Hunter Association

Chen Nan calmly took the alliance quota card.

Feeling the sincerity of the other party, Chen Nan's expression eased up a little.

Although killing the vicious beast this time had increased Xiaochi's evolution points, it was an undeserved disaster after all. No one would wish for such a thing to happen to oneself.

The vicious beast's expression and the power of its attacks just now showed very clearly its killing intent towards him.

If he wasn't strong enough, he wouldn't have had a good ending.

Chen Nan's expression eased up a lot, and he said, "Chen Nan."

Zhen Xuelan heaved a sigh of relief.

Only when she sensed that the atmosphere had eased up did she look at the vicious beast not far away.

On the ground, the leopard tiger was lying dead as black blood oozed out of the wound on its mouth.

Zhen Xuelan's expression turned serious when she saw this.

It seemed that the vicious beast that had been killed this time had mistakenly eaten some contaminants.

She had to inform the city defense army about this.

At this moment, her team members came to her side.

Zhen Xuelan noticed this and turned to Zhuang Si, "Inform the city defense army to come over."

Zhuang Si nodded and walked to the side with his communication device.

Chen Nan was confused when he saw this.

He didn't understand what they were doing.

Did they have to report to the city defense army whenever they killed a vicious beast?

Zhen Xuelan turned around and saw Chen Nan's confused expression.

"Recently, many berserk vicious beasts had appeared suddenly. They look like this every time they are killed. They might have eaten some contaminants by mistake," Zhen Xuelan explained.

Any beast that looked like this after it was killed could be reported to the city defense army.

After the city defense army came over to deal with the corpse, they could go to the Hunter Association to collect their rewards.

This was because vicious beasts that have mistakenly eaten contaminants would go berserk.

Not only would they attack people, they would also wreak havoc.

Only by killing them could they be stopped.

However, there were too many of them.

Hence, the city defense army had issued this mission to the Hunter Association.

Although the reward was not much, there were still hunting squads participating in the mission.

After all, who would dislike money?

Furthermore, the evolution of the contracted beasts required a large amount of materials.

In this era, materials were extremely expensive!

"When the city defense army arrives, they will transfer the beast-killing mission to your name. You will be rewarded as long as you submit the mission to the Hunter Association," Zhen Xuelan continued.

This mission was also the reason why they were here.

However, Chen Nan had already completed the mission.

Chen Nan's heart didn't move at all when he heard the first part.

He didn't care about the reason for the vicious beast riots.

However, his interest was piqued when he heard the last part.

The Hunter Association was located at the very center of Luoyang City.

One could issue quests in the Association or join the Asscociation.

As long as one was strong enough, one could join the guild as an individual and receive missions.

The missions there were all different. There were missions for killing vicious beasts, searching for medicinal herbs, helping to refine medicinal pills, and so on.

After one completed the missions, as long as one returned to the Association and submitted them, one would receive the corresponding rewards.

The rewards were quite generous.

After deliberating, Chen Nan suddenly had the idea of joining the Hunter Association.

As long as he joined the Association and completed the missions issued, not only would he receive a monetary reward, he would also receive evolution points.

At that time, he only needed to receive missions to kill vicious beasts.

If he could receive missions for killing high-level vicious beasts, that would be the best.

By doing that, he believed that Xiaochi could be evolved again soon!

"What's your hunter number? I'll transfer the mission to you," Zhen Xuelan took out her phone and asked Chen Nan.

In the Association, the hunter number proved one's identity.

On top of that, the people were all addressed by their hunter numbers in the guild.

Although she wanted to transfer the mission to Chen Nan, she still needed his number to do so.

Only then could Chen Nan go to the Association to receive his rewards.

"I haven't registered with the Hunter Association yet," Hearing this, Chen Nan shook his head lightly.

He had just transmigrated to this world not long ago, so he didn't know much about many things.

Hearing this, Zhen Xuelan was very surprised.

With Chen Nan's strength, he could be considered pretty good even in the Hunter Association.

How could he not have joined the Hunter Association?

"If you haven't registered as a hunter, it might be a little difficult to transfer the mission," Zhen Xue Lan said in a serious tone.

Only if both of them were members of the Hunter Association could the transformation of missions be plausible.

If Chen Nan wasn't registered, the mission couldn't be transferred yet.

However, it wasn't impossible to solve it.

Zhen Xuelan frowned slightly. After weighing the pros and cons in her mind, she said slowly, "If you don't mind, I can help you register one?"

Chen Nan looked at her with a puzzled face.

"Well, there will be a certain reward for inviting others to join the Hunter Association," Seeing this, Zhen Xue Lan explained with a smile.

Even if the reward wasn't much, many people would still do it.

"Sure," Chen Nan nodded. He didn't have any objections.

He told Zhen Xuelan the information needed to register.

After Zhen Xuelan Got Chen Nan's contact information, she didn't look at it carefully.

"Leave this to me!" She said confidently.

It wasn't a problem for her to help Chen Nan register.

"If you can't contact me, you can use my hunter number to look for me in the Luo Hunter Association," As she said this, Zhen Xuelan immediately sent her hunter number to Chen Nan.

With the hunter number, it would be much easier to find her.

Hearing this, Chen Nan nodded and left.

He didn't pay too much attention to the follow-up treatment of the vicious beast corpse.

After all, he wasn't responsible for the follow-up.

After putting Xiaochi back into the beast space, he walked towards his home.

Zhen Xuelan stood where she was and watched Chen Nan leave with a smile on her face.

She didn't look away until he was out of sight.

When she turned around, she was met with her team members' confused expressions.

"By helping him register with the Association, we're doing him a favor. After some time, we might be able to get him to join our team," Zhen Xuelan explained.

She had already experienced Chen Nan's strength. It was extremely powerful!

If he joined her team, they might even be able to make this team the best hunter squad in Luoyang City!

Just thinking about it made the smile on Zhen Xuelan's face brighten.

When the other team members heard this, they instantly understood.

"I see."

"Great! This move is really great!"

"As expected of the captain, you even considered to such depths."

The team members' words made Zhen Xuelan even happier.

She had this thought from the moment she saw Chen Nan's contracted beast.

If it could make her contracted beast feel fear, it would definitely make the other vicious beasts feel fear.

If that was the case, wouldn't it be as easy as ABC to kill the beasts?

At that time, they could kill more beasts and make this team famous!