

"Speak," the voice commanded, sounding pleased to hear from the librarian through phone call.

"I failed, Sir. I apologize," the librarian gripped his fists, looking down.

"What happened?"

"A teacher was there to defend the class, Sir."

"You let yourself get crushed? By a teacher?" He kept down his speech to sound calm, yet the anger of man tattooed on his voice.

The librarian bombarded himself with such hostile questions as if he had been scolded for the first time in his entire life. For the past ten years of serving the school, he did not anticipate serving another man for another reason. But even so, he needed that chance to achieve what he planned for ten years. As long as he kept his cool, everything he sacrificed for will pay off someday.

"Well, that was a lame plan anyways," the man scoffed, impassively putting his hand inside his pocket. After sighing and looking up, he spoke, "So, what is this teacher you were saying?"

The librarian widened his eyes, seeming so confused. As his heart skipped a beat, he was unbelievably rooting to his place. "Pardon, Sir? I thought you hired him."

"Did I allow you to talk to me casually? I did not, did I?" reprimanded the man on the phone. Deeply groaning, he violently knocked down the flower vase placed above the console table near him.

The librarian chickened out. Shakingly holding his fists, he spoke, "I-I am sorry, Sir. I did not mean it."

"If you tell me enough information about him, I might let you live," he held down his temper yet the threatening sound in his voice had deteriorated.

He was paralyzed to the spot, the menacing aura held him in a tightening grip. The choice of deciding between living or death did not bother him. Somewhat, he was more concerned about his plans failing if he can not satisfy the man with his answers.

"I saw his ID, Sir. T-Travis Mortal was the name. I think he is over twenty-three. And his ID was green so I also think he is new. A-And he was the one who found out about everything, Sir. I do not know how to tell you the exact details since he is unpredictable, but---"

"Travis Mortal, you say," the man clenched his jaw as he spoke in a gravelly, noble voice. He then smoothly poured wine in a stemware above his desk. "... Oh, that is right. I instantly approved an applicant two days ago because I knew that person would not last long. But... "

Laughing in a scornful way, he absurdly belted down the wine. And so, the man continued, "You mentioned he defended the class? How touching."

The librarian just stood there, staring into the void. And since he was allowed not to talk, he just waited patiently for the next order of the man.

"I was confused why he did not show up after I accepted him last time. Although he showed no trace in the school, the thing running in my mind right now is..." While playing the wine glass on his hand, the man spoke, "... why did he apply again after a year?"

"A-Apply again? After a year?" the librarian thought as his mouth trembled with curiosity, not anymore with fright. Noticing something interesting, he went up straight as he faced north, impatient to find out answers.

"That is right. After a year," replied the man as if he already predicted what had the librarian thought. "I know you did not catch up, but at least widen your ears. Last two days. I thought his name was familiar when I saw his resume, so I checked the applicants who applied two years ago. And so, I found out..."

The librarian gulped, waiting for the man to continue his last statements.

"... he is an interesting extraordinary guy I presume," the man spoke, releasing the smoky hue in his mouth.

The librarian might not be able to grasp what happened yet, he still looked eager to find out more answers to this. In order to satisfy his curiosity, a thought came up to his mind. He had bound himself to observe thoroughly Mr. Travis.


"Whoa. Would not believe it but I just saved all of you."

In front of the class stood Mr. Travis, proudly giggling his butt off after everything had settled. Even if that was a tiny work for him, he still thought it was a lame idea to provoke the librarian. Meanwhile, the students looked humiliated after realizing Mr. Travis did the trouble for them. They were nailed steadily to their positions as they kept silent, looking at their teacher. They captured and had him tied up a while ago, but that same guy saved them.

"Hey, you guys should be really thanking me, not glaring at me," jesting out, Mr. Travis stared at them one by one.

Even Zeus was glued to his position. But instead of getting angry, he was still astonished by what Mr. Travis did earlier with the librarian.

Looking at the rack placed at the center, Mr. Travis grinned, "So, do we have to continue this torture thing? I still have no idea what's this L5 though."

Since none of the students dared to answer the teacher, Kenneth instead volunteered himself again. Hardly glaring at Mr, Travis, Kenneth spoke, "What do you want?"

"Hmm? Nothing?" Scratching the back of his head, Mr. Travis smiled broadly.

