Remnants of another Era 1.78

In the end, Viggo had to rely on the indentations between the walls of the labyrinth to climb while Sakura hung herself from his neck and he had to climb with the weight of both. In the process he broke several nails to the point that his fingers bled, but, even so, he was able to reach the top.

-Thank you- Sakura said as Viggo left her on the ground.

-We said we would be better- replied Viggo in a serious tone -remember this opportunity and learn from it. My master told me that improvisation is an art that should be used little or nothing, since over time it becomes a bad habit as at this time that produced more harm than help-

-Yes, I'll be better-

-I know, you were scared by something you didn't understand-

At the same time, Ana came over and hugged Sakura. She called her silly while she is shedding big tears and as a reflex effect, Sakura also started crying.

Viggo let the girls have their space, walked along the edge of the wall and advanced to where Semiramis and Scheherezade were. The latter was sitting on the floor, as she moved her pen on the paper as fast as she could.

Viggo looked at Semiramis and she walked over and gave him a deep kiss. He hugs her by the waist and reciprocate her advances. Then they both hugged, and she whispered to him -you had me worried-

-I know, but I explain everything to you in advance- replied Viggo, kissed her forehead and continued -I hope you understand that this is not a normal situation-

-I don't want to come to a place like that again-

-Okay, it's not necessary, I only brought you because you were curious-

-I know-

-I want to go to all the places you have to visit, Viggo- Scheherezade said from the floor, scribbling as best she could on the image of the minotaur and Viggo. In the end, it was just two stick figure who had a dynamic energy that made them look alive -I want to see what's beyond what normal people can see. I want to see many wonders and breathtaking places. I want to write your adventures-

Viggo smiled and said -then you're going to love Orario, once we're there, I'll show you endless new things. Things that, for this time and world, are something inconceivable-

Scheherezade raised her face as her emerald eyes denoted between her veil and dark robe. At the same time, her pupils were shining as if she was smiling beneath that veil -I'm waiting for it to come- she said.

-Come on, Viggo?- asked Semiramis, who was still hugging him close to his body.

-Yes- said Viggo -come on, there are still many things to do-

That way, Viggo carried Sakura on his back and guided the rest of the girls to the exit. Once everyone left the palace of Knossos, they realized that it was about two o'clock in the afternoon. So they took advantage of the daylight and traveled directly to the city of Heraklion. The ship was intact in the port of the octopuses and the crew sleeping and going through a terrible hangover. In the end, the ship was only able to set sail the next day, when the sailors at least had the face of being alive. The destination was the volcanic island of Nisyros, a quarter day trip away.

On the other hand, Scheherezade had to splint Sakura's leg and then sent her to rest in Semiramis' cabin. The whole accident happened because Sakura became nervous when she heard the terrible roars of the minotaur. That, added to the terrible stomps and collisions of the battle axe, produced a fear that clouded her judgment. The fact is that she slid down the rope and when she was two meters off the ground, she jumped. Then falling on the obsidian stone, she broke her leg. The fall was low and for someone athletic like Sakura, it would be almost unthinkable for her to break her leg. However, the obsidian stone was too hard and did not cushion at any point the impact of the fall.

Now Viggo was sitting on the side of the bed while Sakura slept on her chest. Of course, all loving contact was forbidden. Scheherezade said Sakura had broken her bone in a bad way and that if they were slow to find Kiara, her leg would have to be cut off. Thanks to this, Viggo for the first time thought deeply about this world and how absurd it was to be prevented for the rest of your life just by a small mistake. This kind of thing happened all the time in Orario; perhaps, an adventurer who miscalculated and broke his leg. However, in Orario they had the medicine, knowledge, and magic to heal all these types of ailments. Breaking your leg was painful but getting to the doctor and depending on what you can access, your suffering would be hours or even weeks. However, breaking a leg would never leave you disabled. "Cut off her leg?" thought Viggo, denied in his mind, and promised to find a solution as soon as possible.

-Viggo, we've arrived- Ana said, opening the door to the cabin without even touching.

-Ok, thank you- replied Viggo, so he takes Sakura from his chest and put her to bed. Then he gave her a small kiss on the lips and wrapped her up.

-I also want one of those- Ana said, moving forward to her bedside. Viggo got up, smiled to her, and gave her a kiss.

-Take care of Sakura- said Viggo.

-You don't have to mention it- Ana said, snorting to the side in a gesture of pride. Viggo smiled again and gave her another kiss. Then he walked to the door and went out to the deck. The ship had reached the coast of the volcanic island of Nisyros, which was a quarter day's journey from the city of Heraklion-Mesara. In the air you could smell the aroma of smoke and rotten egg produced by volcanic gases. The island had its own obsidian stone pier and at the top of the summit was a large arch of obsidian rock. It was a strange place, but no one in all Mesara or Pefka came close to the island because they said it was cursed.

