The King of the Kingdom of Phoenix Is Out of Seclusion, Yet He Still Doesn't Have the Abhijna to Recover. Is He About to Fall?

The mighty torrent of steel surged like a black tide.

At a glance, the entire horizon seemed to be flooded with people.

The general of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix could easily guess what was going on without taking a closer look.

The combined forces of the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise were definitely more than ten times as many as the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix.

There were at least a million soldiers.

The size of the army alone was enough to crush the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix, which only had 100,000 soldiers.

The Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix was still crushed by the higher-ups.

The king of the Kingdom of Phoenix was still in seclusion.

The three kings of the three allied kingdoms were all saints.

Not to mention, there was also a mysterious force helping the Ancient Kingdom of Dragon.

If that force were to make a move, the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix would be in grave danger and could collapse at any moment.

No matter how much Bai Yu'er wanted to resist, her eyes were filled with despair when she saw the endless army.


On the distant horizon, an army of about 200,000 soldiers came crashing over.

"It's the Ancient Kingdom of Xuanwu's army."

A middle-aged man wearing a fiery armor said from the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix. He was the general of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix, a Void Spirit Stage cultivator.

After the Divine Fire Stage was the Void Spirit Stage.

However, even a Void Spirit Stage cultivator would find it difficult to turn the tides around on such a battlefield.

After all, the Void Spirit Stage was a far cry from even a demi-saint, let alone a Saint.

"The Ancient Kingdom of Xuanwu, what are they trying to do?" Bai Yu'er's eyes flickered.

In front of the Ancient Kingdom of Xuanwu's army, a general said, "Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix, I am the Grand General of the Ancient Kingdom of Xuanwu. I have a suggestion for you. Set down your weapons and surrender. That way, you can avoid a pointless slaughter."

Bai Yu'er couldn't help but ask, "Ancient Kingdom of Xuanwu, why are you submitting to the Ancient Kingdom of Dragon?"

That was her biggest doubt.

Even if an ancient kingdom were to be defeated, it would not submit so easily.

The general of the Ancient Kingdom of Xuanwu snorted and said, "The one we are submitting to is the young master. His background is not something that ordinary people know."

The general of the Ancient Kingdom of Xuanwu said, "Bai Yu'er, you are a woman fancied by the young master. Surrender and become his concubine. Hand over the broken pieces of the compass. Your kingdom will not be able to protect you."


Bai Yu'er was both shocked and furious.

She was shocked by the fact that the young master was able to suppress the three empires with ease.

She was furious that the young master wanted to take her in as his concubine.

Bai Yu'er's charming face was filled with coldness.

The general of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix also bellowed, "How dare you! The princess of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix would never become someone else's concubine!"

Everyone from the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix was filled with indignation.

This was an insult to the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix!

The general of the Ancient Kingdom of Xuanwu said coldly, "Hmph, it's your blessing to become the young master's concubine. If you resist, blood will flow like a river!"

"I'm from the Jun Family's Divine Child. Aren't you afraid of offending the Divine Child and being annihilated by the Jun Family in the future?" Bai Yu'er berated.

The general's expression changed upon hearing that.

After all, both the Jun family and the divine child of the Jun family were simply too famous.

The Jun family could destroy the Ancient Kingdom of Xuanwu with ease.

Even if the four ancient kingdoms of the Ancients were to join forces, they still wouldn't be able to overpower the Jun family.

However, the general calmed down when he recalled how powerful the young master behind him was.

He sneered and said, "Princess of the Phoenix, enough with the bullsh * t. Why would the divine child of the Jun family care about a nobody like you? If he did, he would've come to help a long time ago."

"Besides, even if you're related to the divine child of the Jun family, that young master is still fearless."

The words of the general of the Ancient Kingdom of Xuanwu slightly pierced Bai Yu'er's heart.


To Jun Xiaoyao, she was nothing more than a dispensable pawn.

Even if she died, Jun Xiaoyao probably wouldn't care.

