

"Fuck this bullshit!"

A lout in his teenage hardly kicked down the defensive flimsy guy on the ground. His sharp cerulean eyes pierced through him, making the flimsy guy tremble more. Just by his boor and heavy appearance, it seemed like he was an orca who willed to hunt him whole.

"Where is the money?!" the lout shouted, thrusting onto the stomach of the poor guy.

The shaky lad merely groaned, hard to respond because of this guy's continuous massive attacks. Hooked himself, he was impatiently securing his head while getting beaten by this so-called thug. And so, with this thug, he leniently kicked him out more.

"I-I bet it all," the battered guy on the ground feebly spoke, trying to move an inch on his body.

With his response, the guy kicked him again to his head, to his abdomen, to his nape, to his leg, and to his other vital spots. But this time, way harder.

It felt like his stomach was going to burst out from receiving too dense strikes. After a while, he could not help but squirt out blood on the ground. Barely moving, his arms which he used to cover his head were getting weaker and weaker that he just let himself get beaten up more. For him, it was not his fault. No matter how hard this would get, it was never his fault in the first place.

The ruffian, on the other hand, stopped putting his energy wasted and took a deep breath for a while.

"You know what... that money was not for me. And neither for you." Squatting, he then furiously stared at the beaten guy, pinched his ear to raise him up, and shouted near his face with his eyes throwing daggers, "So why did you spend it all?!"

The strengthless lad yelled in agony as his ear raspingly nipped by this mug's pointy fingers.

Around the alley stood nobody other than the both of them. Typical weather, peaceful road, a lane without much noise, pine trees covering the entire wall, a wall jammed with broken glasses on top of it, and just both of them. It was still in the morning, yet both were not on good terms.

As the wind gently advanced through the area, the lout felt wrong that he let him go after seeing his trembling face. With his eyes flaring out, he punched a part of the wall in front of him and screamed in rage. The wall was damaged by his fist by then.

This time, the puny guy started pouring out his tears. Quavering, his lips slightly shuddered like he wanted to speak out words. So the guy who pounded him up stayed close to him to at least listen to what he was about to spill out.

"I'm sorry..." the flimsy guy leisurely shook, slowly getting up to willingly kneel down in front of him. Gently putting together his palm, he sincerely uttered out the words again and again, "I'm so sorry, Victor. I'm so sorry!"

The guy, Victor sighed and just face-palmed while staring at the desperate guy on the ground. With his shaky position, Victor started to feel guilty for what he did. And so, he sat up in front of him to level their faces in distance.

"Tell me, it's your decision..." he calmly stated, directly looking at him in the eyes. "How do I get the money back?"

As Victor already soothed himself down, waiting for the feeble guy's response, he looked at him with his eyes overflowing with such conscience. Such an undesirable kid, yet so sensitive. After all, it was never his intention to hurt this feeble kid in the first place. It was just he had no choice but to get driven by his emotions.


Meanwhile back in Class 11-5's classroom, the students started brawling as they argued whether they should keep Mr. Travis or not. It was such an important decision for them to make that they had to fight over it. Half of the class agreed to take Mr. Travis as their class adviser, and half of them opposed. It was Kenneth who was left undecided between the two choices.

Mr. Travis felt so warm and grateful that his class threw words at each other because of him. No words could describe how happy he felt just by this. And he hoped that someday, the class would think about him not this way, but in a natural process. But still, he was at least thankful.

"Damn you! How do we fucking know what his true color is?!" Brent yelled as he threw his fist all out directly on Zeus' stomach.

Zeus advanced last minute so the blow did not really damage him but still the impact stung up a little on his insides. So in the end, Brent's punch might still be a painful approach.

"He is on another level!" As Zeus got the chance to strike back, he made sure it was Brent's face that his fist landed.

"He has the mindset of a God! We need him!" he was proud pointing at Mr. Travis right after.

After Zeus' punch, Brent lose his balance and stepped back a little as he clenched his aching cheek. And with that, Brent got aggravated by it. He first clicked his tongue before his glabella wrinkled up, purporting he was not fooling around. Gritting his teeth, he ferociously shouted while throwing a punch sideways on Zeus' stomach again.

Yet this time, Zeus evaded him. After taking a step backward, he used his knee to hit Brent on the stomach. But tables have turned, Brent blocked it with his arms guarding him.

"Are you really sure about that, huh?" Kyle stepped in, facing Zeus and pulling his collar aggressively. "How the heck are you so sure about tha---"

"And how the hell can you prove that this prick is not allowed to be our teacher, huh?" a classmate then hopped in, preparing his fist to smack onto Kyle's face. "Have you not seen him earlier? The way he went with his grand entrance, failing our plans? And that librarian fucking framing us? This fucker was the one who saved us!"

