my birth

I have started to read and memorize all the information that I have obtained, it is a lot since I only have a conscience and my body is not developed, thank goodness I have wanted to improve my memory.

I have designed a plan for my future, also I have learned that according to the Mohs scale.

Obsidian, which is the main material used in Mesoamerican civilizations, is harder than iron and is just as strong as steel, giving me a great surprise since most of the European colonists used chain mail which is a set of rings of steel and bronze, you can use the spears with obsidian tips and with the strength of the warriors.

Since, although firearms are dangerous, they take a long time to load and aim, their lack of aim would add a favorable factor in future battles, although I would also like to innovate because what is valuable is the noise that scares strangers, we know if there are inexperienced horses that are scared by loud sounds.

In addition to the firearms, there is the great mobility that these equid animals provide, although I do not know if the flames can be used, we have to wait in the future.



A beautiful woman, but with an aura of nobility cultivated from years of experience, giving her face full of makeup an already middle-aged woman and at her side a slightly young man, but her authority and status show on her face.

Isabel I of Castile: "Cristóbal Colon, I have heard and received many complaints from the man who travels to the West Indies (at that time it was called by that name, later in the future they are the Caribbean islands, some will use this name to refer to the entire American continent).

A somewhat careless man, with a wild aura and full of curiosity about the world.

Christopher Columbus: "My queen I have done everything possible during my time as governor, but the climate is not favorable and the small insects and mosquitoes have killed some settlers, my queen, but it is difficult.

Fernando II of Aragon: "Many excuses, but few results, you have brought us many goods, but they are not enough.

Isabel I of Castile: "We have talked and decided to reduce some of the governor's rights, and you must give us more benefits, from a land that has only brought us few benefits.

Christopher Columbus: "If my queen and if my king, I will give my men some benefits, we can use the natives as strength and produce more wealth, if you allow me, I will retire.

Fernando II of Aragon: "You can go out, I authorize you"

Christopher Columbus slowly retreats from the hall in the palace, leaving the kings of Spain with a straight face.

The kings of Spain are pensive, and the queen speaks.

Isabel I of Castilla: "believes that restricting it will make it more obedient, what do you think if it was a good idea to sign the Treaty of Tordesillas"

Ferdinand II of Aragon: "What else can we do, even the pope is concerned about trade and new routes, in addition, the Ottoman empire has already taken the cities of Byzantine and Jerusalem, and we have already been in debt if we can get more benefits We can finance a war and get more benefits from the church.

Isabel I of Castilla: "I think the same, I hope nothing unexpected happens.


In a castle on the Iberian Peninsula, in a capital that in the future will be one of the most important.

At this moment in a room, there is a throne and the other nobles who manage this kingdom that will be an empire in the future.

Manuel I of Portugal: "My cousin knew that I would die, to consolidate my throne and the routes to the Indies, for the family to be more prosperous, although I do not know what those lands discovered by that navigator that Spain financed, but we must not delay we must keep on innovating better faster boats.

The nobles of the kingdom of Portugal were too stressed, this king survived the conspiracies of the family, an promoted the Treaty of Tordesillas so that the previous king signed with the kings of Spain, the king lucky as the nickname that the great nobles of the kingdom from Portugal have named this man.

Well, he was born, and little by little he was assassinated in secret and exiling the followers of the old king, the early death of the only recognized son died, and the failed attempts to recognize an illegitimate son, he could only accept and crown him crown prince.

Great nobles of the kingdom of Portugal: "Yes King"

Manuel I of Portugal: "Yes and I hope so since we have had few benefits, I hope they will not fall".

The nobles of the kingdom of Portugal left the room walking quickly, most did not want to be too close to this king.

Manuel I of Portugal: "hahaha".


Sitting on the throne is a man full of ambition it shows in his eyes

Henry VII of England:" With the Genoese merchant I hope to find a route for the Indies, in addition to what has happened with Portugal and Spain."

A serious-looking man, but does not have the status or experience of a noble.

Juan de Lepe:" My king, the thing about the Genoese merchant, it could have turned out next year."

Sir Richard Epson: "My lord, if you can get a higher income it would be better, currently taxes have risen a lot and there have been many complaints from different people"

Sir Edmund Dudley: "We have heard that they have used the routes, and they have also signed a treaty of Tordesillas, it is expected that most of the kings will not recognize this treaty.

Henry VII of England:" Then I hope good news from the Genoese, jum just tell them that it is for the future glory of the kingdom, also tell Spain and Portugal, if they are determined to monopolize the routes that I do not recognize that treaty. "


Carlos VIII of France: "If they are determined to monopolize the routes I do not recognize that treaty".


-host, it's five days until his birth-

Daniel: "Thank you, you can also tell me the historical facts of this year."

--responding, looking for important events that affect the normal course of time and its destiny, publishing--

- Leonardo da Vinci tries his luck with his flying machine--

--the city of Santo Domingo is founded--

--Moctezuma II conquers Oaxtepec--

- Pope Alexander VI crowns the kings of Spain (Catholic kings) -

-End of important events in this year-

Now wait 5 days to be born, I have already planned what to do.

5 days later in a palace, there are ministers and there is the current emperor of Mexica, impatiently awaiting the birth of a new member of the royal family.

And the minutes pass until finally the cry of a newborn baby is heard.

There are parties and banquets, the prince was born and is a man.