The Class Teacher And The Hitman

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"Man, I have to save that chick," Lachlan told Mr. Travis as he took off his coat and handed it to him.

"Wait, am I your bodyguard or some---"

"Just stay there, darling! The hero is here!"

Of course, Mr. Travis didn't expect that so he was left there standing while holding his friend's coat. He saw his friend in action. This isn't the first time he saw him doing this. It's just that, he's still as reckless as before.

After a moment, Mr. Travis came after the girl pianist since her hand was bleeding too much. He thought that maybe he could lend a hand to treat her.

"I-I'm fine, Sir. The wound is not that deep," the girl insisted.

Mr. Travis took an empty seat and let the girl sit there for a while. After then, he called the bartender and asked for a bottle of whisky. Without a minute, the bartender then handed Mr. Travis the whisky he asked.

"Are you ready?" Mr. Travis asked.

"R-Ready for what, Sir?"

And with that, Mr. Travis opened the bottle and poured the whisky on the girl's hand to clean her cut. The sensation was stinging her nerves but she just flinched for a second. And just like that, she didn't show any emotions other than feeling grateful.

Alcoholic drinks that are regular spirits such as vodka, whisky, or anything under 70-80 percent are good enough for disinfecting wounds. Other than those drinks are dangerous for opened wounds because of the ingredients mixed on them.

"You're lucky enough that he didn't cut one of your fingers," Mr. Travis calmly stated, smiling at her.

Later after sitting her wound, he searched for something that could wrap up her wound. Now that he found nothing other than Lachlan's coat, he used it since it's on the way. Mr. Travis tore off the coat's sleeve until it's half. He then wrapped it up in the girl's hand until he tied it tightly.

"Thank you so much, Sir. Thank you so much," the girl bowed several times as her form of gratitude after Mr. Travis was done. "How can I ever repay you for this?"

Wiping his hands, Mr. Travis stood up and grinned, "Don't insist. I am just here to help. And besides, I want you to quickly heal your cut. You can't play piano without your wound, right?"

The girl smiled as she stared at her hand, "With or without wound, I would still play the piano even if it kills me. I mean, there's nothing that can stop me, right?"

And just by that, Mr. Travis could tell that this girl is as pure as her soul. She seemed to be so passionate about playing the piano. What makes her do that?

"Sir, that's your friend, right?" the girl asked, staring at Lachlan.

Mr. Travis also glanced down at him, "Yeah, I am his friend."

"Will he be all right?" the girl was concerned.

"Nah," Mr. Travis turned his direction to the comfort room. He then stopped and spoke to the girl, "Even if he died, he will just revive. Don't worry about him. I know that guy more than anyone else."

And just like that, the girl watched Lachlan closely.

Lachlan went behind the drunkard and instead of calming him down, he went after his hand that has a knife. He had no time calming this madman. For him, the girl was whimpering like a puppy, so why should he show pity and be kind to him?

They were exposed to the public and a lot of people were standing, witnessing, and filming the drama. Before Lachlan exerted his move, he wore his masquerade mask first so that his face won't be known to the public.

"What the---" the drunkard noticed.

In an instant, Lachlan didn't waste a single second and he twisted the knife's handle, and there, the knife dropped to the ground. The maniac accidentally let go of the girl he had taken hostage and was too focused on the knife on the floor. Before the drunkard could grab for it, Lachlan kicked off the knife so far that the drunkard couldn't reach it.

"You shit! What's your probl---"

Before the drunkard could finish his statement, Lachlan went after his vital spot which is his nape and hit it with his hand once. That final second, the drunkard fell and was left unconscious to the ground. He knocked him down within 5 seconds. It was too easy for him.

People got confused by what they had seen. It happened too fast that they were too late to react. But still, people felt relief after a few seconds and were cheering for Lachlan for his success. He then thanked them by waving his hands and throwing some smiles. Their non-ending love was already enough that he was too grateful for it.

Now that the party rock music had started, just after that, Lachlan went after the scared lady who was a hostage earlier. He gave her his hand and invited her for a dance. For a second there, the lady blushed and lifted up her hand, gladly accepting his offer.

Meanwhile, Mr. Travis noticed some mysterious people before he went out. They were glaring at each other and nodding like they're planning something. But then again, he couldn't care less so he proceeded to where he wanted to go.

He went to the back of the bar where no single human was around. The only light that could be seen from there was a flickering streetlight. Since he was cautious about his identity and all, instead of relying on the light, he hid at the corner where darkness was all in the spot. He took his phone and dialed a certain contact number.

