The Queen Dowager waits for the harvest

The Queen Dowager watched from her tower as the large group of Xiongnu gathered in the main courtyard, while her grandson the King, and his Consort bid them safe travels back to the grasslands they called home.

In all her years, she never expected to see such a colourful group gathered in the royal palace of Haolin. Zui was never a hospitable country, never too kind to foreigners. In all her planning she hadn't foreseen this particular development, although she welcomed it. 

The young Xin prince who had brought about this fortuitous meeting stood facing his brother, no doubt saying his goodbyes. And they would be long ones. She doubted the two fox brothers had ever gone so long without seeing each other as they were about to.

Her sight failed her most days, but it seemed to her that the younger fox was radiating happiness. Perhaps it was related to the strapping Xiongnu man standing next to him, perhaps only the result of setting out into the world on his own.