Guide Girl Qin Xuan, Top Of The Purple Forbidden Realm In The Imperial City

Just when the entire Mystic Realm was in turmoil…

Jun Xiaoyao, who was in the center of the storm, was about to reach the royal capital of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty.

Along the way, he passed through several teleportation arrays and arrived at the Panwu State.

The royal capital of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty was located in the center of the Panwu State.

There was still half a month left, which was more than enough for Jun Xiaoyao to make the necessary arrangements.

At that moment, the Nine-headed Lion's voice rang out from outside the carriage.

"Master, the Imperial Capital of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty is just up ahead."

Upon hearing this, Jun Xiaoyao lifted the curtain of the carriage to take a look.

In front of him stood a massive and magnificent city.

The entire city was vast and boundless. The city walls stretched as far as the eye could see like the Great Wall.

Inside the royal capital, the streets were bustling with people.

Numerous floating islands were hovering in the sky, with palaces scattered all over them, making them look like divine palaces.

"The Panwu Celestial Dynasty truly lives up to its reputation as the Everlasting Celestial Dynasty. It sure is impressive," Jun Xiaoyao observed.

Immortal Orthodoxies were supreme. They were the hegemons of the Mystic Realm. None of them were simple.

Because of that, despite the deep enmity between the Jun family and the Lair of Zulong, the Immortality War never broke out.

Both parties knew that it was not an easy task to eradicate an undying force.

Strictly speaking, the Lair of Zulong feared the Jun family even more.

The Panwu Celestial Dynasty, on the other hand, was the orthodoxy established by Emperor Panwu. Although it was not at its peak, it did not decline much.

Jun Xiaoyao fell from the sky while the Nine-headed Lion freed itself from the reins and followed Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao glanced at him and said, "Gou Yu, aren't you a little too conspicuous?"

The Nine-headed Lion's entire body looked as if it was made of gold. The golden light was so dazzling that people couldn't even open their eyes. The golden light was simply too dazzling.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't want to become a monkey in a zoo, surrounded by people.

Furthermore, some of the things that he wanted to do were not appropriate for him to show off.

"Master, can you not call me by my real name?" the Nine-headed Lion mumbled resentfully.

Then, it suddenly shrank and became a…

Eh… Shiba.

That's right. In Jun Xiaoyao's eyes, Jun Xiaoyao was no different from a stray dog.

However, the nine-headed dog looked rather strange and comical.

"Is this considered a walking emoticon? Whatever." Jun Xiaoyao sighed softly.

At least the Nine-headed Lion was no longer as arrogant as before.

With his hands behind his back, Jun Xiaoyao strolled through the gate and entered the imperial capital.

Upon seeing Jun Xiaoyao, the soldiers of the Divine Dynasty who were standing guard at the gate were all bewildered and didn't dare to stop him.

Jun Xiaoyao's temperament was simply too extraordinary.

The divine light around his body was faintly enveloped in divine radiance. His entire body was suffused with a sense of celestial grace and Dao intent.

It was all because of the Bones of the Everlasting Celestial that he refined.

Jun Xiaoyao's face was also shrouded in divine light, making it difficult to see him clearly.

Just like that, Jun Xiaoyao entered the imperial capital without stopping for anyone.

After Jun Xiaoyao left, a young guard asked in confusion, "Captain, why didn't you stop that man from checking his identity? The higher-ups have ordered all cultivators to be checked when they enter the city."

The captain of the guard glared at him and said, "You're such a hothead, aren't you? Do you think someone like that could just stand and wait for the moment of inspection? Maybe he's a genius from some Immortal Orthodoxy. His status probably isn't any lower than the princess's!"

"Oh, I see." The young guard nodded repeatedly, feeling a lingering fear in his heart.

Jun Xiaoyao attracted quite a bit of attention after entering the royal capital.

Although his face was obscured by the mist, his temperament was unmistakable.

Many young girls and female cultivators from major forces kept glancing at Jun Xiaoyao out of the corner of their eyes.

Many people throughout the Huangtian Mystic Realm knew of Jun Xiaoyao's name.

However, very few people had actually seen him before.

