Carry Out the Mission, Search For the Vicious Beasts

Upon hearing this, Chen Nan's expression returned to normal, and he did not ask anything more about the matter.

After all, he had defeated his classmate just on the second day of class. It was hard not to become famous.

Moreover, seniors had been watching, which made more people learn about the matter.

Seeing Chen Nan's indifferent expression, Liang Feiguang also recovered from his excited emotions.

Previously, he had been very worried that Chen Nan would be bullied by Ji Ren, he didn't expect Ji Ren to be completely beaten up.

However, he surely wasn't expecting Chen Nan's contracted beast to have such strength!

It seemed that he couldn't just casually judge someone's strength in the future.

After all, only when another displayed it could one see another's true strength.

"Chen Nan, with your current strength, you'll definitely be able to represent the academy and participate in the City Competition! As long as you enter the top three, you will be able to obtain the qualifications to be baptized by the Holy Spirit Pool!" As he spoke, Liang Feiguang's tone became slightly excited.

Based on the strength that Chen Nan had revealed today, he believed Chen Nan could totally enter the top five in the Academy's assessment.

Furthermore, there was still a month's time, which meant he could evolve his contracted beast further.

Before the time of the competition was here, one simply wouldn't know the true strength of one's opponents.

When Chen Nan heard these words, he could not help but feel a trace of curiosity, "What is the Holy Spirit Pool, exactly?"

He knew that the Holy Spirit Pool had the effect of increasing the strength of contracted beasts, but had little understanding about anything else about the pool.

When Liang Feiguang heard this, without thinking, he said, "The Holy Spirit Pool is Luoyang City's top natural treasure. It's located in the basement of the city's Trading Center."

After hearing this, Chen Nan nodded, indicating that he understood. He did not ask any other questions.

Instead, he went to bed and planned to rest for a while to replenish his energy for the operation at night.

When Liang Feiguang saw this, he did not say anything. He was already used to Chen Nan's abrupt actions.

Perhaps this was the attitude of a big shot.

He returned to his seat and busied himself with his own matters.

Time passed, and night fell.

The moon hung high while the stars dotted the sky.

The Earth seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep. There were no noisy chattering and no noisy cars.

Apart from the occasional barking of a dog or two, it was silent all around.

The arrival of night calmed the restless atmosphere of the day instantly.

Due to the changes in the world, most people returned home early to rest.

However, there were still a small number of people walking on the streets. Of course, they were all out and about to do missions.

Chen Nan sat on the bed and looked outside. He realized that the sky had completely darkened.

He immediately got out of bed, tidied himself up, and left the dormitory.

But just as he did so, he was stopped by Liang Feiguang.

"Chen Nan, where are you going so late at night?" Liang Feiguang looked at the time. It was already eight o'clock at night.

This hour was considered late with the vicious beast situation now. Even if they were in the city, their safety wasn't 100% guaranteed.

"I'm going out to do something," Chen Nan answered without turning his head. Then, he pushed the door open and left the dormitory.

He looked at the map in his hand and headed towards Shanlan High School according to the markings on it.

Shanlan High School wasn't far from Luoyang Academy, he arrived in less than twenty minutes.

As soon as he arrived at the school, he noticed that Zhen Xuelan and Luo Chengyun were already standing at the entrance.

At this moment, they were discussing the mission and how they were going to search the school. After all, the school was quite huge.

Chen Nan walked up to them and nodded at them.

Seeing Chen Nan's actions, Zhen Xuelan nodded at him as well. Then, she said, "The difficulty of this mission is quite high. If you encounter any vicious beasts, your safety should be your first priority. Don't fight them head-on."

Zhen Xuelan looked at the two of them with a serious expression.

The two of them nodded to show that they understood.

Then, she continued, "Let's split up. Luo Chengyun will go to the teaching building, Chen Nan will go to the cafeteria, and I will go to the dormitory area. Do you have any objections to this arrangement?"

After saying this, Zhen Xuelan turned her gaze to Chen Nan.

"No," Sensing her gaze, Chen Nan sensed her gaze and shook his head.

He didn't have any objections. To him, it didn't matter where he searched.

Hearing this, Zhen Xuelan turned her gaze to Luo Chengyun with a questioning look in her eyes as well.

He shook his head too, indicating that he didn't have any objections.

"Since both of you don't have any objections, let's start the operation. Remember, contact the others as soon as you encounter any vicious beasts," Zhen Xuelan's expression was extremely solemn.

After all, the vicious beasts that had intruded here were those that had accidentally ingested contaminants.

Their actions would be extremely violent, and the slightest mistake could lead to accidents.

If anything unexpected happened, the situation would turn for the worse.

She was most worried about Chen Nan because he didn't have enough combat experience.

Even though he was very strong, without enough combat experience, it was still a little difficult for him to deal with the vicious beasts.

After all, vicious beasts had rich combat experience and knew how to end battles quickly.

After hearing this, Luo Chengyun turned around and left, walking toward the teaching building.

Zhen Xuelan took a glance at Chen Nan before heading toward the dormitory area.

Chen Nan stood at the same spot. After seeing the two of them leave far away, he summoned Xiaochi out of the beast space.

In an instant, the pitch-black night was brightened by a scarlet flame.

Looking at the source of the flame, one could see that the flame was emitted from Xiaochi's body.

Ever since Xiaochi had evolved, not only had its body and strength changed, but its entire body had also been enveloped by a scarlet flame. As such, it emitted eye-catching firelight.

The moment Xiaochi saw Chen Nan, it immediately circled him to express its joy at seeing him.

Chen Nan stroked it and immediately brought Xiaochi to the canteen area.

Shanlan High School was not very big. After walking for a few minutes, they arrived at the canteen.

Looking at the darkness inside, he immediately became cautious as he brought Xiaochi in.

Although it was dark, with Xiaochi's firelight, Chen Nan could see the place clearly.

Not far in front of him were rows of tables and chairs. On the left was a separate window where students could reissue their lost meal cards.

On the right were the windows where the students could get their meals from, and they were now completely empty.

Near the stairs was a door, and inside was the kitchen.

Just by standing there, Chen Nan could hear the "tik-tik" sound coming from within. It was probably because a tap had not been tightened.

After searching a few places, he did not find the presence of a vicious beast.

In the next moment, his gaze fell on a certain spot in the canteen that he had not searched yet.

In an instant, Chen Nan could sense that a trace of a vicious beast's aura was emanating from the spot.

He was immediately filled with vigilance as he cautiously went forward to investigate.

He did not find anything. Further in was the location of the canteen's kitchen freezer.

The moment he got closer, he saw the open door.

Chen Nan immediately became vigilant, and his expression became solemn.

He inched closer and felt a gust of cold air coming out from the door.

Although the school was closed, this was still the freezer, so it was bound to have some cold air.

As soon as Chen Nan entered the freezer, he saw a huge hole in the wall in front of him.