The Banquet Of The Divine Dynasty Is About To Begin. Various Forces Are Rushing There. The Birth Of The Genius Of The Wanhuang Spirit Mountain

After coming up with a follow-up plan, Jun Xiaoyao left the Jun Residence by himself in the carriage drawn by the Nine-headed Lion and headed for the Panwu Celestial Dynasty.

He didn't bring Jun Zhangjian and the others with him, not even Jun Linglong.

This time, Jun Xiaoyao had to do things alone, so it wasn't convenient for him to bring them along.

Just after Jun Xiaoyao left the Jun family.

The entire Mystic Realm was gradually thrown into chaos.

The Panwu Celestial Dynasty had spread the news that a grand banquet would be held in the Forbidden City of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty in half a month.

The Panwu Celestial Dynasty invited all the forces in the Huangtian Mystic Realm to come.

By then, the Panwu Celestial Dynasty would select Wu Mingyue's fiancé from the young geniuses of many forces.

The news spread like wildfire across the world. Countless forces made their move. Various ships, carriages, and flying ancient beasts flew across the sky from time to time in the direction of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty.

As a member of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty, it would be considered an alliance if they could marry the princess and become her husband.

Those top-notch orthodoxies wanted to form an alliance with the Panwu Celestial Dynasty to advance further.

The Immortal Orthodoxies wanted to make the Panwu Celestial Dynasty their ally.

After all, it was difficult to do anything alone. Even the most powerful undying forces were at risk of being attacked by other undying orthodoxies if they weren't friendly.

As such, many forces were tempted to let their disciples try their luck.

That was not to mention the Princess of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty. She was also a stunning beauty who was already very famous in the Huangtian Mystic Realm.

The combination of the two reasons made the banquet of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty very grand.

However, just as the news spread…

The champion of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty , Hou Yangpan, spoke again.

He said that if the divine child of the Jun family didn't dare to accept the challenge, he would personally challenge the Jun family in the future.

The news caused a huge commotion.

Many people thought that the champion was being too arrogant.

He even had the audacity to go to the gate of the Jun Residence to block others.

Long Haotian was the last one to challenge the Jun family at the gate. The grass on his grave was already fifty feet tall.

Many female cultivators who worshipped Jun Xiaoyao were furious.

"The ugly duke is just jealous of my Xiaoyao's extraordinary beauty!"

"That's right. So what if he's powerful? Doesn't he know that this is an era where looks are everything?"

"Besides, Xiaoyao is invincible among his peers. What does the title of champion mean to him?"

Inside the Jiang family of the Clan of the Ancients…

"Damn it, damn it! This is so infuriating!"

A petite and delicate figure stomped her feet, causing her twin-tails to curl up behind her head.

A fierce and adorable expression was seen on her pretty face.

"Luoli, if you don't cultivate properly, you'll be locked up in the clan grounds forever."

Jiang Shengyi, who was dressed in a snow-white robe and had a graceful figure, walked over from nearby. She looked at the fierce-looking Jiang Luoli and felt her head aching.

"Hmph, I can't take this lying down. That so-called champion marquis actually spread such news, wanting to defame Brother Xiaoyao!" Jiang Luoli pouted, looking very angry.

Jiang Shengyi said, "He's just being petty. The Marquis of the Champions is known for his bad temper. There's no need to worry about him. Xiaoyao doesn't care either."

The news of Jun Xiaoyao being challenged by the champion spread like wildfire throughout the Mystic Realm.

Although Jiang Luoli was cultivating in seclusion in the clan's grounds, she was still able to receive the news through her maid.

"No, I have to leave seclusion and go to the Panwu Celestial Dynasty!" Jiang Luoli said.

"What are you going there for? Are you going to fight for the position of prince consort?" Jiang Shengyi joked.

Jiang Luoli said righteously, "I'm going to suppress the champion and stomp on his face to vent my anger. Let's see if he still dares to provoke Brother Xiaoyao!"

