39. Hunting Rabbits Again.

"Congratulations! You are the first party to discover the dungeon {Spark Rabbit's Burrow}! Exp gained from killing the monster inside the dungeon is increased by 10%."

"Congratulations! You are the first party to discover the dungeon {Spark Rabbit's Burrow}! Clearing the dungeon on the first try will result in additional rewards. Good Luck!"

Two notifications appeared in front of everyone the moment the last member of the party i.e. Sunny walked past the burrow entrance.

"Yamato and Shika, you two go ahead and follow Shadow. Listen to her orders and if she doesn't say anything stay at least 10 meters behind her."

Sword sent a message through the party chat and shortly after two boys sprinted ahead. But, unlike Shadow who seemed to have completely and silently disappeared, the party members were able to hear their footsteps till they disappeared from their vision.

"A group of 7 [Spark Rabbits] ahead in an open space about 7 meters in height and 11 in width in all directions. Visibility may be low as there isn't any light source apart from the scarce [Purple Catnip Plant] growing in some small cracks."

This message appeared in front of the twelve party members just a few moments after entering the burrow. The burrow passage was still mostly visible due to the lighting from the outside.

Swords eyebrow creased slightly upon finding that there will be visibility problems. Mage's and ranger's skills will be more prone to miss thereby decreasing the total DPS.

She asked Sunny if he prepared anything to counter the visibility problem. Sunny assured her that he will take care of the visibility problem after the fight started.

After walking for a few tens of meters, 2 male players could be seen standing still close to the passage walls while keeping their eyes on the front.

Upon hearing footsteps behind them, they turned around and Shika sent a message, "Right after the turning ahead."

Sword took the lead bypassing them while keeping a battle-ready stance. The other party members also became alert and everyone increased the grip on their respective weapon except Sunny.

Upon crossing the turning, Sword saw 5 purple furred rabbits sleeping in the middle of the open space while 2 similar rabbits were hopping around. Probably guarding the sleeping ones.

Her first thought was to try to hunt them separately by baiting one of the guards. But…

"Don't bother to think about baiting a rabbit to hunt easily. These rabbits have excellent hearing. Just be simple and charge ahead in full force."

Sunny sent a message in the party chat. After reading it, Sword gave some directions to fight according to the information available.

Then, she executed the skill *Charge* the moment she noticed that one of the patrolling rabbits was in her skill range.

Arriving in front of the rabbit, Sword used the momentum from charge and slammed the wide side of her broadsword on the rabbit from above slamming it hard into the ground. Then, she used the short-sword in her left hand to pin the rabbit's front paw on the ground.

The only Shield Warrior 'Agil' in the party sprinted behind her and executed *Charge* on the other patrolling rabbit that came near Sword with a few quick hops. It was also discharging purple sparks around its body. Agil interrupted it with a *Shield Slam* that he activated moments before colliding with the rabbit.

He then banged the shield on the ground that grabbed the attention of 5 rabbits that woke up from the loud sound of Sword bashing her sword.

As Agil was about to be besieged by 6 rabbits, two girls 'Airi' and 'Sana' came to support him from the side.


Agil used *War Cry* to keep the aggro of the 6 rabbits upon himself. He also used the *Buff Up* that increases his Vit and End by 10 for 60 seconds. It just costs 120 Power.

While the two girls, Airi with a longsword and Sana with a spear in hand, helped him fend off the 6 rabbits' attacks.

The three rogues Xuan Bing, Yamato, and Shika also went forward to keep the 6 rabbits busy. They didn't deal much damage, just helped Agil, Airi, and Sana deflect some strikes from the rabbits. Sometimes throwing their weapons in the trajectory of the rabbits' skill *Shockbolt.*

The remaining girls had long-range classes. Fire, Young Lady Yu'er, Qin Ming, and Miyuki had the mage class. Among them, only Fire had completed Class Advancement.

Xie Ying and Shizune had ranger as their class.

These 6 long-range damage dealers focused on finishing the rabbit whose paw was pinned to the ground by Sword. It was constantly screaming in pain from the damage while trying to claw the short sword out of its paw.

Fire dealt the most damage, obviously because of her advanced class. But, she only used basic skills like *Mana Bolt* and *Mana Arrow*.

In just 136 seconds, the pinned rabbit died. Sword Genius immediately came to support Agil and co. They directed the battle in such a way that the rabbits had less space to move and slowly became clustered.

Meanwhile, the long-range dealers stopped to avoid attracting aggro during this crucial moment.

The moment all the rabbits were within a radius of 2 meters, Fire launched the skill she got after Class Advancement. *Fire Bomb*

A red-hot ball shot out from the tip of her staff with a speed of 70 m/s and landed in the middle of the rabbits.

The ball exploded upon colliding with the ground and an intense explosion of flames devoured everything present within 2 meters of its point of contact.

The flames dispersed after 5 seconds and 6 charred rabbits came into everyone's view. Although alive there were numerous patches of burned fur marks left on them that made it difficult to move or gather the sparks in their body to execute the *Shockbolt* skill.

The party members quickly came and put the rabbits out of their misery by killing them.

The entire time Sunny was just spectating from behind. As promised he took care of the visibility problem by creating a big ball by using the shaping feature of *Mana Chain*.

'Hmm… 7 [Spark Rabbits] of level-20-D grade with 3,600 HP each can be dealt within 4 minutes and 39 seconds. The party as a whole can deal 90 DPS in simple calculations. And Shadow helped too, they can defeat everything in the dungeon except the Boss Monster. Good!

'The Shield Warrior- Agil is pretty good, too. He can perfectly hold the aggro onto himself despite having 1 aggro attracting skill- *War Cry*. Fire mentioned that they got the skill from a D grade quest that they completed at level 15.

'And it seems at least the girls took my advice of not choosing a skill immediately after reaching level 20 seriously. Of all the guilds that bought my general information pack, I wonder how many took it seriously.'


@The_Crab Thank You Very Much for the ×1.


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