[Bonus chapter] Preparations! (2)

The room was bathed in a soft, warm glow, the lighting casting gentle shadows on the faces of Ashton's lieutenants. 

The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as they all took their seats around a large, polished table. 

Sitting by Ashton's side, Anna was calm and composed, her eyes surveying the room. Ashton cleared his throat, his voice steady and commanding.

"Thank you all for gathering here today," he began, his eyes meeting each lieutenant's gaze. "As you know, we have received an invitation from the Orion Empire to attend a formal event. 

This event presents us with an opportunity to strengthen our position, forge alliances, and gather valuable information regarding the cult."

The room filled with a murmur of excitement and whispers as the lieutenants exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued. They knew this invitation was significant for their image and the future of their mercenary group.