Prelude to change 2.197

Inside the painted world that Viggo had just painted, it was eleven o'clock in the morning. Viggo had made it in the image and likeness of the house they had with Kiara, in what was formerly the burned temple of Apollo, in Sparta. The white house, long, with the two braceros as an entrance. A wooden door in the front with two windows on the sides. Inside were first the dining room on the left side and the living room on the right side. Then there was a long corridor with rooms on the sides. On the left the kitchen and on the right a pantry. Then followed Sakura and Ana's rooms on the left and Viggo's on the right. Lastly, there was the spacious and luxurious bathroom on the left side and Kiara's room on the right side. None of the rooms were occupied, after all, it was a painted painting made for Scheherezade. The latter did not care so much about the house or the interior, what mattered to her were the pastures of the hill on which the house was built. Forty meters from the house, on some pastures, she and Viggo loved each other for the first time in the middle of a starry night.

Viggo and Scheherezade now occupied Viggo's room, a little different from what it was when he lived in that land. The big difference was a desk, lots of books and written papers that Viggo continued to fill out nonstop. He now looked more erudite than his father and had only taken three days to fill out these mounds of papers on the sides of the desk. However, during these three days, her main concern was Scheherezade, who was very stressed by the demands and work. Of course, without counting the new inhabitants of Orario, a group of nobles who came from the kingdom of Rakia.

Viggo took a golden cup, one of many products that Semiramis had obtained for him to practice his clairvoyance. Concentrating his divine power, his pupils flashed golden, and he could see a forty-year-old man wearing a leather apron. He had a small forge burning with an iron vessel where he melted gold. However, this golden matter had some impurities on the surface, the minimum, but the man added other metals and let them melt as well.

According to Kain, it was normal to mix gold with other metals to give it firmness, since pure gold was a very soft material. However, there were also the unscrupulous artisans who occupied other additional metals to save a few ounces of gold and sell the product as if it met the promised quality. Since there was no one to regulate these processes and it was only a matter of perception to the eye, most blacksmiths continued to do so.

While Viggo saw the whole process of the blacksmith with his clairvoyance, he noted that the name of a certain "Gil" was not a blacksmith, but an artisan and his problem was that he worked for Hera and was stealing that gold that he allegedly saved by using other metals. That man took the bags with gold nuggets and hid them behind his workshop, under a rock that he hid under a pile of long irons. Anyone would think it was the garbage dump, but it was something Gil had bought from a blacksmith. After all, Gil didn't know how to work steel, much less iron. Normal people wouldn't notice, but there was Viggo with his clairvoyance, who now wrote down all the details.

The book Kiara gave him was very helpful and gave him an idea of the extent of his clairvoyance. However, the most significant came from his father, who told him:


Kain said that with enough control, anyone could synchronize their energy with that of lava. Then you could walk, sit, and meditate on lava for hours and not get burned. However, the problem was in learning to distinguish vibrations from energy and resonate at the same frequency. Something that didn't make any sense to Viggo, after all, he was the combative type. However, it had made a lot of sense to Rosewisse, who was also a magician. The fact is, Viggo understood that clairvoyance was like having a viewer and translator of the energy stored in objects. That's why he needed an object close or as close as possible to look into the distance, like what he did with Rosewisse's feathers to find the four Valkyries in Midgar. It could be said that this object was an emitter of energy, and its clairvoyance was the bridge between that object and what was sought.

Viggo finished writing another piece of paper and heard someone's moan waking up. Viggo put his pen aside, looked back, and saw Scheherezade sitting on the bed with the savannah covering her voluptuous body. As she sat down, the sheet slipped down her body and her dark skin was exposed with beautiful, big, tempting breasts. The ribs, a delicate waist and the rest could not be seen because it was covered by the savannah. Dark hair like night fell to the sides of her face, framing her face and highlighting her green eyes with a languid look that made her look sensual.

Viggo got up from his chair, walked to her and sat on the edge of the bed. They both looked at each other and brought their faces closer to finally give each other a little kiss. Then they rested each other's foreheads on top of each other and were silent for a few seconds.

-How do you feel?- asked Viggo, in a soft voice and guiding Scheherezade to lie on the bed. She let herself be driven gently until her neck touched the pillow and Viggo lay down beside her. They both looked into each other's eyes.

Scheherezade stretched out her left hand, stroked his cheek and whispered -well, I wish we could stay here forever-

-No need, you know that Aunt Hera threw those nobles out of Orario, they won't bother you again- Viggo replied softly -well, you're lucky I didn't find them first-

-Diplomacy- said Scheherezade.

