religion of my empire


--Currently, the Mayan civilization has not fallen, it is like ancient Greece, organized with city-states, although there are some abandoned cities, and there are only 8 cities, but their disappearance is caused by Spanish invasions with the help of the old vassals of the empire Mexica—

Daniel: "Assistant, name or publish the names of the Mayan cities"

--Publishing the names of the current Mayan cities that continue to function--

-Potochán, Mayapan, Uxmal, Tayasal, Chactemal, Bacalar, Xcaret, Chichen Itza—

Daniel: "Assistant who is the most powerful person in Central America"

--Secular and semi-mysterious power is his father, in mystery, he is K'inich Janaab 'Pakal, but currently, he is in retirement and has not interfered again, and he is in the sixth level called the black bear, and has been living for more than 2000 and in this kingdom, he can live 2300 years "

Daniel: "What a difficult name to pronounce and I think this is the Mayan language, and this man has been living for a long time, assistant, who is he and why when the Spaniards attacked he did not show himself or at least did something"

-He currently has a dark and deep wound causing him loss of vitality and he can only live another 50 years-

I hope that it can be used to have a great guardian, if it cannot be, I would care very little and let him die, also since I am going to be emperor of Mexica I must at least understand his complicated polytheistic religion.

Daniel: "Assistant, since I'm going to become emperor, can you give me a summary of your religion, in the future I may learn its myths and legends, but now I want a brief explanation"

- answering -

--posting Aztec religions--

--Cipactli, a kind of serpent-dragon that lived alone in the cosmos. According to mythology, it was divided into three parts, from its head the 13 heavens were born, from its body the Tlalticpac or Earth was born and from its tail, the nine underworlds--

In the first sky, the Moon and the clouds move.

In the second heaven, the stars move.

In the third heaven, the sun moves Tonatiuh

In the fourth heaven is Venus or Quetzalcóatl

The fifth heaven is home to comets.

In the sixth heaven lies the night.

In the seventh heaven is the day.

In the eighth are the storms.

The ninth heaven is the region of white.

The tenth heaven is the region of yellow.

The eleventh heaven is the region of red.

The twelfth heaven is the abode of the gods.

The thirteenth heaven is the Omeyocan.

Hell exists 9 levels where all souls begin their journey to the afterlife, and there is an afterlife system that is eternal peace and tranquility where they go to rest.

First level: Here newcomers wade through a river with the help of a dog, hence the custom of worshiping them and treating them with respect.

Second level: Here two great mountains approach and move away preventing the passage of the dead, so they have to cross between them quickly and carefully so as not to be imprisoned.

Third level: Called "Cerro de navajas", where visitors are attacked with extremely sharp obsidian and flint knives.

Fourth level: In this stratum, it is cold that cuts, and snow also falls.

Fifth level: In this site are the strongest winds, which lift the bodies and beat them at their mercy.

Sixth level: The god "of the wrong arrows" dwells here. All the arrows that have been lost in battle and that have not hit a target, are thrown by him to the dead on his way and in this way, he is bleeding them.

Seventh level: It is the abode of a jaguar that devours hearts.

Eighth level: Here the soul is finally freed from its body, from all sensation and pain.

Ninth level: It is the precinct of death or eternal rest. Chicunamictlan is ruled by the lords of the underworld: Mictlantecuhtli and Mictlancihuatl. Once the last obstacle, formed by an expanse of nine waters, has been overcome, souls reach eternal peace.

their most important adorations, although there are more they are not deities that worship

Centeotl: Goddess of Dried Corn.

Coatlicue: The One with the Serpent Skirt

Chantico: the protective goddess of the hearth

Mayahuel: She is the goddess of the maguey plant and fertility

Meztli: the moon

Mictlantecuhtli and Mictlancihuatl: Lord and Lady of Death

Ometeotl: God of Duality

Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl: Lord and Lady of Duality

Opochtli: Sacred God of fishermen and bird hunters.

Ehecatl: god of the wind

Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli: god of the house of dawn

Xolotl: Divine Twin

Tlaloc and Chalchiuhtlicue: god of wine that springs from the earth

Tlaltecuhtli: god of the earth

Tonacatecuhtli and Tonacacihuatl: Lord and lady of our flesh or sustenance

Xipe-Totec: Our Lord the Skinned

Xiuhtecuhtli: Lord of fire and time

Xochipilli: Noble Lord of Flowers

Xochiquetzal: Precious flower

Yacatecutli: god of the market and merchants.

Daniel: "What a lot of information, at least I won't be bored waiting to be born"

When I become emperor I will make sure that there is only one god, this is very complicated, I started to think of a future in a relaxed and simple life.

Daniel: "Assistant, that I know and have known, there is no god like we human beings believe, that is, our race does not have a god, but there is an administrator, so there were powerful people who were worshiped as gods, can you explain or answer the question I have in this area "

--in ancient and prehistoric times, that is, in the past, there were strong men who led and won the adoration of people who could not practice, these strong men, were not immortal, they had already cared for wars, fights, or for the time passes, and although they have died they have tried to leave their legacy, but there are times where the inheritance is lost or cut off, but, even so with the accumulation of biological energy and using the benefits of heaven they have created a situation where they can return the soul as a method of belief, but it is very costly and must encourage 100 billion beings to worship it—

Daniel: "Then I can use my life to bring them to life using their faith is feasible"

-yes, it can be done-

Daniel: "Although I would like to relive them, it would not make sense, and although I can ask for their experience with a wish, but not later"

"Assistant, you let me know when my births are 5 days away, in the meantime, I'm going to sleep and learn the information I've had and first I want to improve my memory"
