Participating In The Mission

Twenty minutes later, Chen Nan arrived at the appointed location, a coffee shop in the central area of the city.

Chen Nan looked at the name of the shop and only entered after he confirmed that he had come to the right shop.

As soon as he entered, he looked around and quickly locked onto Zhen Xuelan's location.

Her back was facing him, and there was an unfamiliar face opposite her.

It was a middle-aged man in his early thirties. He was tall and muscular, and his eyes were full of vigor as he looked at Zhen Xuelan.

At the same time, the man noticed that Chen Nan was looking at him, so he looked back in confusion.

Seeing the man's expression, Zhen Xuelan turned her head and saw Chen Nan. She immediately waved at him.

Seeing this, Chen Nan walked over and nodded at Zhen Xuelan as a greeting.

Then, he sat on the empty seat beside her.

At this moment, the man opposite her looked at Zhen Xuelan with a puzzled expression.

"He looks like a high school student. Won't inviting him to participate in this kind of mission not help me but instead bring me harm if something unexpected happens?" The man looked at Chen Nan suspiciously and said uncertainly.

After all, Chen Nan was too young.

Moreover, the mission was very dangerous.

Hearing this, Zhen Xuelan still had a smile on her face as she said, "Chen Nan's strength will definitely exceed your expectations."

However, Luo Chengyun still looked at Chen Nan suspiciously.

Chen Nan didn't seem to be any different from an ordinary high school student.

Hence, even though Zhen Xuelan had said so, he still didn't believe in Chen Nan's strength.

Zhen Xuelan read his expression but didn't explain further.

Only by seeing it with one's own eyes would one know how shocking Chen Nan's strength was.

Instead, she turned her gaze to Chen Nan and pointed at the man. "This is Luo Chengyun, a bronze grade hunter in the Association."

Following this, she turned to Luo Chengyun and introduced, "This is Chen Nan."

After the instructions, Zhen Xuelan glanced at the two of them and noticed that Luo Chengyun still had a doubtful expression on his face.

She didn't bother with his doubts. Instead, she told the two of them about their mission this time.

"Recently, vicious beasts that have accidentally eaten contaminants have appeared in the city. Our mission this time is to head to the area where the vicious beasts would appear to investigate the situation and kill them," Speaking of the mission, Zhen Xuelan's expression became very serious.

The location of the mission was at Shanlan High School.

A few days ago, a student had suddenly gone missing from the school.

When the principal and teachers found out, they decisively gave all the students a holiday and sealed the school off completely, waiting for the situation to be dealt with.

Of course, the school had Beastmasters, but their strength was at the low-rank bronze grade level.

Besides, with their strength, it was very difficult for them to find the vicious beasts and eliminate them all.

As such, the moment they found out about the disappearance of a student, they immediately issued a mission in the Hunter Association.

The mission was to help the school to find the vicious beasts and kill them all.

As she said this, Zhen Xuelan's tone became grave.

The appearance of vicious beasts in the city was a very serious matter!

Vicious beasts that have accidentally eaten contaminants would recklessly attack humans.

The missing student should have been completely unable to protect himself.

They wondered how the student was doing. Was his life in danger?

Fortunately, the school had acted swiftly and sealed off the place, stopping the matter from developing in a more severe direction.

If too many students were to have gone missing, it would have been difficult for them to guarantee the safety of these students.

If this incident wasn't dealt with in time, it would attract great attention.

"I won't force you to take on the mission, but if you're willing, we'll set off today," After telling them the backstory of the mission, Zhen Xuelan glanced at the two of them.

She wondered how many vicious beasts had barged into the city.

It was precisely because she knew their strength that she had asked them to do the mission together with her.

Of course, she hoped that Chen Nan would participate in the mission.

After all, with his strength, it was enough to eliminate the vicious beasts.

He could probably even kill all the vicious beasts that have barged into the city by himself.

After Chen Nan heard the whole story, he calmly said, "I agree to participate in this mission."

He agreed not only because he would receive a reward, but also because he was very curious about something. After Xiaochi evolved, he wondered how many evolution points would he get from killing bronze-grade vicious beasts.

He had gained 20 evolution points in the beginning, but who knew how much he would gain after the evolution?

Seeing that Chen Nan had agreed, Luo Chengyun was unwilling to be outdone and said, "I agree too."

Although he doubted Chen Nan's strength, the generous rewards outweighed his doubt.

It was just as well he could use the mission to see how strong Chen Nan was since even Zhen Xuelan had praised him.

Zhen Xuelan's face was full of pleasant surprise when she heard Chen Nan agree.

With his participation, the mission would definitely be completed very quickly!

On top of that, the completion rate would most likely be outstanding!

"Since both of you have agreed, we'll go tonight," Hearing that both of them had agreed, Zhen Xuelan said.

Hearing this, a hint of confusion appeared on Chen Nan's face.

Why didn't they leave immediately? Why did they have to wait until night?

Sensing Chen Nan's confusion, Zhen Xuelan immediately explained, "Evening and night are the periods when vicious beasts will appear more frequently. By waiting till night, the mission of killing them all will be easier."

Vicious beasts usually appeared after nightfall because the humans would lower their guard at night.

As such, they could wreak havoc and attack humans more wantonly.

Hearing this, Chen Nan finally understood, so that was how it was.

"Alright then, let's go back and make our preparations," As she spoke, Zhen Xuelan stood up.

Chen Nan stood up as well. After bidding farewell to them, he left the coffee shop.

He wanted to go back to the dorm and prepare for the mission tonight.

Luo Chengyun, who was in the coffee shop as well, also bid farewell to Zhen Xuelan when he saw this.

Although he was quite confident in his strength, this mission was different from ordinary missions.

If he didn't make sufficient preparations, he definitely wouldn't be able to resist the hordes of vicious beasts.

After Chen Nan walked out of the coffee shop, he rushed towards the direction of the academy.

After returning to the academy, he headed towards the dormitory.

However, along the way, every student who saw Chen Nan would cast strange gazes at him.

There were even some who were discussing him in low voices.

Chen Nan completely ignored their gazes and conversations as he returned to the dormitory with a calm expression.

The moment he returned to the dormitory, he saw Liang Feiguang looking at him with a strange gaze as well.

At the same time, when Liang Feiguang saw that Chen Nan's expression was still as calm as ever, he immediately stood up.

He quickly walked to the front of Chen Nan and asked curiously, "Chen Nan, how can you still be so calm?"

Hearing this, Chen Nan was puzzled. With a strange expression, he asked, "What happened?"

Why had everyone's appearance changed the moment he returned?

It wasn't that he couldn't sense it, but he had simply ignored it.

Seeing Liang Feiguang's expression now though, Chen Nan was instantly puzzled.

What exactly was it that made everyone suddenly pay attention to him?

"Chen Nan, you're famous now!" Liang Feiguang's tone was filled with excitement.