of people sailed across the sky!

All the forces and cultivators along the way looked up at Cang Ming in astonishment.

"That's the Four Guards of the Jun family. Where are they going?"

"I don't know. It's been a while since the Jun family mobilized their troops. Are they trying to suppress a rebellion?"

"Wait, is the one pulling the carriage the Nine-headed Lion of the Far ancient imperial family?"

"Gasp! The divine child of the Jun family is standing on that golden chariot!"

Many cultivators gasped when they saw the transcendent figure standing with his hands behind his back. Their scalps went numb!

What could have happened for the divine child of the Jun family to lead an army?

Many cultivators looked at each other, understanding what each other meant.

The enemies of the Jun Family's Divine Child were probably going to suffer…

Just as Jun Xiaoyao was leading the Four Guards of the Phoenix Forest and the Fire Mountain to the Fire State…

The alliance of the three kingdoms led by the Ancient Kingdom of Dragon had also ventured deep into the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix.

All the cities along the way were destroyed without being able to resist at all.

Bai Yu'er also understood that it was impossible for the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix to protect the entire kingdom given its current strength.

The only way was to gather their forces and fight the final battle outside of the royal capital.

About ten days later, the coalition forces of the three ancient kingdoms finally approached the imperial capital of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix.

Meanwhile, outside of the royal capital of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix…

The flags fluttered in the wind!

Over 100,000 soldiers of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix stood guard outside the royal capital like a steel wall.

Bai Yu'er changed her usual demeanor. The crimson soft armor she wore accentuated her curvy figure.

Her fiery red hair was tied up, making her look dashing.

Around her were some of the generals of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix. All of them wore solemn and uneasy expressions.

In such a suffocating atmosphere…

The earth suddenly trembled.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the distance, a terrifying crowd appeared.

At a glance, a black torrent swept across the land!

When they saw the mighty and endless army…

All of the generals of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix wore extremely ugly expressions.

The ministers of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix felt their hearts sink to rock bottom.

"The Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix is finished…" An old minister said with sorrow in his eyes.

Bai Yu'er, on the other hand, held her longsword tightly in her hand. Despair was seen on her alluring face.

"Is there really no other way?"

Bai Yu'er looked into the distance as if she wanted to see a figure appear.

However, there was nothing there…