No One Can Afford To Bear The Anger Of This Divine Child. Allies, Withdraw!

In the sky, the Nine-headed Lion was pulling the golden chariot.

Jun Xiaoyao, on the other hand, was dressed in a white robe. He stood with his hands behind his back, looking like a deity who ruled over the world.

At that moment, Bai Yu'er and the people of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix looked at Jun Xiaoyao with extreme excitement and fervor, as if they were looking at their supreme savior!

Aside from the three layers of snow covering his body, no one else in the world was worthy of a white robe!

Jun Xiaoyao was their god!

"How could this be? Why would the Jun family come here?"

The faces of the king of the Blue Dragon Kingdom, the king of the White Tiger Kingdom, and the king of the Black Tortoise Kingdom were slightly pale.

Although they were high and mighty saints, they were still intimidated by the colossal Jun family.

Even supreme beings would be extremely wary of the Jun family, let alone saints.

Although they didn't see the arrival of the Jun family's saint, Jun Xiaoyao alone was enough to intimidate them.

Jun Xiaoyao was not a saint, but he was even more intimidating than one!

Going against Jun Xiaoyao meant going against the Jun family.

Who would dare to provoke the Jun family of the Ancients?

"Sir Divine Child!"

Bai Yu'er and the others stared at Jun Xiaoyao, their hearts brimming with joy.

"The divine child is finally here." In the sky, the king of the Kingdom of Phoenix was also secretly relieved.

The king of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix had always been wary of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix submitting to Jun Xiaoyao.

Now, however, the grudge between them had completely disappeared.

In the end, it was still Jun Xiaoyao's turn to save the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix.

Jun Xiaoyao lowered his eyes slightly and looked at the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix's army that was left with tens of thousands of people killed below.

He waved his hand slightly.

The Four Guards of the Wind Forest and the Fire Mountain immediately received the order. They turned into four torrents that pierced through everything as they charged towards the alliance of the three kingdoms.

It was hard to imagine that an army of 40,000 would charge into an army of a million.

However, the result was astonishing.

The million-strong army was unable to stop the four armies from charging forward.

Before the Four Guards of Wind Forest and Fire Mountain, these allied forces were unable to withstand a single blow.

With just a few collisions, more than 100 thousand people from the alliance of the three empires had fallen!

That was simply terrifying!

"The Four Guards of the Jun family are so powerful!"

"Demons! They're demons!"


The soldiers from all directions were terrified. The million-strong army was utterly defeated!

Meanwhile, the surviving soldiers of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix roared in frustration and began to fight back.


In the sky, the expressions of the king of the kingdom of Dragon and the others were dumbfounded.

They never expected the Jun family's army to be so powerful.

With just 40 thousand people, they instantly destroyed their million strong army.

"Divine Child of the Jun family, what exactly do you want?" the king of the Kingdom of Dragon asked solemnly.

"What is it I want? Simple…" Jun Xiaoyao smiled faintly.

Then, he raised his eyebrows and said with a cold look in his eyes, "You either retreat, or… your entire family will be executed!"

His words were like a sudden clap of thunder.

The million people in the venue were all astonished!

Shouldn't such words come from a saint like the king of the Kingdom of Dragon?

However, no one felt anything out of place when Jun Xiaoyao brought it up.

How could the status of the Jun Family's Divine Child be compared to that of a mere Saint?

"Jun Xiaoyao, you…" The king's face alternated between green and white. His saintly aura erupted uncontrollably.

"I'm standing right here. Do you dare to attack me?"

With a wave of his sleeve, Jun Xiaoyao strode across the sky and stood before the king of the Kingdom of Dragon.

He was only at the Unifying Stage, yet he showed no signs of fear when facing the king of the Kingdom of Dragon, who was at the Saint Stage.

His temperament even made people feel that Jun Xiaoyao was the king, while the king of the Kingdom of Dragon was the servant!

"Is this the power of the divine child of the Jun family?"

Everyone from the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix was trembling with excitement at the sight.

Bai Yu'er's crimson eyes were filled with intense adoration and fervor.

"Jun Xiaoyao, don't go too far. The young master is behind us. He asked us to do this," the king said with a solemn tone.

He didn't dare to confront the Jun family on his own, so he could only resort to bullsh * tting and bringing up the young master behind him.

"Oh?" Jun Xiaoyao narrowed his eyes.

He had long guessed that someone else might be behind the Ancient Kingdom of Dragon.

From the looks of it, that was indeed the case.

Furthermore, to be able to tame the king and the rest of the kingdom of Dragon, the young master must have an astonishing background.

However, Jun Xiaoyao wasn't afraid at all.

Regardless of his background, could he beat him?

"I don't care who's behind you. No one can withstand my wrath!" Jun Xiaoyao's eyes flashed coldly.

He then raised his hand and used his finger as a sword.

Vast sword qi gushed out as vigorous sword intent surged!

A dazzling ray of sword light accompanied by countless specters of deities swept down from Jun Xiaoyao's hand!

The sword light shocked the world!

It was the first form of the Sword Chant of the Immortal Slayer, Celestial Meteor!


A ray of dazzling sword light fell from the sky and crashed into the million-strong army!

Blood spurted out in an instant as countless screams rang out.

Tens of thousands of soldiers were killed by a single sword!

The allied forces of the three empires, who were already frightened by the Four Guards of Wind, Forest, and Mountain of Fire, instantly collapsed and fled in all directions!

The king of the Kingdom of Dragon was so furious that he was about to attack.

However, thinking about the consequences of attacking Jun Xiaoyao, he forcefully suppressed it.

"Retreat!" The King of the Kingdom of dragon's eyes were filled with conflict, but he still gave the order.

If they were to delay any longer, who knew how many of the million-strong army would be left.

He didn't dare to do anything to Jun Xiaoyao, so he could only retreat temporarily and ask the young master to make a decision.

If the young master were to make a move himself, the king would not have to bear the wrath of the Jun family.

Both the king of the Kingdom of White Tiger and the king of the Kingdom of Black Tortoise retreated when they heard the king of the Kingdom of Dragon calling for them to retreat.

The million strong army was reduced to just over six hundred thousand in a short period of time. They were also running like stray dogs.

Within moments, the mighty alliance of the three empires disappeared without a trace.

Jun Xiaoyao watched as the king of the Kingdom of Dragon and the others retreated. He didn't press on any further.

That was because the king of the Kingdom of Dragon and the others were not the most important ones.

Most importantly, it was the young master behind them.

What was his purpose in consolidating the four ancient kingdoms?

Was he simply trying to make it his own force?

It was precisely because he wanted to figure out what was going on that Jun Xiaoyao chose to extend the line to catch the big fish.

The surviving generals and soldiers of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix all wore joyful expressions on their faces.

They looked at Jun Xiaoyao with gratitude in their eyes.

Without Jun Xiaoyao, the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix would have either been destroyed or surrendered.

In the sky, the king of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix bowed deeply to Jun Xiaoyao and said, "Thank you for your assistance, Divine Child. Without you, the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix would be in grave danger today."

Jun Xiaoyao waved his hand slightly and said, "The Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix is my force. Naturally, I won't let it perish."

"Sir Divine Child." Bai Yu'er also bowed deeply to Jun Xiaoyao.

"Well, don't get too excited just yet. The young master behind them probably won't let this matter rest," Jun Xiaoyao said.