One Room, Four Men

They followed him carefully until they were out from the dumpsite. They continued walking until they met a storage house that has occupied alone on the other side of the road. Behind the storage house was garage storage that appeared to be as old-fashioned as the storage house itself.

It looks abandoned...

It appears to be the lone house left in a surviving land...

The only light they could get was from the moon, it was too dark. The house was all alone, with no neighbors but clear grasses, only open surroundings were encompassing.

The garage storage area was called "Lamigo's Shop." The name was carved in polished wood and placed over the entrance. Thanks to the moonlight's reflection, the name was clearly readable.

After the guy had taken the two inside the garage storage, he turned on the lights and spoke without looking at them, "Why were you in trouble though? Do you have debt or something?"

Mr. Travis and Lachlan both stood beside the table that has a lot of engineering materials in it. On the other table, some of them were building construction materials and hardware tools. Hanging on every part of the wall, there were some car parts displayed; radiator supporters, doors, mirrors, wheels, windshields, and many more.

The room is full of machines, devices, and tools...

One may argue that this chamber could be the easiest to locate for fixing damages.

The teacher then examined the guy thoroughly. All this time, he was wearing a plain red t-shirt with a black stain on some part of it. His face also had stains. He must be working until now. And his hair also reflected on the light which resembled as a wavy sea shone from the sun.

Since the welcoming guy asked, both Mr. Travis and Lachlan were freaking out about finding a good idea for an excuse without being suspicious. They simply couldn't tell the truth—'a hitman and his companion were pursued by several butchers because the hitman murdered a senator." That kind of story would just end up things getting more difficult.

After a few seconds of being suspicious, Lachlan spoke nervously, "Kid, did you not know us? Of course, not. But you know what? We're celebrities... You know, being a celebrity is kind of... a hard job so... yeah. We will be doomed if those chasers will find us, haha. Right, honey?"

It may not be obvious but Mr. Travis discreetly kicked him in the bottom. This made Lachlan say "Ouch!" and whimper quietly.

Meanwhile, the guy didn't respond and just proceeded to his table, he was busy with something. The two were facing his back so they couldn't really determine what the guy has been doing.

"Before I forget..." After a few moments of doing his business, the guy then walked to the two to offer them some water he prepared. "You can hide in here as long as you want. But drink them first. It must have been a long journey."

Mr. Travis and Lachlan looked at each other and didn't hesitate to take his hospitality, but before they drank it, Mr. Travis halted halfway because of Lachlan.

"Hey, bro," he held Mr. Travis, looking so confused and lost. "Have you seen my coat?"

This was the question Mr. Travis had been avoiding ever since he returned to the bar. But the phrase, 'don't be surprised if all of the secrets are disclosed' Mr. Travis believed that. And right now, he's just cool with it. That seems to be it.

"Uhh yeah. I threw it in the trash. Why? Was it some kind of a family heirloom?" the teacher calmly stated, almost sipping the water.

He stopped again when Lachlan shook his arm rapidly. "What the heck! That's my precious coat!" This made the water spill more on the ground.

Lachlan himself was also breaking out that he was rattling and screaming around. "My coat!" He was shaking aggressively and was almost crying. The water he held has spilled all over on the floor.

Both of their cups have now been devoid of water.

"If it's your precious coat, then why did you give it to me then? I am not your bodyguard or maid, or something. That's what you get from making me your coat rack." Mr. Travis crumpled the cup.

Lachlan stopped panicking. "Oh, great idea. I will just hire you, right? Now, you will be my personal maid," he shrugged, feeling proud of something.

"W-What th---"

"Uhmm." When the guy excused himself, both of them stared at him, "Could you please drink now the water I made?"

The two played dumb. "O-Oh! It looks like the air drank it already! Haha!" Lachlan said, showing the cup that was now empty.

"Y-Yeah! Bad air! I will not be friends with you, air! You're a bad mate!" Mr. Travis pointed his palm with the crumpled cup in it.

The guy then turned around and went to his table, he went to get something.

A crowbar.

After he got the tool, he sighed while facing them, "Guess I have no choice but to do this."