"Oh? Is that all?" Jiang Shengyi smiled faintly, seemingly having seen through Jiang Luoli.

Jiang Luoli blushed slightly and lowered her head in embarrassment, twisting her fingers together.

"Of course. Although I know that Brother Xiaoyao wouldn't fight for the position of the prince consort, what if…" Jiang Luoli stammered.

It was obvious that Jiang Luoli was afraid that Jun Xiaoyao would attend the banquet and fight for the position of the prince consort so that he could marry Wu Mingyue.

After all, Wu Mingyue was also a very famous peerless beauty. Almost no man could resist her charms.

"Isn't that your main goal?" Jiang Shengyi asked with a smile.

Jiang Luoli had become a protective hen before the marriage even began.

Jiang Luoli was very embarrassed by her words. Her ears were all red.

"Alright, I'll take you there then." Jiang Shengyi smiled helplessly and rubbed Jiang Luoli's head.

"Oh yeah, you're the best, Sister Shengyi!" Jiang Luoli's eyes curled into crescents.

Jiang Shengyi also smiled faintly, but there was an almost imperceptible sadness in the depths of her eyes.

"This girl sure likes to be carefree…"

Meanwhile, in the Ye family of the Clan of the Ancients…

On a towering mountain peak, a handsome young man in a blue robe sat with his legs crossed.

The sky above his head was like a curtain of night.

A dazzling river of stars flowed in the night sky, bringing with it an extremely dangerous aura.

The young man was none other than Ye Xingyun.

Back at Jun Xiaoyao's Ten Years Old Banquet, Ye Xingyun had already been humiliated by Jun Xiaoyao.

However, Ye Xingyun benefited from his misfortune and awakened some memories.

Subsequently, Ye Xingyun's personality seemed to have undergone a subtle change. He became more mature and reserved.

He was no longer arrogant like before.

Ye Xingyun narrowed his eyes and thought to himself, "The Panwu Celestial Dynasty is challenging the Jun family's Divine Child. With Jun Xiaoyao's personality, there's no way he'd be absent."

Although his personality had changed somewhat, his hatred had not changed.

He wanted to get his revenge on Jun Xiaoyao.

He wanted Jiang Luoli as well.

"Whatever. I'll make a trip to the Panwu Celestial Dynasty this time. That way, I can figure out Jun Xiaoyao's true strength."

Ye Xingyun made up his mind and asked Uncle Fu to prepare the carriage.

The Scarlet State was a vast and ancient spirit mountain.

The entire spirit mountain spanned across a vast area. Clouds of smoke lingered in the air as divine light filled the area.

There were strange rocks and steep cliffs, colorful phoenixes dancing, and phoenixes circling around.

You couldn't see the end of the mountain.

That was the territory of the Wanhuang Spirit Mountain, one of the far ancient royal families.

The Wanhuang Spirit Mountain was a top Far ancient royal family that was on par with the Lair of Zulong. It had a rich heritage and was very powerful.

At that moment, an old voice was heard from within a mountain range.

"Huang Xuanyi, Feng Qingling, the two of you should make a trip to the Panwu Celestial Dynasty. Remember, don't disgrace the reputation of the Wanhuang Spirit Mountain."

"Understood, I will follow the grand elder's orders!"

Within the mountain range, a man and a woman were enveloped in blazing divine light as they rose into the air.

Two golden birds were seen pulling two carriages in the sky.

The two figures flashed right in.

"I wonder if we'll be able to meet the legendary Divine Child of the Jun family this time," Feng Qingling said from within the carriage.

"Heh, I'd like to see what kind of person Jun Xiaoyao is, the one who humiliated the Lair of Zulong," said Huang Xuanyi.

"Well, we're not Long Haotian and Long Bichi," Feng Qingling chuckled.

"If Jun Xiaoyao underestimates us, I'm afraid he'll suffer a lot…" Huang Xuanyi sounded relaxed and confident.