The Sixteenth Ancestor of the Jun Family. The Old Emperor's Feeling Bitter. Arrival at Panwu Hill.

It was none other than the old emperor of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty, a supreme cultivator.

"How did this happen?" Lord Panwu was baffled.

Why did the old emperor ask to give Jun Xiaoyao a chance?

However, the Panwu Celestial Lord didn't dare to talk back to the old emperor. He could only accept it.

"Hmph, if the old emperor doesn't mind, I'll give you a chance. So be it," the Panwu Celestial Lord said with an indifferent expression.

"What? Did the old emperor really say something?" People around them exclaimed in surprise.

The old emperor was an extremely powerful cultivator who had retired for many years.

They never thought that he would be alerted by today's incident.

What was even more astonishing was why did the old emperor agree to let Jun Xiaoyao enter the Panwu Hill?

Many people in the outside world were confused.

Meanwhile, in an ancient underground chamber deep within the royal palace…

Three people were seated facing each other.

One of them was an old man wearing a crown. He had the aura of a supreme being. He was the old emperor of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty.

Sitting across from him were two figures.

One of them was a skinny grey-robed old man. He was none other than the Eighteenth Ancestor of the Jun family.

The other man was also wearing a gray robe. He looked like a ten-year-old child on the surface, but his eyes looked very worn and old.

"I didn't expect that even the Jun Family's 16th Patriarch would be born," the old emperor said with a bitter smile.

The child-like Sixteenth Ancestor cracked his neck and said with a fake smile, "Well, I've been buried underground for too long. It's time for me to come out and stretch my bones."

The old emperor's eyes twitched slightly.

The 16 patriarchs of the Jun family looked like children, but they were shockingly ancient.

It was said that the 16 patriarchs of the Jun family consumed a Dao Fruit of Longevity when they were 10 years old. From then on, they had been maintaining their appearance as children.

However, it would be foolish to underestimate his strength just because of his appearance.

The Sixteenth Ancestor was no weaker than the Eighteenth Ancestor.

"Hehe, it is truly an honor for the Panwu Celestial Dynasty to have the two of you here," the old emperor said with a dry smile, feeling rather helpless.

The Eighteenth Ancestor cracked a smile and raised his wine glass. "Not bad. The old emperor sure is magnanimous to let a descendant of the Jun family enter the Panwu Hill. Here, a toast."

"You're welcome, you're welcome." The old emperor also raised his glass, but he was feeling very bitter inside.

The two patriarchs of the Jun family were smiling like tigers.

If he didn't agree to let Jun Xiaoyao enter the Panwu Hill…

What he was about to drink next was not a toast, but a punishment.

Although the old emperor was powerful, he was unable to withstand the coercion of the two patriarchs of the Jun family. As such, he had no choice but to concede.

The outside world had no idea what was happening in the secret room.

They were still wondering when the old emperor of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty had become so open-minded.

"Is the grand patriarch here?" Jun Xiaoyao guessed as his eyes dimmed.

The only person who could make the old emperor of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty submit was probably the patriarch-level figure of the Jun family.

How could the old emperor be so wary of just the Eighteenth Ancestor?

Jun Xiaoyao shook his head slightly. He didn't think much about it.

It was enough for him to achieve his goal.

Subsequently, Martial Lord Panwu opened the Panwu Hill for Jun Xiaoyao with a cold expression.

The Panwu Hill was located deep underground in the Forbidden City.

An ancient monument stood at the entrance.

Jun Xiaoyao arrived and looked at the ancient tablet. He vaguely sensed something.

Jun Xiaoyao smiled faintly. "It seems that I've gained quite a bit from this Panwu Hill."

Many people from various forces followed him.

Although they couldn't enter the Panwu Hill, it was still a good idea to just look around.

They also wanted to know why Jun Xiaoyao wanted to enter the Panwu Hill so badly.

"Go on in. Remember, you only have one chance. If you come out, you're not allowed to go in again," Lord Panwu said coldly.

"Oh, will there still be danger in there?" Jun Xiaoyao asked.

"With the direct bloodline of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty, there is naturally no danger. However, for outsiders…" Panwu Celestial Lord didn't say much.

However, there was no mistaking the threat in his words.

"Heh… I've even fought against the Corpse of a Supreme. Why would I be afraid of a mere Panwu Hill?" Jun Xiaoyao laughed. He waved his sleeve and approached the ancient monument without hesitation.

His figure was instantly enveloped by a burst of light and disappeared.

Hearing Jun Xiaoyao's words, the expression of the Panwu Celestial Lord became even colder.

The onlookers around them were also left speechless.

Indeed, all kinds of dangerous mystic realms seemed to be able to turn misfortune into fortune for Jun Xiaoyao. They were nothing to him.

While everyone outside was waiting…

Jun Xiaoyao had already arrived at the Panwu Hill.

The entire Panwu Hill looked more like an underground palace.

The place was filled with an ancient aura, making it seem like a dusty palace.

Jun Xiaoyao looked relaxed and composed.

However, not long after he stepped out, the patterns of arrays suddenly lit up on the ground as they spread out.

All of a sudden, Jun Xiaoyao felt as if the gravity around him had become much stronger, as if an ancient mountain was pressing on his shoulder.

"What is this, a test?" Jun Xiaoyao raised his eyebrows.

Before he could think any further, several bronze arrows pierced through the air with a sharp aura.

Jun Xiaoyao casually reached out and shattered the arrows.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The ground shook rhythmically.

Immediately afterward, rows of bronze puppets rumbled over from the depths of Panwu Hill.

Among them were puppets wielding bronze spears and arrows.

"Are these… terracotta soldiers?" Jun Xiaoyao raised his eyebrows in disapproval.

However, on second thought, he realized that the Panwu Hill was rumored to be the mausoleum of the royal family. It was understandable that it had guards similar to the terracotta soldiers.

Jun Xiaoyao chuckled. "With the arrays here and the terracotta soldiers, ordinary geniuses might be forced to retreat."

He finally understood what threat Lord Panwu was referring to.

It was indeed difficult for ordinary geniuses to make any progress. They simply couldn't enter the Panwu Hill.

However, such a test was rather boring for Jun Xiaoyao.


Jun Xiaoyao activated both the Sacred Body of the Ancients and the Divine Elephant Overpowering Force.

The golden Qi and blood rose and transformed into a lifelike golden divine elephant.

The Divine Elephant charged forward abruptly. With a sweep of its trunk, a group of bronze puppets were sent flying.

Every single one of these puppets was comparable to a genius of the Unifying Stage. Coupled with their invulnerability and lack of pain, they were more like killing machines.

Unfortunately, it was useless before Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao once again used his fingers as a sword and slashed.

The Sword Chant of the Immortal Slayer was unleashed. The mighty sword light directly tore apart the bronze puppet battle formation in front of him.

The Wings of the Devil extended from Jun Xiaoyao's back and he transformed into a ray of light, easily breaking through the defensive line.

If the Panwu Celestial Lord were to see this, he would certainly be stunned.

The trials of the young Supreme in the Panwu Hill were almost completely useless against Jun Xiaoyao.

As Jun Xiaoyao ventured deeper into the Panwu Hill, he heard the system's mechanical prompt in his mind again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You have arrived at the check-in location of Panwu Hill. Do you wish to check-in?"

"Check-in!" Jun Xiaoyao said.