There were also many disciples from Immortal Orthodoxies who possessed the Kingly Body, Divine Body, and so on. Their bodies were shrouded in mist.

It couldn't be that every single person enveloped in immortal light was Jun Xiaoyao, right?

As such, no one saw through him.

At that moment, a young girl wearing a plain blue dress walked up with a hesitant expression. She gritted her teeth and steeled herself.

"This must be the first time you've been to the royal capital of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty, young master. Qin Xuan can lead the way for you and help you understand the situation."

The young girl named Qin Xuan looked nervous.

She had also received many disciples from major forces, but this was the first time she saw someone as mysterious and extraordinary as Jun Xiaoyao.

The other female cultivators only dared to watch from afar, not daring to approach.

"Oh?" Jun Xiaoyao looked at Qin Xuan and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Qin Xuan was only 15 or 16 years old, yet she was already at the perfection stage of the Celestial Bridge Stage.

He noticed this, but didn't say anything.

"Sure. Lead the way then." Jun Xiaoyao casually took out a piece of top-tier divine source.

The people around them were all stunned.

"Holy f*ck! This is a supreme-grade divine source! That young master is way too rich!"

"He's definitely the heir of some undying force. I'm so envious of her!"

Shocked cries rang out from all directions. Many female cultivators were biting their lips and stomping their feet, cursing themselves for missing the opportunity.

Qin Xuan's mouth was slightly agape, looking very flattered.

Jun Xiaoyao's expression remained calm.

That was because the Supreme-grade Divine Source was already the most common currency he had.

"Young master, let me tell you the latest news. The banquet for the princess of the Divine Dynasty to pick her husband will be held in a few days."

"The champion, the marquis, will challenge the divine child of the Jun family at the top of the Forbidden City."

"I heard that the divine child of the Jun family is a godlike figure who is invincible among his peers."

Qin Xuan's eyes were filled with longing when she talked about Jun Xiaoyao.

After all, Jun Xiaoyao was the dream of billions of girls in the Mystic Realm.

The Nine-headed Lion, who was following them, had a strange look in its eyes.

If the girl were to find out that the divine child of the Jun family whom she adored and yearned for was right beside her, she would probably faint from excitement.

However, when she mentioned the title of the champion, she was obviously not in a good mood.

There seemed to be a sense of hatred within.

Jun Xiaoyao saw it and casually asked, "If the divine child of the Jun family really does agree to the bet, who do you wish to win?"

Hatred burned in Qin Xuan's eyes when she heard that. Without hesitation, she said, "I hope that the divine child of the Jun family can win. I even hope that he can kill the champion!"

A strange look flashed across Jun Xiaoyao's eyes as he said, "You're already at the consummate level of the Celestial Bridge Stage at such a young age. Your background shouldn't be simple, right? How did you end up as a guide?"

Qin Xuan clenched her fist and said in a low voice, "I'm from the Qin family. My father is the Heavenly Marquis of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty."

"My mother, on the other hand, was a rather famous beauty in the Divine Dynasty. Later on, the Marquis of the Champions took a liking to her and wanted to marry her into his harem. My father refused, and then Yang Pan killed him. My mother also fell in love with him."

"The entire marquis's estate has declined. I can only wander outside," Qin Xuan said in a low voice, but the hatred in her eyes was so thick that it couldn't be resolved.

"I see." Jun Xiaoyao nodded slightly.

He didn't have much sympathy for her. After all, there were too many people in the world who deserved his sympathy.

Jun Xiaoyao wasn't the kind of saint who took pity on people who were in pain.

Qin Xuan regained her composure and forced a smile as she said, "I'm sorry for talking about so many personal matters. I'm sure you're displeased, young master."

"Don't you want revenge?" Jun Xiaoyao asked.

"Revenge? The champion of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty is like a local tyrant. Who could possibly take revenge on him?" Qin Xuan said bitterly, feeling very powerless.

"The peak of the Purple Forbidden Realm above the Imperial City. You might be able to look forward to it when the time comes."

Jun Xiaoyao said softly as he leisurely walked in front with his hands behind his back.

Qin Xuan was stunned for a moment as she looked at Jun Xiaoyao's back.

She didn't quite understand what Jun Xiaoyao meant by that.