"Then why are you bothering us?" Kenneth furiously asked, clenching his fists.

All of them seemed intensified, not only Kenneth. But Mr. Travis really cared for their feelings so he pitied them for being like this. As result, he must find a way to be the teacher they truly deserve. And as their second parent, he must not disappoint each one of them.

"I'm not bothering my students. I'm just here to do my duty as your class teacher," Mr. Travis genuinely smiled, maybe to soothe down the mood. Although he smiled almost every second, they were still caught up by their emotions. Maybe that would be part of his plans as well---to control one's emotions.

"Cut the bullshit. We know you are here for something. Who are you working with?" one of the students came at him, gripping Mr. Travis' collar with great fury.

After not being able to finish his roll-call earlier, right now was probably the first time Mr. Travis saw this student. All of his other portfolios were kept safe but did not bring with him. And since his portfolio got roasted by Monika back then, he could no longer determine the name of this boy. However, he seemed to have a clue what might be his name.

Smiling still, Mr. Travis looked at him with all his gentleness. "Working with who, Brent? As I said, my purpose is to fulfill my responsibility as your class teach---"

"We won't easily accept outsiders like you!" shouted Brent using his full extent voice, together with his menacing eyes.

Although some of them did buy Mr. Travis' smile, they still could not let their guards down in this state. Maybe later on they would be dead, too. And part of this might be Mr. Travis' plans. So what they were obliged to do was to keep their heads up and never get drawn by Mr. Travis' ridiculous kindness. That way, they would probably win. After all, prevention is better than cure. No one knew.

"Stop your shit already! Tell us who sent you!" screamed the girl obsessed with experiments, Janice. As Brent still clenched Mr. Travis' collar, Janice tightly held the pliers and pointed it towards the eyes of their teacher.

"Is that why you were able to escape our plans? Because you have been instructed to be aware of us?" Breathing heavily, Kyle got his steel pipe and instantly stretched his arm to hit Mr. Travis directly to his head. Yet before he was about to take a blow, Kenneth stepped in to stop him.

"Sorry, but we don't buy your kindness at all," Kenneth spoke with his sharp-intimidating eyes.

As for Mr. Travis, he just did not care about whether the steel pipe would hardly land on him or not. He just seemed happy now that the students finally looked and recognized him. He also looked grateful to Kenneth because he made Kyle stop hitting his head.

"My dear students, calm down. Even I have no single clue what you're talking about," Mr. Travis calmly stated.

Without Kenneth's quick intuition, he might end up really unconscious right now. And from the looks of it, Kyle's attack might be really forceful that his veins ago were about to pop out. Mr. Travis probably had to dodge Kyle's attack if ever the steel pipe would hit him. But since he was choked up in the mid-air, he might not be able to evade it. It was really thanks to Kenneth.

"Just like what I had said, I've been meaning to take full responsibility for everything. I'm your class teacher, right?" Mr. Travis continued.

As he was already surrounded by his students, he acted very calm to avoid provoking them. Irritating them would just worsen the state he was in. And also, he was worried about his students that they might apparently be deepening their anger issues. It would make their mental state get more serious.

"And what do you mean by me working with someone? I'm too awesome by just working alone, so why would I need a company with me?"

By hearing him, Brent then started calming down. With that being said, he loosened his grip on Mr. Travis' collar and also, the other students stepped back as they were also being pacified down.

"You should know that people like me are always rare in this world. Oh! I forgot, there's no one other than me in this world I presume," Mr. Travis jokingly remarked, arrogantly placing his hand on his chest. "This world can't handle too many Travis Mortal, you know."

"What? So you're not really one of those jerks?" asked Brent, jointly clenched his fists.

As of that moment, the students seemed to start trusting their teacher. But not fully trusted yet. He was still an outsider that no one could trust.

"Who are these jerks you mentioned?" asked Mr. Travis as he looked curiously at Brent.

"It's none of your business. So you're really just an ordinary outsider," Peter stepped in, holding a card in his hand again, probably playing a game of cards a while ago while all of them were bickering with the teacher.

Mr. Travis took a glance at Peter being a no-care-at-all teenager. But according to Peter's expression, he probably won the game again. "Hey! I'm not just an ordinary outsider. I am a beyond extraordinary outsider," Mr. Travis defended.

"Still an outsider."