At first glance only a volcanic island of one kilometer in diameter was visible, emanating smoke and with nothing but stones and ash all over the surface. The neck of the volcano must have risen about two hundred meters on a steep slope.

-Viggo, I'm ready- Scheherezade shouted with emotion from the top of the platform, which was also the ceiling of the cabin. Viggo turned his face, raised his gaze, and saw Semiramis leaning on the railing. Apparently, she was concentrated giving orders to the crew. On the other hand, Scheherezade was already going down the stairs on the side carrying a bag with all his things to take notes of the early fight against the cyclopes.

Viggo still continues to look up, looking at the exquisite features of Semiramis. She was distracted and saw that he was looking at her, so she looked at him with a serious look, like any ship captain should have. However, Viggo just smiled, put his right hand to his lips, and threw a kiss at her. Semiramis put on an even more serious face, but her cheeks blushed. At the same time, several sailors caught her and burst out laughing willingly.

-Come on, Viggo- shouted several sailors.

-You can, it looks like a hard nut to crack, but we have our hopes in you- said another sailor.

-Shut up and move your ass!- shouted Semiramis pointing her hand at the cover. Of course, the sailors listened to the command and kept doing their homework. However, many of them burst into laughter.

Semiramis looked at Viggo annoyedly, but he just raised his shoulders with an expression on his face of "there's nothing to do".

Viggo looked at Scheherezade who came dressed in her black robe and covering half of her face with a semi-transparent veil.

-Ready?- he asked.

-Yes- Scheherezade said in a voice full of anticipation.

-Well, come on-

That way, Viggo took Scheherzade along the volcanic island, climbing a steep hill of soot-covered stones.

-Viggo- Scheherezade said as they progressed -Why don't you learn to draw?-

-I don't want to, I'm terrible, your reaction said it all that time- Viggo replied with a smile, as if the very idea of drawing seemed funny even to himself.

-Please learn to draw. It is too limited what I can grasp from my position. I'm a non-combatant, so I have to settle for what you tell me. There are things that one can only grasp once one sees them and lives them for oneself. Please, I ask you-

-I don't know, I don't feel motivated-

-Come on, try it, I'll be there for you. I already have the perfect teacher. She refused when I asked her for you, but I'm sure if you ask her, she will immediately say yes-

Viggo stopped in the middle of the road and asked her in disbelief -Have you asked him for me yet?-

-Come on, Viggo, it's not something that's going to hurt you- Scheherezade said, stopping in front of him and looking at him with her beautiful emerald eyes.

-Don't decide things for me-

-I'm just giving you a boost-

-I have many things to do-

-This is a form of entertainment, something that can help you better understand the things around you-

Viggo looked down and let out a sigh. Then he looked her in the eye, pointed his index finger at her, and opened his mouth to tell her many things. However, looking at those beautiful emerald eyes, he was left with the words stuck in his throat. In the end, he could only sigh.

-Come on, Viggo, just give it a try. I promise that I will accompany you in everything- continue Scheherezade

Viggo turned his back on her and started walking -I don't even know because I'm even thinking about it seriously-

-Because you love me- Scheherezade replied as she followed him -and there's nothing wrong with it. Believe me, it's a good thing, I swear to you, you can even be closer to Semiramis, and you will have something in common with her. Come on, if you agree I will tell you something else that can bring them closer to each other-

Viggo stopped and looked at her in confusion.

-Who did you think was going to be your teacher?- asked Scheherezade, stopping in front of Viggo -Semiramis was going to be the Empress of Persia, a woman who was educated in many arts and knowledge to be the perfect woman. Of course, she knows how to draw, paint, write and recite poetry and many other arts-

Viggo looked down and thought of himself. As Kiara told him at the time, the bed was one of the most important parts in life. If there was a problem there, everything else went wrong. However, that doesn't mean you should let go of the other facets. The ideal lover must be a soulmate for his beloved, like a projection of the other, but as Kiara says, without having to reach the rehearsal (that is, without having to reach the extremes of scholarship). It is enough that the lover knows enough so that the two people can understand each other at the same level of knowledge.

-Okay- Viggo said, raised his face and looked at Scheherezade. She took off her veil and showed him a captivating smile.

-Of course, I also want you to understand me- Scheherezade said, slowly pulled her face closer and gave him a little kiss -I want you to know everything about me and for ours to go much further. I know I'm selfish, but please listen to my selfishness-

Viggo hug her without delay and kiss her with all the passion that could be in his heart.