Viggo let out a sigh and looked away -I know, they have all repeated it to me ad nauseam-

-And we'll keep repeating it to you- Scheherezade insisted in a soft, captivating voice. She brought her face closer and with her hand on Viggo's cheek, she led Viggo's face to look into her eyes – that you have the power, it doesn't mean you're going to become cruel and unfeeling. We don't want that for you- she pulled her fleshy lips closer and gave him a little kiss, then a longer one until they both hugged and kissed each other long.

Once the minutes passed and the kiss stopped, they hugged each other on the bed.

Scheherezade looked at the ceiling with the beams and tiles in sight, nothing to do with the stylized and refined constructions of Orario, she stared at nothingness and when she noticed the sun coming through the window, above Viggo's desk, she asked -What time is it?-

-I don't know about eleven o'clock in the morning- replied Viggo -Are you hungry?-

-A little bit-

-Leave it to me, I will prepare something exquisite-

-The meat- said Scheherezade, but paused for a few seconds, thought about her words, and then continued -the meat has been fine, but I'd like to eat something more balanced. Today leave lunch to me-

-Are you sure?- asked Viggo -you must rest, Semiramis needs you-

-Sure, cooking for pleasure is no hassle. I want to do it-

-It is ok-

Scheherezade got out of bed naked, then reached for a gray silk robe and put it on. Then she walks to Viggo's bedside, where he was still lying down and took a hand. She pulled him and forced him to his feet. Both were face to face and she noticed that Viggo was already several centimeters taller than her. Scheherezade took his hand and took him to the bathroom, where the door closed, the shower (another modification to the house) was heard dropping water as if it were a torrential rain, along with the moans of Viggo and Scheherezade.

Once the long shower was over, Viggo and Scheherezade went to his room to get dressed. Scheherezade dressed in a purple chiton and Viggo in the red tunic that covered him from the waist to the knees. Viggo approached the nightstand on his side of the bed and saw a chest. This chest was something that had always bothered him since he returned to Orario with Semiramis, Scheherezade, Sakura and Ana. Well, Kiara too, but she came and went when she felt like it.

Scheherezade had bought the chest several months after arriving in Orario and had left it on the Viggo nightstand without saying a word. Every day there were more rings, bracelets, gemstones, and necklaces. All of men who came offering the sky and the moon to Scheherezade. Of course, she ignored anyone, but they gave her the jewelry or precious stones anyway. However, the great purpose of the chest was to remind Viggo that Scheherezade did not belong to him, was an unspoken threat and that, if he did not give her enough attention, she had much to choose from.

Viggo opened the chest and realized that it was filled to the top with jewels, all gold with engravings and beautiful precious stones inlaid with it. He let out a sigh, tightened his septum so as not to get angry, because he would be lying if he said he was not upset, but he also didn't want to look pathetic. Viggo closed the chest, turned around, and found Scheherezade looking at him with a smile on her lips, knowing that he was upset. Viggo frowned and grumbled as his master would but took a deep breath and said to him -woman, I want you to stop accepting jewelry from other men, I think I understood the message quite well. Apart from the fact that I don't like it, things won't be as peaceful as on other occasions-

-Who's asking for it?- asked Scheherezade, without bothering or showing guilt.

-I ask for it, your husband, please don't make me repeat it-

Scheherezade showed a huge smile when she saw him so upset, she brought her lips closer and kissed him -well, as my husband says- she said.

Viggo frowned -really, just like that- he said.

-Aren't you asking for it?- replied Scheherezade -but nothing is free, from now on I want you to make jewelry-

-I- said Viggo, frowning and looking down -I'm still not that good at those things. I lack a lot of practice, I can buy them for you-

-In that case I will continue to receive jewelry-

-You are, you are...-

-What?- she asked.

Viggo did not continue, but grumpled and looked away. Scheherezade gave a melodious chuck upon seeing him so upset. She hugged him and stayed that way until Viggo hugged her back, running his big hands behind her back.

-Is it bad that I want something special?- asked Scheherezade.

-It's not that- Viggo said softly -it's just that I think you deserve better. I'm not very skilled with my hands-

-Last night I didn't think that your tongue and your hands carry poetry full of lust and passion to my lips-

Viggo closed his eyes and smiled, because, well, she wasn't referring to the lips she talked to. Viggo took a deep breath and said -ok, I get it. I will make jewelry for you, but I do not want complaints, I tell you, I am still not good-

-Just for me?- asked Scheherezade.

Viggo looked at her face, focused on those languid-eyed green eyes. Scheherezade smiled showing that she enjoyed getting him in trouble, pushing him into a corner and forcing him to prove she had him in her hands. Women, capricious creatures, each so unique and different, all want to have your heart and then cruelly, torment it.

Viggo looked away, unsure of promising such a thing, but Scheherezade took his face and made him look at her. Let him focus on her green eyes and nothing else. Viggo let out a sigh mixed with a smile and nodded -yes, just for you- promised