"However, just because the divine child doesn't care about me doesn't mean that I don't care about the divine child. I promised to serve the divine child for the rest of my life. How could I become someone else's concubine?"

Bai Yu'er's eyes were filled with determination.

"You want me to become that young master's concubine? Impossible! If you want to fight, then fight!"

Bai Yu'er pointed her longsword at the sky, showing her sharpness!

"Ah, what a pity. Black Tortoise Army, heed my command. Kill!"

The general of the Ancient Kingdom of Xuanwu gave the order.

The 200,000-strong army of the Ancient Kingdom of Xuanwu was mobilized.

"Commanders, heed my command. Protect the Ancient Kingdom and kill!" Bai Yu'er also shouted.


The two armies clashed like a torrent and instantly clashed.

Severed limbs and blood splattered everywhere!

Shouts, screams, and the sound of slaughter intertwined to form a bloody picture.

The 200,000-strong Black Tortoise Army was like an unstoppable beast of steel.

The 100,000 soldiers of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix fought with all their might, but the front line was pushed back.

Over the years, the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix had been reduced to the last of the four ancient kingdoms.

The army's equipment and combat power were also inferior to that of the three Ancient Kingdoms.

In terms of numbers, they were superior.

Under such circumstances, how could the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix possibly win?

The general of the Ancient Kingdom of Xuanwu waved his hand and shouted, "All generals, listen up! Capture the princess of the Phoenix alive, Bai Yu'er!"

Bai Yu'er was someone personally appointed by that young master. There was no way they would let her off the hook so easily.

"Protect the princess!" the general of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix shouted.

A group of generals rushed forward and engaged in a fierce battle with the generals of the Ancient Kingdom of Xuanwu.

Generals of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix fell one after another. They were still inferior to the Ancient Kingdom of Xuanwu in terms of numbers.

"Everyone…" Bai Yu'er felt as if a knife was being twisted in her heart.

These generals had all died because of her.

"Humph, how troublesome. Can't you even catch a woman?"

At that moment, a cold snort exploded in midair.

The aura of the Saint Stage emanated.

All of the generals and soldiers of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix shuddered as if they were being suffocated.

A figure wearing a black royal robe appeared in the sky.

It was the king of the Kingdom of Xuanwu!

"It's over…"

When the king of the Kingdom of Xuanwu appeared, everyone from the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix wore ashen expressions.

Even a saint had appeared. How were they supposed to fight this battle?

Bai Yu'er was also filled with despair.

She couldn't even resist or kill herself when facing a saint.

"You can't just run away from someone young master wants. Come here." The king of the Black Tortoise Nation extended his hand and made a grabbing motion. A giant hand formed of magical power grabbed at Bai Yu'er.

At that critical moment, a long howl was heard from the depths of the imperial capital of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix.

Terrifying flames soared into the sky as if it had transformed into a vermillion bird.

A figure dressed in a red royal robe emerged from his seclusion and stepped into the flames.

"Who dares to offend the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix!?"

The king of the Kingdom of Phoenix was the one who broke through the gate!

"It's His Majesty! He has broken through to the Saint Stage!"

The soldiers of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix were all crying with joy at the sight of the king.

Bai Yu'er also wore an extremely surprised expression, as if she had just been given a new lease on life.

The king of the Kingdom of Phoenix crushed the magical hand with a single palm strike.

Seeing this, the people of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix were even more convinced that the king was a Saint.

The Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix could finally be saved!

However, before Bai Yu'er and the soldiers could celebrate,

At the horizon, the remaining army surged forward like a black tide.

At the same time, the aura of two saints erupted.

They were the king of the Azure Dragon Kingdom and the king of the White Tiger Kingdom.

At that moment, even the king's expression changed.

Even though he had broken through to become a Saint, he was powerless against the three Saints.

The flame of hope that had just risen in Bai Yu'er's heart was extinguished once again.

Her eyes were filled with sorrow.

From despair to hope and then to despair, what could be more brutal than this?

"Is the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix really going to be destroyed by the heavens?" Bai Yu'er bit her lip so hard that blood oozed out.