Preparations! (1)

Ashton sat in his private quarters at Kernel Tower, surrounded by holographic screens displaying various data and information about the Orion Empire. The room was dimly lit, casting an ethereal glow on his face as he delved into his research.

The holographic screens flickered with images of majestic star systems, sprawling cities, and regal figures adorned in opulent attire. Ashton's eyes scanned the vast wealth of knowledge before him, seeking to understand the power and influence of the Orion Empire.

"What part of the phrase: abridged history you don't understand, Malekith?" Ashton shook his head as countless more screens loaded with information popped open before him. 

"Sure, compiling the history of thousands of years old civilisation can be done in a mere page, right?" Malekith responded. "The Orions are pretty sensitive about their culture and get easily upset if someone gets the smallest details wrong."

"Fine... shorten it a teeny bit, then?