Luoyang Academy!

On his way home, Chen Nan lowered his head and took a look at the alliance quota card.

This card was blue in color, and there weren't many patterns on it. Its design was very simple.

When he flipped to the back of the card, he saw that the quota in the card was marked there, a total of 10,000 Alliance Dollars.

The quota card was very similar to the cheques in his original world.

For both, one could see the amount contained within, and both needed to be withdrawn before usage.

However, wasn't the quota of this card a tad too high?

One had to know that since the appearance of the vicious beasts, human civilization had collapsed overnight.

It wasn't until a large number of Beastmasters appeared and killed the vicious beasts, along with the long-term reconstruction, that human civilization gradually returned to normal.

10,000 Alliance Dollars was considered quite a sum for ordinary people.

However, for Beastmasters, it was;t even enough to buy a few stalks of slightly older medicinal herbs.

Meanwhile, the monthly salary of most ordinary people was only 2,000 Alliance Dollars.

The only way to obtain Alliance Dollars was to either join the Association to complete missions or become Incubators who help Beastmasters evolve their contracted beasts.

Through both of these methods, one could obtain a lot of Alliance Dollars.

When Chen Nan saw the quota in the card, he was very surprised.

Zhen Xuelan was too generous!

To think she gave him 10,000 Alliance Dollars!

In this era, this was already a lot.

However, this also solved his urgent problem.

He was penniless upon arrival. Just a moment ago, he was still worrying about how to obtain Alliance Dollars.

He didn't expect that someone would come knocking on his door to send him money.

Unknowingly, Chen Nan returned to the residential area where his home was located.

The place was desolate, as if it was an abandoned old city district. It was very old.

There were only two or three old people living here. There wasn't the slightest smoke or fire that was indicative of human activity.

It seemed lifeless.

When Chen Nan saw this scene, he immediately thought about how it was very common for vicious beast attacks like today to happen.

This was also the reason why no one wanted to stay on the streets for long.

It was also precisely because of this that everyone desperately wanted to squeeze into Luoyang City.

Because only in Luoyang City could they ensure their safety.

And only by entering the city would they be able to sleep well and not have to be on tenterhooks every day.

Chen Nan looked at his academy badge and his heart was filled with determination.

What he wanted was to kill the vicious beasts, not to constantly be on guard and be in an unknowing state.

Because here, one never knew when vicious beasts would appear and attack.

Furthermore, the vicious beasts would appear and attack when one was in a deep sleep!

Chen Nan slowly tightened his grip on the badge.

This badge was the symbol of his identity.

It proved that he was a Beastmaster. With it, he could use the badge to live in the dormitory provided by Luoyang Academy.

This way, he would no longer have to live in the dangerous suburb

The moment he learned about the location of his home, Chen Nan had the idea of moving.

There were two reasons. One was that it was too dangerous, and the other was that it was too far away from the academy.

However, it was already too late at night. It was not too late to rest for the night and move tomorrow.

He pushed open the door and walked in, quickly closing the door behind him.

The night was always calm, but it was also often at such times that many vicious beasts would appear.

They would not show mercy when they saw humans.

Therefore, it was safer to stay at home at night.

As night fell, the vicious beasts appeared quietly.

Their roars were especially frightening in the quiet night.

Fortunately, they left after seeing the empty streets.

They did not attack this place.

The next day, Chen Nan tidied up his things listlessly. He walked out of his house and quickened his pace towards the city.

Last night, although the vicious beasts had not attacked, the roars they made also made it difficult for people to fall asleep.

As a result, Chen Nan had been in a half-asleep state for the whole night and couldn't fall into a deep sleep.

With this, he went to the academy without stopping on the way.

After an hour's journey, he finally arrived at Luoyang Academy.

At this time, there were students coming from all places to report to the academy.

Students who weren't Beastmasters could only carry their own luggage while the Beastmasters let their contracted beasts carry their luggage, all relaxed.

Just like Chen Nan, they were all moving into Luoyang Academy.

These people were mostly residents of the suburb. It was just that Chen Nan had rarely met them.

However, the vast majority of the students still lived in the city.

At the same time, the Beastmasters walking into the academy also noticed Chen Nan.

Although they didn't look down on Chen Nan, there was a trace of superiority in their eyes.

Chen Nan did notice their gazes, but he didn't think much of it. He walked straight to the first grade teacher's office.

Soon, he stood at the door of the office.

Chen Nan reached out and knocked on the door. He didn't push the door open until there was a "come in" from inside.

Only Yu Ruyun was left in the office as the other teachers were busy with the enrollment.

Chen Nan walked up to Yu Ruyun, took out his badge, and passed it to her.

"Teacher, I would like to apply to stay in the academy's dormitory," Looking at Yu Ruyun, he went straight to the point.

Hearing this, Yu Ruyun stopped what she was doing and raised her head to look at Chen Nan.

"Fill in this form first," Yu Ruyun took out a piece of paper from the side and passed it to Chen Nan. Then, she stared at him.

He looked very familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen him before.

Chen Nan took the paper and began to fill in.

The information that he needed to fill in was quite simple. In less than a minute, he was done.

He handed the paper back to Yu Ruyun.

Yu Ruyun took it and glanced at the information that Chen Nan had filled in.

Her expression instantly became solemn, but it soon relaxed.

No wonder he looked familiar. It turned out that Chen Nan was the first person to awaken his talent during the talent awakening ceremony!

However, he had contracted a sparrow.

He must have suffered a big blow. It seemed like she needed to take extra care of him.

"Chen Nan, you can call me teacher Yu. From now on, I will be your class teacher," Yu Ruyun said with a smile.

She had been observing the changes in Chen Nan's expression, but his expression was always indifferent. She did not see any dejection on his face.

It seemed that he had not become passive just because he had contracted a sparrow.

She could not help but look at Chen Nan with a hint of admiration.

After all, she had seen too many Beastmasters who had become increasingly dispirited because their contracted beasts were not very strong.

Hearing this, Chen Nan, who was standing at the side, nodded to indicate that he understood.

The first impression Yu Ruyun gave him was not bad.

From these two simple sentences, Yu Ruyun gave him a feeling that she was very responsible to her students.

"In the future, if you have anything you can't handle, you can come and look for me to handle it. This is the key to the dormitory. You can go now," Yu Ruyun looked at Chen Nan and said.

Seeing this, Chen Nan took the key and said respectfully, "Thank you, teacher."

After seeing Yu Ruyun nod, Chen Nan walked out of the office.