Message from Aranill

"Commander, I have an important message to convey to you." They heard a man speak from the other side of the door and Azimir tightened his hold on Aylin, pulling her close to him. The unexpected interruption annoyed him and his wolf. He was just about to make Aylin confess her feelings when they were disturbed, and Azimir was now beyond vexed.

Just as he had expected, Aylin snapped out of her trance and she shoved him away with all her might. She then tidied her appearance and pushed her hair behind her ears, not noticing the look of astonishment on the young Alpha's face.

"Please forgive me, Alpha. This might be important. I..."

"I understand, Commander. We will speak later." He nodded at her, controlling his emotions and smiled at her in assurance, and Aylin sighed in relief. She looked at herself in the mirror to see if she was presentable before she opened the door. And Azimir tactically hid behind the door so as to not raise suspicions.

Though he did not mind revealing his presence to the man who had disturbed them, it would only ruin Aylin's reputation and that was not what he wanted. She was meant for greater deeds and he wanted people to praise and commend her skills. If anyone were to see him in her room behind a closed door, questions would surely raise.

Azimir's thoughtfulness brought a smile on Aylin's face and she could not conceal it even after she opened the door and faced the man who had come with a message for her.

The young man who was waiting for her was stunned to see her dazzling smile and for a moment, he forgot the reason he was even here. He just stared at her blankly, mesmerized by her stunning beauty.

'Why did I not notice how beautiful our Commander is?' He wondered, his eyes not moving away from her face, even though Aylin had now stopped smiling and was looking at him in confusion.

"Travis," Aylin called the man in front of her, bewildered by the strange look on his face. She had never seen such a look on him before and she could not help but feel self-conscious. She patted her face to see if anything was it.

"You should smile more often, Commander. You look lovely." Travis was still in a daze and he did not know what he was speaking at the moment.

"Travis, are you alright?" Aylin was taken aback by his sudden profession and she blinked at him, baffled.

However, that was not how Azimir felt. He clenched his fists the instant he heard the man praise Aylin. Though he did not mind him admiring her beauty, he disliked the tone he had used on her. It was as though the man was having a desire towards Aylin all of a sudden and this unexpected turn of events did not sit well with him.

Azimir let out a breath in exasperation and anger as he continued to listen to their conversation silently.

"Is something the matter?" Aylin continued, oblivious to the thoughts of the man hiding behind the door.

"Uhh," Travis stared at her blankly for a moment before he snapped out of his reverie and gave her a sheepish smile in return, flustered by his foolish behavior previously. Yet, he did not regret what he had done and grinned at her, puzzling Aylin all the more.

"Travis, your behavior is scaring me. Is something wrong?" Aylin tilted her head and gave him a skeptical look, her eyes examining him in worry.

"No, no, Commander. Everything is good. It is just that I was enlightened only today." Travis' mysterious words made Aylin frown. Yet, she did not probe further into it for she still had other matters to deal with.

Azimir was still in the room and she could not keep him waiting for long, not when he would not be leaving without getting what he wanted. Though it had been only a few hours, Aylin had already started to understand him and she realized that Azimir was a man of action. He did not hesitate to take the first step if he deemed himself to be right and Aylin loved this character of his.

Aylin wondered what would have happened if Travis had interrupted them. Her cheeks heated up when she recalled how close they had been and how the man was close to coercing her to reveal her profound feelings for him.

Aylin was sure that she would have revealed her heartfelt desires, her attraction to him and a look of dejection passed through her when she realized that she had missed the opportunity to see his elated face, at least for now.

"What message do you have for me, Travis?" She hid her sorrow and forced a smile while her hold on the door handle tightened.

"Commander, we have received updates that some of the rogue wolves went berserk the previous night and have killed a few humans in their madness while several people were injured." Travis turned serious at once, his brows furrowing in distress.

"This is bad."

"Yes, Commander. His Majesty has ordered us to return to Aranill as soon as possible to help him find the wolves."

"I see." Aylin's voice turned cold all of a sudden and Azimir was surprised by the abrupt change in her.

"We still have to interrogate the people who attacked us. We will only leave once we deal with them. Send a message back to His Majesty, requesting him to start the investigation without us. We will join them once we return to Aranill."

Aylin's indifferent response did not surprise Travis. He had already expected this outcome the moment he had received the message from the messenger. Their Commander had matters to handle in Ideni. She was yet to seek justice to her warriors who were almost killed the previous night. Until she punished the people behind the incident herself, she would not leave Ideni.

"I will do as you say, Commander." Travis' smile slipped when he remembered what had happened the previous night and Aylin did not miss his hesitating gaze.

"What else do you want to speak about, Travis?"

"Commander, what do you intend to do about the werewolves of Ideni?"

Azimir's ears perked up on hearing him mention his people and his gaze deepened slightly.

"What about them?"

"Do you intend to punish them too?" Travis queried doubtfully, only to find his Commander shaking her head at him.

"No, I will not. It was not their mistake in the first place. They did not know about our presence. Moreover, it was us who intruded their kingdom without permission on the first night in the year of the moon." Aylin glanced at the door and closed her eyes for a moment.

"They are not responsible for what transpired the previous night. They were under the Moon Goddess' control. I am only glad that none of us are hurt."

Azimir's lips quirked up on hearing her and he let out a breath of relief. Although he was not responsible for what had happened, he still held himself guilty, and he had unable to ignore how his people had behaved and almost killed the helpless warriors.

If not for his intervention, Aylin would surely have been wounded, killed even and just the thought of him almost missing out on meeting such a divine person made him miserable.

Now that Aylin herself did not hold him or his people accountable for what had happened with them, his guilt eased a little and his stiff body relaxed.