"Pff!" In the meantime, Mr. Travis and Lachlan suddenly laughed when they saw the way he held the crowbar. They spent their time laughing at him even though it looked like they'd been threatened.

"You literally looked like the statue of David, right, Trav?" Lachlan held his stomach as he slapped Mr. Travis's back several times.

As for Mr. Travis, he couldn't help but hold the wall in case he might fall from laughing, "Yeah! Can we please take a picture?" And he searched his phone in his pants by feeling it.

Because they were laughing so hard, both of them bowed a bunch of times. Their stomachs were overflowing and their energy was dwindling. It's not good news even in this situation. Who knows, maybe they'd be assaulted and get killed quickly. Maybe, they couldn't fight hand in hand because they didn't have any strength left in them.

"Ah! That's right! With him posing like that! Let's go, let's go!"

"You idiots?" the guy got irritated and suddenly attacked them with his crowbar.

With serious looks on their faces, Mr. Travis evaded to the left and Lachlan to the right. When the guy went in between them, they held each other's hands and started spinning around with the guy at the center.

"I miss this kind of game, right Lach?" Mr. Travis said cheerfully.

While they continued spinning around, the guy at the center tried hitting them both but they still dodged his attacks.

Lachlan was also pleasantly engaged. "The queen at the center is not---"


When the guy swung the crowbar, it almost hit Mr. Travis's head, but luckily he ducked over it. He then threw a jab once in his face and there, he fell on the ground. It happened in only a second, the guy was now unconscious.

Staring, Mr. Travis studied the guy on the ground. "Hey, what do you think is the reason he tried killing us?"

"I don't know. Let's interview him?" It was a serious answer coming from Lachlan. But for Mr. Travis, it was a stupid response. Of course, he's always foolish when they're together, which is why Mr. Travis wanted to grow accustomed to it immediately.

"Punk! What do you mean you don't know? Of course, he tried killing us because of you! For sure this guy is a killer too! A beginner killer!" Slapping Lachlan's back, Mr. Travis yelled at him like a mother scolding her son.

Lachlan stayed calm. "All right, all right. But he looks like a high schooler though, should we let him go or not?"

"Just let him go. We will handle this as an adult. Let's not involve anyone here."

"Fine, but let's interrogate him when he wak---."

A loud bang bashed on the door so the two turned their eyes to it. "Freeze!" They found a group of bodyguards hastily coming inside the shop. All of them were holding handguns and pointing them towards the two, to Mr. Travis and to Lachlan.

Both raised their arms. "Hey, why didn't you just kill them using your gun? I thought you killed all of them when I was on the phone with you earlier," Mr. Travis whispered as he calmly looked at them trespassing in.

Lachlan grumbled back to the air. "These butchers are from the facility. Of course, they weren't at the senator's suite earlier so I didn't get to annihilate them."

Countless bodyguards barged in. And when they reached inside, they went to the guy that was left lifeless on the ground. They tied him up using the guy's rope and taped his mouth with duct tape from his shop.

Whispering still, Mr. Travis glared at his friend, "You planned this, didn't you?"

"Oh well, you know me that well, huh. This is to reimburse you for the event you demanded on me for tomorrow." Lachlan looked at Mr. Travis. "Lend me a hand."

After the bodyguards had finished settling down, a man in his twenties dressed in light-brown slacks and a black turtleneck entered. He was the last person to come in, genuinely smiling while putting his hand at his back. With his reddish eye, one could tell that his stare could slaughter a human with a single slice.

Meanwhile, as for Mr. Travis and Lachlan, both were too shocked to speak. They were wrong. These bodyguards weren't the butchers from the senator which Lachlan had killed. Instead, these butchers were from this guy they don't wish to meet.

They didn't show their astonishing emotions but it seemed like this person could be someone they don't want to see even if they were stranded alone on an island.

"Ya-hoo, great to see you again, Elite 2 and Headman," the guy spoke in a polite manner.

Both didn't let their guards down and just threw daggers on this guy.

"Long time no see..." Even though Mr. Travis was feeling enraged, he maintained his cool. Remembering the phrase 'Don't get mad, get even!' and the same thing as the idiom 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth' gave him the reason to stay calm. He could use these idioms to fully strategize a plan on his head.

"...Elite 1."