35. Truly Beautiful and 'soft'.

Sunny spent the next day roaming the areas surrounding the Xie Amber City to see if there's any good place to set up the guild base. He didn't read much about the Xie Amber City in his past life. So, he didn't have much knowledge about its surrounding area.

The only reason he knew about Hua Chen was that in his past life, when a guild party of 'Heritage Of Dragons' had killed Fire Wyvern: Aakayrim under the lead of Long Tian, Hua Chen had appeared in front of them suddenly and as thanks for killing Aakayrim, promised Long Tian to make an SS-grade item for them.

This happened one year into the game. At the time when SS-grade items were just starting to pop up. So, this incident has become a top trending topic of that month.

Well, Sunny did know a good place near Indraprastha City for the guild's base. But, if he got a better place by chance that would just be awesome.

He conveniently forgot about the fact that he was just itching to roam around the wilderness for sightseeing. He couldn't do that earlier because of being weak. Now that he had the strength to somewhat protect himself he chose to stroll around.

He didn't have anything urgent to do anyway. He already has a wide gap between him and the elite and top players. No need to labor himself more than necessary.


14th Jan 2300, 11:00 Am.

Sunny didn't have lunch today after returning from the Gym. As he and the three girls had decided to book a VIP room in a good restaurant for the meeting during lunchtime, they would obviously order some food.

Sunny stared at his reflection in the full-size mirror in his living room in satisfaction. For today's meeting, he wore a formal blue suit with a white shirt and a conservative golden-colored tie.

He ordered the attire yesterday, from the shop where he had visited in his previous life. He had a detailed description of his body's dimensions from the daily scanning at the Gym anyway. His order was sent to him in just twelve hours.

After exiting his apartment, he rode a HoverCar that he had booked earlier to the nearest JetPort.

A JetPort is a facility similar to ancient Airports. Just much smaller as a HoverJet doesn't need a runway to take off into the air.

Five minutes later, Sunny was sitting on a comfortable couch inside a HoverJet. He had booked a premium HoverJet for a round-trip from UG-IDH-02 to UG-IDH-01. There were only 5 cabins in the HoverJet. It cost him 50k ⨄⨭ for the round-trip.

The HoverJet only took 17 minutes to complete the journey. Exiting the 01 city's JetPort, Sunny boarded a HoverCar again to the meeting location.

The meeting was set in a VIP room of Raheja Food Paradise. It is a 30-floor hotel located in the most expensive area of the 02 cities.

Exiting the HoverCar in front of the hotel entrance, Sunny slightly adjusted his suit and walked inside towards the reception counter.

"How may I help you, Sir?" One of the female receptionists dressed in a red-white uniform asked Sunny with a beautiful professional smile when he stood in front of the reception counter.

Sunny replied while showing her a holographic screen on his HoloWatch, "I have a meeting in a VIP room. Can you guide me there?"

"Sure." The female receptionist scanned the screen with a small device and then checked the details on her HoloWatch.

"Sir, your meeting is in VIP Room no. 2004 on the twentieth floor. Please follow me, sir. I will guide you." The female receptionist said after a moment.

Sunny nodded and followed her into the HoverPlatforms room. They boarded a HoverPlatform that has golden linings, indicating its use for VIP guests.

They came in front of a room enclosed in a see-through glass room and the receptionist unlocked the door lock with a Mastercard. She knocked on the softly before opening it.

Inside the room, a beautiful lady in her early twenties was enjoying a cup of Jaggery Coffee. The receptionist said to the lady, "You have a guest, ma'am."

The lady nodded and the receptionist came outside to fetch Sunny. "Please come inside, sir."

Sunny nodded and went inside. The beautiful lady had her back facing the door so Sunny didn't see her face. But, upon noticing her black hair he guessed that she must be Trisha.

The receptionist guided him to the chair opposite Trisha on the round table. She asked him when he sat down, "Sir, you can order anything you would like to A.I. Soma by tapping thrice on the table in quick succession. Now, please excuse me, sir."

Sunny nodded and the female receptionist left after that. He did as the female receptionist had instructed and ordered a refreshment for him.

Then only did he raise his head and take a proper look at Trisha. And… He was instantly lost in her breathtaking beauty and only one thought popped in his mind 'Truly beautiful'.

Trisha was dressed in a beautiful silver-white one-piece gown with bare shoulders. She also didn't have her face covered.

Her long black hair was gently resting on her back. Unlike her avatar, Trisha in real life has a pair of striking blue eyes. The moment he locked eyes with her, Sunny was sent into a trance.

Fortunately, he didn't get to look at her just after coming in. Or he would have embarrassed himself in front of the female receptionist by standing in a daze like a fool.

As Trisha took a sip of her Jaggery Coffee, Sunny broke out of trance by hearing the slight slurping noise. He was feeling extremely embarrassed inside but he didn't let it show outside as he calmly offered a handshake, "Hi, I am Sunny aka. Chaos. How long have you been waiting?"

Trisha looked at him and somewhat figured out his blunder but she didn't expose him and replied smoothly while reaching out her hand, "Just 5 minutes. And I am Trisha Thakur aka. Shadow."

Sunny nodded and retracted his hand. 'Soft' He thought and then opened his HoloWatch and started randomly messing with it to pass time.

On the other hand, Trisha had a satisfied expression on her face for a second before she restored her expressionless look.

She had dressed up like this for today's meeting to do a slight character check on Sunny. And he had passed.

'Hmm… Although he was dazed for a moment, there wasn't any impurity in his gaze.' She thought to herself and then returned back to enjoying her coffee.

A minute later, a waiter came and left after silently delivering Sunny's refreshment.

For the next 20 minutes, Sunny and Trisha didn't talk to each other and just waited for Sword and Fire to arrive.


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