Jun Xiaoyao's Arrival Shocked Everyone. Was he tired of living?

In the distance, the rest of the army came together. It was a dark mass that made people's scalps tingle.

At the same time, two figures arrived in midair, both exuding the aura of saints.

They were the king of the Kingdom of Dragon and the king of the White Tiger.

Along with the king of the Black Tortoise Nation, a total of three saints stood in midair and confronted the king.

The king's expression shifted drastically.

He had just broken through to the Saint Stage and was in the midst of high spirits when he unexpectedly saw the three kingdoms attacking the city.

What surprised him even more was that the three Ancient Kingdoms, which should have been impossible to unite with, were now attacking the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix together.


Bai Yu'er sent a telepathic message and briefly explained what had happened over the past few days.

"So that's how it is." The king's pupils were also slightly shaken.

It was obvious that the young master came from an extraordinary background.

Otherwise, it would've been impossible for the three ancient kingdoms to submit to him.

More importantly, the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix couldn't stop a million-strong army.

He couldn't deal with the three kings either.

There was also the possibility that a mysterious force like the young master was watching everything from behind the battlefield, ready to make a move.

Under such circumstances, even if the king of the Kingdom of Phoenix were to become a saint, he would still be powerless to turn the tables.

"King of the Phoenix Nation, not only have you recovered from your injuries, but you've also broken through to the Saint Stage," the king said with a hint of surprise in his voice.

Due to the fact that the news was sealed, the king and the others only learned about it now.

"I never thought that the king of the Kingdom of Dragon would become someone else's dog," the king said with a sullen expression.

"A wise man submits to circumstances. In front of that young master, all of you are nothing more than mantises trying to stop a chariot," the king sneered.

"Then do you know that the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix has long surrendered to one person?" the king asked coldly.

"Oh? Who is it?" The king frowned.

"The divine child of the Jun family," the king answered.

As soon as he said that, the alliance of the three ancient kingdoms fell silent.

It was as if the words' Divine Child of the Jun family 'had a peculiar effect.

The king of the Blue Dragon Kingdom narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "Are you trying to make a big deal out of this again? Why would the divine child of the Jun family care about a mere Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix?"

"Up to you. However, if you don't believe me, you will regret it one day," the king said coldly.

"Even if that's true, we still have the young master backing us. Don't use the divine child of the Jun family to intimidate us!" The king's expression darkened.

Xiao Chen was crippled by Jun Xiaoyao before, so the king of the Kingdom of Dragon naturally didn't think much of Jun Xiaoyao.

"There's no need to say anything else. Let's just charge into the imperial capital of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix and capture Bai Yu'er alive!"

With a command from the king of the Kingdom of Dragon, the million-strong army attacked once again. Like a torrent that broke through everything, they crushed the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix's army.

The king of the Kingdom of White Tiger and the king of the Kingdom of Black Tortoise joined forces to suppress the king of the Kingdom of Phoenix.

Meanwhile, the king of the Kingdom of Dragon extended his hand and grabbed for Bai Yu'er.

"Be careful, princess!"

The grand general of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix knocked Bai Yu'er back before being instantly pulverized by the palm of magical power.

"General!" Bai Yu'er's heart was bleeding.

"Princess, get out of here! We're blocking the way!"

Many generals stood in front of the king of the Kingdom of Dragon to block the way.

"You're nothing more than ants." With a casual wave of his hand, figures exploded one after another.

The power of a saint was unstoppable!

In the sky, the king of the Kingdom of Phoenix was forced to retreat again, coughing up blood.

After all, he had just broken through to the Saint Stage. His cultivation stage was still unstable, yet he was being attacked by two saints.

Before long, the king of the Kingdom of Phoenix was knocked backward, spewing blood from his mouth.

Down below, the 100,000 soldiers of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix were also slaughtered.

The impact of a million-strong army was terrifying.

The Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix had a hundred thousand troops. In just a quarter of an hour, only thirty to forty thousand people remained.

The army was crushed!

The king of the Kingdom of Phoenix, a high-level fighter, was severely injured!

Those generals were all killed by a single palm strike from the king of the Dragon Kingdom!

"Is the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix truly finished?"

Bai Yu'er was filled with despair.

"Surrender now…" The king's expression remained indifferent as he extended his hand.

Bai Yu'er closed her eyes as tears fell from them.

At that moment, the world suddenly fell silent.

All sound seemed to have disappeared.

An extremely cold and aloof voice was heard amidst the silence.

"How dare you touch my people! are you tired of living?"

A cold voice rang out as if it came from the depths of the underworld.

The entire battlefield fell into dead silence as if it had frozen!

Those words seemed to echo in the ears of the million-strong army.

Who was it?

How dare he speak to a saint in such a tone?

Bai Yu'er's body trembled when she heard the voice. She abruptly opened her eyes and looked into the distance.

Terrifying vibrations were heard from the distant sky as the clouds dispersed!

Four terrifying armies with murderous intent appeared!

Flags were fluttering in the wind, blades were seen, chariots were seen, and divine steeds were seen galloping!

The murderous aura surged into the sky and pierced into the depths of hell!

The terrifying murderous intent emitted by the four armies even made the million-strong army below feel a chill in their hearts, as if they had fallen into an ice cave!

In front of the four armies was a mighty Nine-headed Lion that looked as if it was made of gold. It roared at the sky!

The terrifying sound waves of the Lion's Roar shook the surroundings, making everyone tremble in fear!

On the golden chariot pulled by the Nine-headed Lion, a figure shrouded in hazy immortal light stood with his hands behind his back. His expression was apathetic, as if he was the son of a god.

He spoke in a cold and domineering tone.

"The Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix belongs to me, the Divine Child. Anyone who dares to make a move again shall be executed without pardon!"

The words "executed without pardon" caused the sky to change color as an unprecedented murderous intent filled the air!

"Shadow Guards of the Jun family, listen up!"

"Imperial Guards of the Jun family, listen up!"

"Fire Troop of the Jun family, listen up!"

"Mountain Guards of the Jun family, listen up!"

The Four Guards of the Wind Forest and the Fire Mountain shouted in unison as they fell from the sky!

With a rumble, the entire ground seemed to tremble three times!

It was an army of 40 thousand people, yet it made the alliance of the three ancient kingdoms pale and terrified!

"Those are the Four Guards of the Jun family!"

"Oh gosh, it's the Jun Family's army! The Jun Family is here!"

When the soldiers of the three Ancient Kingdoms saw the word 'Jun' on the flags, their faces turned pale with fear!

After all, the Jun family was way too powerful.

Feng Lin and Huo Shan were also the top-notch armies of the Jun family. They were extremely intimidating!

"It's the Jun family!" The king and the others were all shocked.

Jun Xiaoyao's words made the king's expression even worse.

On the other hand, everyone from the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix was left dumbfounded and in disbelief.

In the end, he revealed a shocked and ecstatic expression!

"It's the Jun family! The divine child of the Jun family is here to save us!" An old minister of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix was crying with joy.

Bai Yu'er's body trembled as she covered her mouth with her hand. She was so emotional that tears kept falling from her eyes.

The figure that he had been thinking about day and night finally appeared.

He was still dressed in a robe that was whiter than snow, looking as transcendent as ever!

At that moment, Jun Xiaoyao was like a savior!

He was the only god in Bai Yu'er's heart!