Touch of love - Part 3

Azimir was pleasantly surprised by her reply and he tilted his head to stare at her. He had never expected Aylin to reveal her true thoughts honestly and quickly and he smiled in delight, unable to conceal his joy. Though it was merely her thoughts he had occupied, he was still jubilant.

Aylin sensed the strange atmosphere around her and she turned around to meet Azimir in the eye, only to be taken aback to see the intensity in his eyes. His eyes were gleaming in glee and his smile was more beautiful than the moon on the day of the full moon.

She stared at him in a trance, unable to shift her gaze away from his charming face. Her lips parted as she let out a breath and all of a sudden, she had the urge to hug the man and hold him close to her heart.

It was only when she felt his hands now moving towards her back as he traced his name on her skin that she snapped out of her stupor. Aylin's eyes widened when she felt his touch and this time, it was more sensual than before. Goosebumps erupted on her skin and the temperature in the room rose significantly.

Aylin's heart was fluttering in anticipation and excitement, although she did not know what she was looking for.

"Were you thinking about me just now, Commander?" Azimir raised his brows mischievously at her and Aylin realized what she had spoken in the spur of the moment without thinking. Her eyes quivered and she bit her lip in nervousness.

"I....I...." She stuttered, unable to find any reply. It was true that she was thinking about him and it was true that she had accepted it the first time. But she did not have the courage to agree to his claims the second time and she stayed silent.

"I am honored to be in your thoughts, Commander." Azimir did not hold back, revealing his feelings at that moment. He helped her with her blouse and covered her shoulders and her back. He held her by her shoulders and helped her up before buttoning her blouse slowly, making sure to keep his eyes on Aylin who was already looking at him.

"Why am I feeling this way, Commander? Why am I attracted to you this much albeit knowing you only for a few hours?" He queried as he pulled her close to him until they were almost touching each other.

"Why do you affect me so much?" He continued, dropping the honorifics with her. He did not even care about anything else. All he wanted was to deal with his complex emotions head on and if his feelings were what his father had told him to about in the past, then he wished to cherish the moment and hold onto it for life.

"Why does my heart yearn to see you every moment I am away from you?" Azimir queried and Aylin just stared at him blankly, taken aback by his revelation.

Never had she expected Azimir to feel this way towards her. But she did not loathe it. Aylin was only elated by the turn of events even if she could not comprehend why. It was as though her heart had now found solace in Azimir, the young Alpha of Ideni.

"I am sure you too feel the same way about me."

Azimir did not hesitate to point out what he had noticed from her expressions and reactions. Aylin certainly had feelings for him, feelings that were still new and confusing. In his presence, she had shown him a completely different Commander than he had heard about. Neither was she domineering nor did she give off a cold and indifferent aura.

Aylin showed him an entirely different persona and he could not help but be marveled at it. He was enamored by her, beyond he could even discern. And all he had in mind was to have the stunning and fabulous woman to himself.

Azimir held Aylin's face in his hands, his heart now not in his control. She had mesmerized him and Azimir had an inkling that he would never be able to escape from her charms ever.

"Do tell me Aylin what do I do now that I have no control over my heart?"

The moment he took her name, Aylin's heart thumped madly in pleasure. She had never felt her name to be so beautiful before. The way he called her made her feel as though she was a divine creature he worshipped and cherished the most. She was the treasure he wished to protect and love for life.

Azimir's voice was filled with so much concern and affection that Aylin was having a hard time processing it. Her mind had turned into a mush while her heart had already stopped listening to her. A myriad of emotions passed through her, none of which she could grasp. The powerful Alpha had successfully dominated her in just one day.

"Tell me, Aylin. Do you feel the same way too? Are you attracted to me as I am to you?" Azimir wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her closer to him, desperate to find out what was happening to him.

The complicated emotions were sending him into a state of madness and all he wanted was to find a solution for it, which was none other than Aylin. She was the only salvation and the only relief he needed right now.

Azimir stared at her intently, making Aylin blush at the passion in his eyes. She had never seen anyone look at her this way, not when she had only been scrutinized and criticized all her life. People around her only had approached her when they needed her, especially the men who had only looked at her with lust-filled eyes.

The fondness in Azimir's eyes surprised her. His sterling grey eyes held nothing but devotion for her and Aylin could not help but rejoice in her mind. There was no selfishness or lust. Though he did not hide the physical attraction he felt her, it was not something Aylin detested. His pure intentions were clear and evident from the way he treated her and Aylin was touched by his thoughtfulness.

She was just about to respond to him when a knock at the door stopped her, shattering the sensual ambiance around them