The Fox hasn't forgotten old debts

Chu Yun kept a critical eye on Chu Hean, waiting for other tells, but none came. Chu Hean kept eating his porridge slowly, eyes lowered.

"What were you doing in Lieba Chun's tent, by the way?" Chu Yun asked, finally voicing the question itching at him ever since the first time he saw his brother darkening the Wise Prince's doorstep.

Chu Hean grimaced, looking sheepishly to the side, towards a cabinet filled with valuable trinkets. "He found me actually, he told me that he overheard one of my discussions with Ru Long and wanted to help."

Chu Yun took a hurried sip of his tea to hide his surprise. Lieba Chun was bold indeed. "And you accepted his advice?" 

He shrugged, still looking away from Chu Yun. "Just to get him to stop pestering me at first."

Somehow, Chu Yun doubts that's the whole story. "And if Ru Long caught you at it and got jealous all the better, right?"