Surely others still did not fully trust Mr. Travis yet, but still, there are others who gradually believed in him.

Mr. Travis examined him. The student looked so furious that his eyes went narrow, dripping with spite. As he bent over to make sure his attack would take much damage, his eyebrows lowered and pulled closer together. His eyelids then simultaneously squinted as his lips tighten inwards. Enraged staring toward Kyle, he was about to move his hand onto Kyle's face with great force.

As for Mr. Travis' perspective towards the student, he seemed like a wolf who was appointed to devour a gemsbok. He was so frantic with his emotions that he might be really causing trouble if he kept this up. But then, will the gemsbok use his large antelope to defeat the wolf? Or will the wolf use his sharp fangs to fully overcome the gemsbok? No one knows.

"My dear students, Terfinn, Kyle, Brent, and Zeus. That's already enough," Mr. Travis gently grabbed Terfinn's hard fist to stop the fight.

With Mr. Travis's kind and soothing smile, they had calmed themselves down as they dropped each other's fists. It might be really a critical outcome if Kyle would use his steel pipe against Terfinn. Thankfully, Mr. Travis stepped in at the right time.

Although they calmed down at least, the four of them threw daggers towards Mr. Travis still. Meanwhile, the other students kept the brawl continued. Mr. Travis did not really anticipate this over such a decision but it might take a while for him to get used to this.

Immediately withdrawing his fist, Terfinn clicked his tongue as he glared at Mr. Travis beside him. "Don't get me wrong, you asshole. I am not siding you or whatsoever." He then pointed at Mr. Travis's chest and pressed it to slightly push him. Glaring, he let out the words, "I am doing this for the sake of the class, not for your satisfaction."

"And I am also saying that this hooligan will never be our teacher. And no one else should be. We are already fine on our own so why bother?" Brent crossed his arms, hardly raising his eyebrows while referring to their teacher. As he stared sharply at Terfinn, he threw out the words, "I am deciding because it is for the sake of this class, not for my own satisfaction."

"Are you mocking me, fucker?!" Terfinn lose his control and was about to blow a fist at Brent. Not so long, Zeus went in and covered Brent to stop Terfinn from the undertaking.

The fist that was about to blow towards Zeus went to the west as he used his palm to put immediate force on Terfinn's arm. After a second, Zeus apprehended the result right away yet Terfinn's fist smacked onto Kyle's face instead. The three Terfinn, Zeus, and Brent had left their jaw hanged after a moment.

"Pfft!" Mr. Travis burst out laughter that he had to hold over his stomach.

A moment of pause concluded---a quiet yet dangerous pause. Of course. Kyle, the gemsbok, was enraged after that incident. Like a boiling pot, the three of them sensed the red hot flame of anger steamed out over Kyle's body. It was a rare aura they felt over him. Tearing up, Mr. Travis was still laughing so hard.

Zeus panicked and noticed that it was his fault. By then, he had to quickly come up with another topic to prevent getting casualties.

"L-Let us ask Kenneth then!" he pointed out Kenneth who saw everything though just stayed calm and noble. "What do you think?! Do we have to take this human as our class teacher or not?!" he looked at Mr. Travis who leaned against the wall, taking his time to laugh his butt off.

Crossing arms and sighing deeply, Kenneth stared at the four of them. "If you're going to ask me, of course, I had to face the consequences after this."

As he stated his point, the whole class seemed to notice what he responded so they took a pause to hold all ears to Kenneth.

Kenneth was well-known for his authority and leadership even before he joined the class. He possessed superior knowledge, a fast mind, and a rigorous demeanor. In the past, he shared his academic expertise with his peers. He had to stay up with the most recent syllabi and lead them according to the needs of the day. He could also provide career advice to his classmates and advise them on the best job route for them based on their ability. He was like the class teacher of all the classes he was in.

But to end up in this class two years ago was such a waste for such a valuable, mature, and reserved student like him. It was like leading a bunch of infants back to their past lives. It was like water off a duck's back to him. In short, for him, his abilities were all good for nothing.

Although he was doubtful about his skills when he first came to this class, he still got their weaknesses that he ended up dressing the class as his servants. It was the best way to get them on their knees if ever they would oppose him. After all, he was a genius. His capabilities were all useful in the end.

"I would say no to that," he coldly resumed, looking at the teacher who already stopped laughing.

"I will not accept him as our class teacher," he continued.
