36. What tastes better? Food or Lips...?

*tap* *tap*

A soft tapping sound came from the room's door. Sunny lifted his head and saw the same female receptionist opening the door and coming inside.

"Sir, ma'am, you have some guests." She said politely while Sunny and Trisha just nodded simultaneously.

She went outside and escorted two beautiful ladies who looked to be in their early twenties.

The receptionist led them to sit on 2 empty chairs between Sunny and Trisha. The girl with light red hair sat on Sunny's right while the crimson-red colored girl sat on his left.

The receptionist was about to explain to them how to order when the girl with light red hair waved her hand. The receptionist took the cue and left the room.

The girl with light red hair then looked at Sunny and said while extending her hand, "Hi, I am Bai Qian and my in-game name is Sword Genius."

Sunny shook her hand and introduced himself, "Hi, I am Sunny aka. Chaos."

Bai Qian also had her hair set free. She wore a chiffon button-up shirt on top and wide-legged dark trousers on the bottom. Basically, casual business attire. She was looking gorgeous and sexy in that casual business attire.

But, Sunny didn't find her as attractive as Trisha. He just felt Bai Qian was beautiful unlike when he went into a trance after seeing Trisha.

The crimson-red-haired girl introduced herself next in a cheerful and lively tone, "Hi Sunny-san, My name is Yagi Akane. My in-game name is Fire Saintess. Nice to meet you. You are looking good."

Sunny shook her hand and replied, "Hello! Thanks for the compliment. You are also more beautiful in real life than in-game."

Akane was wearing a fiery-red high-neck A-line one-piece dress. With her hair, eyes, and dress being all red she really looked like a beautiful flame princess.

Akane giggled lightly at his praise and shot a victorious grin at Bai Qian and Trisha. Like she was saying, 'He praised me while he didn't say anything about you two.'

Trisha and Bai Qian's lips twitched slightly in annoyance at her childish taunt. Sunny noticed the slight annoyance that appeared on their face for a moment, but he didn't understand why. So, he did the best thing he could do. Ignore it.

"By the way, can we have some food first? I am hungry." Akane said as she knew the three may start discussing business the next moment.

Sunny said, "I don't have any problem with that."

Trisha and Bai Qian agreed too after they made eye contact with each other.

Then they ordered some food through A.I. Soma. While they were waiting for the food to arrive, Bai Qian said, "You said you had something to say about class tokens and Gold Coins last time."

Sunny: "We will. But, we will first discuss the shares and such. As Akane-san said, let's have lunch first."

The food arrived in 5 minutes and they started eating in their own way. Trisha and Bai Qian were eating with elegance while Akane ate casually.

Sunny glanced unintentionally at Trisha a few times while enjoying his food. More specifically at her lips. 'I wonder what they taste like!' This thought popped in his mind suddenly and he shook his head slightly to remove such inappropriate thoughts.

Akane noticed it and a mischievous grin crept up on her lips. She said to Sunny, "So Sunny-san, do you have a girlfriend?"

Sunny, Trisha, and Bai Qian all froze at her sudden question. Sunny took a moment to recollect himself and said wryly, "Playing VWPS is the first thing I did outside of studying and orphanage work. How will I have time for a girlfriend?"

Akane nodded and said, "Then, do you have anyone you like now? You have surely seen many beautiful girls in the game."

Sunny said after some thinking, "I guess no."

Akane pressed further, "What about me? You don't like me?"

Bai Qian and Trisha both now listened with some interest.

Sunny said, "Umm… You are certainly beautiful. But, I don't think I have any romantic thoughts about you."

Akane clutched her heart with her left hand and said in a sad and pitiful tone, "Ouch! You hurt me, Oni-Chan~"

Trisha and Bai Qian were clenching their spoons and chopsticks tightly after listening to her words. While Sunny just laughed awkwardly.

Suddenly, Akane sat up straight and said, "Then do you like Qian-nee? You know her longest among the three of us."

Bai Qian sent a death glare at Akane for including her in her stupid questions. Sunny took a moment to think before answering, "Hmm… While she is beautiful and I like her leadership skills, I don't think I have any romantic interest in her. No offense to you, Miss Qian."

Bai Qian replied, "None taken." and pretended to focus on her food. She did feel slightly good though at his praise.

Akane said in a depressed tone, "Qian-nee is a no too, huh! What about Trisha-nee then? Don't tell me you don't like her too?"

Sunny answered slightly faster this time, "Maybe, I don't know."

*cough* *cough*

Trisha wasn't paying much attention after hearing his continuous no. But, hearing what he said, she choked on her food.

While Bai Qian helped her by holding a glass of water on her lips, Akane was stunned at his blunt answer.

She assumed that he would be flustered or say no directly. She was thinking of ways to make him answer truthfully. She didn't expect him to directly answer yes and her mind stopped working for a moment.

Sunny was slightly in confusion and self-doubt after seeing Trisha's reaction. 'Should I have denied? But, isn't it best to be honest in situations like this?'

Bai Qian said after Trisha stopped coughing, "I think we should stop this discussion now."

She then sent a warning glare at Akane who just stuck out her tongue slightly. Sunny nodded while still confused about what went wrong?

The four of them just finished their food in silence after that.


@SoBreeze1 Thank You Very Much for the ×1.


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