Seven-star Reward: Sword Of Time of Pan Emperor, The Mysterious Fallen Sacred Body!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring a seven-star reward, the Sword of Time of Pan Emperor!"

As the system's voice fell, the void before Jun Xiaoyao was suddenly ripped open.

Immediately, an ancient sword with an ancient feel appeared before Jun Xiaoyao.

This ancient sword was similar to the one Jun Xiaoyao saw on Yang Pan's body.

However, the Pan Emperor's Sword of Life was filled with the aura of the common people. The body of the sword was also engraved with billions of people.

On the other hand, the Sword of Time of the Pan Emperor was flowing with a sense of antiquity.

The body of the sword was engraved with the rotation of the sun and moon, the changing of the seasons, the rotation of the stars in the sky, and the passage of time.

One look at it was enough to make one feel as if they had been through a lot.

"Interesting. I didn't expect to get one of the Pan Emperor's Three Swords."

Because of Jun Xiaoyao's calm and collected personality, it was rare for him to show joy at that moment.

Although the check-in reward was random, it sometimes seemed to be related to the check-in location.

There were no rules to speak of here.

Nevertheless, it was a pleasant surprise for Jun Xiaoyao to receive a seven-star reward from the Check in.

"Did I evolve from a demigod to the Jade emperor?" Jun Xiaoyao muttered to himself.

The last time he checked in at the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix, he only received a four-star reward.

Shaking his head slightly, Jun Xiaoyao raised his hand and held the Sword of Time.

All of a sudden, he felt the power of time flowing within him.

His entire arm seemed to be aging over time.

At that moment, the twenty pieces of the Bones of the Everlasting Celestial in his arm glowed and resisted the erosion of the power of time.

"Interesting. It would've been difficult for anyone else to use the Sword of Time for a while," Jun Xiaoyao said.

The power of time was very mysterious and terrifying.

If an ordinary person were to approach the Sword of Time, they would probably immediately age.

The only exception would be if some powerful cultivators were able to withstand the attack with their own strength.

With a thought, Jun Xiaoyao wielded the Pan Emperor's Sword of Time and casually slashed at the bronze puppets behind him.

In a split second, a ray of semi-transparent sword light swept across. The bronze puppets began to rot and age before turning into a pile of copper rust.

"It is indeed very powerful." Jun Xiaoyao nodded slightly.

Even with his current cultivation stage, he couldn't unleash much of the power of the Sword of Time.

However, that casual slash was extremely powerful.

Suddenly, the Bones of Supremacy in Jun Xiaoyao's chest vibrated once again as if it was resonating with something.

"The Bones of Supremacy is acting up again. The last time was because of the Reincarnation Gold," Jun Xiaoyao muttered to himself.

Now that he thought about it, the next Abhijna of the Bones of Supremacy seemed to be related to the power of the Reincarnation of Time.

"Looks like I'll have to pay a visit to the Shengling Academy when I have time in the future to see if the Sacred Spirit of Reincarnation can transform my Bones of Supremacy," Jun Xiaoyao muttered to himself.

He put the Sword of Time of the Pan Emperor into his magical artifact.

Jun Xiaoyao couldn't help but chuckle. "If that Lord Panwu were to find out that I obtained the Sword of Time that he painstakingly searched for, he would probably vomit blood from anger."

The Pan Emperor's Sword of Life was currently in Yang Pan's hands.

The Sword of Time of the Pan Emperor was in Jun Xiaoyao's hands.

In the end, only the Emperor Pan's Void Sword was left.

"There's no rush. The only reason I spared Yang Pan's life was so that I could use him as a laborer to look for Emperor Pan's Void Sword. By then, all I have to do is take his sword."

Jun Xiaoyao's calculations were flawless. He had long thought of a contingency plan.

The only value of Yang Pan's life was to help him find the last Emperor Pan's Void Sword.

Lord Pan was obviously thinking the same thing.

However, Jun Xiaoyao didn't mind. No one could take what he wanted.

"The Sword of Time of the Pan Emperor alone is not a wasted trip," Jun Xiaoyao continued to move forward.

Even if Jun Xiaoyao was unable to find the opportunity for the Sacred Body Vision to evolve in the end, he didn't have any regrets.

A sword had returned to its original state.

After shaking off the bronze puppets, Jun Xiaoyao continued to venture deeper into the Panwu Hill.

The ancient hall was covered in a thick layer of dust.

Most of the halls were empty.

Evidently, the opportunities inside had long been plundered by the Panwu Celestial Dynasty.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't care about the sacred pills, precious medicines, sacred medicines, noble weapons, and so on that were left behind.

At that moment, a special palace suddenly appeared before Jun Xiaoyao's eyes.

The palace was located in the most remote corner of Panwu Hill, surrounded by weeds.

There were even some chains wrapped around the area outside as if they didn't want anyone to get close.

"Huh… that's…" Jun Xiaoyao's eyes dimmed.

Most places in the Panwu Hill had traces of people checking it out.

The only place that didn't seem to be occupied was the palace.

There seemed to be a bloody mist lingering around him.

What intrigued Jun Xiaoyao was not only the abnormal state of the palace.

That was because his Sacred Body of the Ancients had a faint reaction.

Jun Xiaoyao made up his mind and walked away.

He pushed open the door to the hall. It was pitch-black inside.

A gust of cold wind blew past. Normal people would be scared out of their wits, but Jun Xiaoyao remained composed.

His Sacred Body of the Ancients was the bane of all evil and dark forces, so it was not weak at all.

At that moment, the sound of chains clashing rang out from the depths of the darkness.

It felt like something shackled by chains was beginning to move.

"Huh?" Just when Jun Xiaoyao was concentrating on his task at hand.

A gust of bloody wind blasted from the depths of the darkness.

At the same time, a beast-like roar was heard.

"What the hell?"

Jun Xiaoyao pushed his right arm forward. Twenty pieces of the Bones of the Everlasting Celestial glowed as an unbelievably sacred aura swirled out, colliding with the bloody fist.


With a rumble, the entire palace shook.

Under the light of the Bone of Immortality, he was able to see the figure before him clearly.

It was a man with long hair that fell to the ground like a savage.

His bloodshot eyes were filled with a frenzy.

However, what caught Jun Xiaoyao's attention was not the savage's appearance, but his body type.

It was also the Sacred Body of the Ancients!


Jun Xiaoyao and the savage were both knocked backward after the collision.

Jun Xiaoyao's arm felt numb.

"Thankfully, I have the Bones of the Everlasting Celestial and the Divine Elephant Overpowering Force. Otherwise, the result would've been hard to predict." Jun Xiaoyao's eyes were very solemn.

In the depths of the Panwu Hill, within a sealed hall…

Why would a Sacred Body of the Ancients appear?

Furthermore, it was no ordinary Sacred Body of the Ancients.

The Sacred Body of the Ancients seemed to have undergone some kind of transformation. It was the Fallen Sacred Body after the mutation.

That's right, the Fallen Sacred Body!

The qi and blood of a Sacred Body were both resplendent and sacred golden in color, while the qi and blood of a Fallen Sacred Body was an ominous dark red.

'This Fallen Sacred Body can't be the Supreme Emperor Panwu. What kind of existence is it?'

Jun Xiaoyao was filled with confusion.