Chu Hean walked in a few minutes later, accompanied by Hua Nanyi and a tray of breakfast for two.
Chu Yun was already sitting down at the low table, untangling the knots from his hair with an unfocused gaze.
"You aren't staying?" He asked Hua Nanyi pleadingly, after she set down the tray and arranged all the plates and bowls.
She couldn't hide her panic in time. "No, ah, uh, I'm helping Concubine Min decide on...on, music, music for the games!"
She left before Chu Yun could call her out on her blatant lie. At least it was true that Min Sezhui had been more engaged lately. She still didn't look enthusiastic about anything, but at least she left her room regularly to help with preparations for the games.
In that aspect, Chu Yun's plan had worked wonderfully. Now, if she would only smile from time to time.
Across from him, Chu Hean dug into his millet porridge with little enthusiasm. His expression looked troubled, his gaze far off and distant.