The Fox and the Wolf have all the time in the world (END)

Chu Yun hadn't realised how much his brother had grown in the past year until he stood in front of him, ready to leave.

"Are you going to cry?" Chu Hean asked, one corner of his lip curled up in amusement.

Chu Yun scoffed after dragging the edge of his sleeve under his eye. "No. I just can't believe I'll finally be rid of you."

Lieba Chun threw an arm over Chu Hean's shoulder. "I'll take good care of him."

"I don't need you to take care of me," Chu Hean said, but Chu Yun noted how he listed closer to Lieba Chun's side.

"Well, you might have to take care of me."

"Of course," Chu Hean said, "Your enemies will be my enemies."

Chu Hean was a full head shorter than Lieba Chun, and slender as a willow, but no one who saw the glint in his eyes would question his determination.

For all his smooth talking, Chu Yun didn't doubt the Wise Prince meant his words; it was obvious to see from the way he looked at Chu Hean.