"Oh, Sir Travis. What's the matter?" blithely asked the person on the phone.

Just right after he heard the person's stringy voice, Mr. Travis then put a huge smile on his face. "Hey, old man. Prepare me some 500 billion cash, yeah?" He felt delighted.

"All right, Sir."

"I will just ask Calix to bring it for me tomorrow. By the way, how's my Calix?" he kept down his voice in case he was too loud.

"He's still stuck in his room, Sir. I'm afraid I can't do anything for him."

Mr. Travis's eyes were filled with compassion for this Calix person. He felt concerned and somehow slightly sorry for him.

"Don't sweat it. Just watch over him for me, all right?"

"Of course, Sir."

"That's all I want. I will hang up now. And you guys better take enough sleep. I don't want any of you to stay out late because of me. Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

"Yes, Sir. Have a good night."

And with that, Mr. Travis hung up the phone while putting a smile on his face. He felt contented. And the looks on his face suggested that he was overjoyed. It's like a son feeling blessed calling his father.

Mr. Travis returned to the bar with a broad grin on his face after finishing his business. After getting inside, he was too stunned to see that his friend, Lachlan, was rushing to him, panting loudly.

"Where were you?" Lachlan asked with concern all over his face.

It seemed like finding Mr. Travis wasn't the case, but it looked like something was off.

Mr. Travis looked at him with full solicitude, "I was out for a minute. I took a phone call to the majordomo."

"Oh, the major old man?" Lachlan wheezed, looking at his back. He seemed so defensive and was careful around him.

Shrugging, Mr. Travis was dumbfounded. "Why? What did I miss? You look like you're already out of breath."

"How dare you. Well, you miss everything, bud," Lachlan hurried. "I'll explain it to you later. For now, let's flee from this place."

"Oh, are the butchers here?" Mr. Travis almost laughed, looking at his pathetic friend.

When Mr. Travis searched the place with just his gaze, he found five unconscious people on the ground. They don't appear to be breathing, but he must have known they were still alive. They appeared to have been poisoned by someone as it seems. The people surrounding them were also worried.

"H-How did you know that?"

"Look, bro. I am Travis Mortal. I am bound to know everything."

"Well, what the heck? I am Lachlan Dietrich. Am I not bound to know everything?"

Both of them were in the middle of trouble yet they still had the guts to argue. But certainly, they are both geniuses.

"Chill out. I saw some suspicious guys before I stepped out. And they seemed like they're after you."

Lachlan snapped and sighed. "Yeah, you're right. They're the bodyguards of the senator I had disposed of earlier." He grabbed Mr. Travis's hand, "Now, let's escape."

Soon after they escaped from the area, they anticipated that the street was too uncrowded that it would be possible for them to be caught on. Both also noticed that some people wearing suits had been chasing them, so they had no choice but to nod at each other, they were planning something.


That was the plan.

Both turned their ways to a dumpsite, at least far away from the bar. They found nothing other than the nasty-looking place and almost-dead trucks and containers.

Why am I dragged into this mess? "Why didn't you just dispose of them? You're a hitman right?" Mr. Travis looked so done with him.

"Well, I'm sorry, all right? I don't want any of my girls to know I'm a hitman. And I really wanted to hide my identity while I'm working but ladies just won't give me a break, okay? I am a gentleman too, you know," Lachlan whispered angrily after they hid behind the truck.

Whispering, Mr. Travis scooted over. "But who are those people lying on the floor earlier at the bar?"

Feeling proud, Lachlan caressed his hair and scoffed, "Yeah, I did that. If I had to rate it over a hundred, the effort I used was literally a zero. It was really super easy. It was like... standing up to fill the cup with water. Pshh. So easy. No effort was used. Tsk. You are really lucky to have a friend like me."

"Yeah, yeah. Good job. Do what you want. Now, shut up or whatever." Mr. Travis surveyed the area and sharpened his senses. They won't know, the butchers might show up at any moment.

"Hey, you two," a guy with light caramel-colored hair and eyes of an ocean went after the two and spoke, "What are you doing here? It's almost midnight. You want something?"

"Life savior! Are you from here? Do you have somewhere we can hide? It really looks like we're in trouble now, haha," Lachlan said.

It was too dark to see anything so Lachlan had no idea what does this guy looks like. He couldn't determine who he is but they're both convinced that he's not one of the butchers.

After a few seconds, the guy didn't hesitate but to guide the two. "Follow me."