Discover the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat, Deal With It Calmly

The hole seemed to have been opened by force. On top of that, the aura of a vicious beast was being emitted in the surroundings.

Dripping sounds could be also heard in the surroundings.

Chen Nan followed the sound and looked at the ground.

He discovered that blood was dripping down from the edge of the hole.

He immediately raised his head. From here, he could not see the end of the hole at all.

A gust of cold wind was also blowing from time to time from within the hole.

Chen Nan's body trembled from the wind. He did not continue to observe and began to search the nearby area.

After a round of searching, he did not find anything that seemed off. Only the hole was unusual.

He walked closer and looked inside.

Immediately, an intense aura of a vicious beast assaulted his face!

It wasn't only Chen Nan took a few steps back that the aura weakened.

This intense aura made him raise his guard.

He looked at the hole with vigilance.

At this moment, a vicious beast appeared at the edge of the hole and immediately met eyes with Chen Nan.

Because of this, Chen Nan saw its appearance clearly.

This was a vicious beast with only one huge eye. Its body was huge and its fur was gray while its tail was thin and long, and its limbs thin and small.

However, its claws were very sharp, and the same went for its teeth.

It exuded a vicious and powerful aura.

Its sharp eyes quickly locked onto Chen Nan's position.

However, it did not make a move immediately.

Chen Nan stood at his original spot, and his vigilant gaze landed on it. The vicious beast's data immediately appeared before him.

[Vicious Beast: Giant-eyed Fishy Rat]

[Attribute: Water]

[Level: High-rank bronze grade]

[Potential: Low-rank silver grade]

[Evolution Routes: 5]

[Evolution Requirements: ... ]

[Description: It is skilled in digging holes, likes to hide in dark corners, and is a gregarious species. However, it has become violent due to its accidental ingestion of contaminants and will use its sharp claws to attack its opponents.]

After reading the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat's data, Chen Nan's expression became very serious.

Its strength was above Xiaochi's.

Moreover, it was in the high rank.

Not only that but it had also been contaminated and had thus become extremely violent, making its strength increase by quite a bit.

With all the factors added, it wouldn't be so easy to deal with.

The Giant-eyed Fishy Rat was very strong, so Chen Nan didn't take the risk.

Instead, he took out his phone and quickly sent a message to Zhen Xuelan and Luo Chengyun.

Then, he looked back at the Rat.

It was staring at Chen Nan with its eyes wide open and had stayed unmoved for quite some time.

Chen Nan carefully observed the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat and found that it actually had a hint of timidity.

Then, he looked at Xiaochi.

Xiaochi was looking at the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat with awe-inspiring eyes, and the flames in its pupils seemed to be about to burn it to ashes.

Xiaochi's body was also emitting traces of pressure.

Chen Nan instantly understood that Xiaochi was the reason why the Rat had not taken any action.

It seemed that Xiaochi's bloodline could suppress some vicious beasts.

At the same time, when the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat in the hole laid eyes on Xiaochi, its hair stood on end.

Almost the minute it laid eyes on Xaiochi, it sensed the pressure coming from Xiaochi and its strength.

It immediately shivered and shrunk its huge body backward.

It felt some fear for Xiaochi's strength.

After all, the pressure Xiaochi emitted was very intimidating to it.

The Giant-eyed Fishy Rat stared at Xiaochi and didn't dare to act rashly.

Seeing that it didn't move, Chen Nan felt a little relieved.

He immediately found a safe place to stand in the freezer where he could still see the hole, then he ordered, "Attack!"

He had already contacted Zhen Xuelan and Luo Chengyun. Of course, he couldn't just wait.

It would be best if he could get rid of the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat. If he couldn't, he could just delay until the two of them arrived.

Of course, he still believed in Xiaochi's strength.

At the same time, the second Xiaochi heard the order, it went forward to attack the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat without hesitation.

It flapped its wings and stopped at the entrance of the hole.

As it flapped its left wing, a ball of flames appeared.

In the next second, with a flap of its right wing, the ball of flames flew out.

Wherever the flames passed, the temperature rose by a degree, and the last bit of cool air in the freezer dissipated as a result.

Seeing this, the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat's fur immediately stood on end. It swung its tail to block in front of it.

With a bang, the flames landed on its tail.

The two attacks canceled each other out, but the power formed from the collision caused changes in the surroundings.

In the next moment, with a loud bang, the entrance of the hole had been made to be even bigger.

The items in the freezer were all scattered. The originally tidy place had instantly become so messy that one simply couldn't walk in it.

At this moment, the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat swung its tail towards Xiaochi. At the same time, a pillar of water shot out from its eyes and headed straight for Xiaochi.

The two attacks came at the same time. Not only was Xiaochi not afraid, but it even faced them calmly.

The flapping of its wings became faster and faster until afterimages appeared. Even then, Xiaochi did not stop.

As it flapped its wings, balls of flames abruptly appeared in front of it.

When the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat's attack approached, with a flap of its wings, the balls of flames instantly flew out.

In the next moment, with a loud bang, the attacks collided and canceled each other out once more.

A cloud of smoke and dust instantly filled the surroundings, blocking both parties' lines of sight.

Xiaochi did not stop attacking. It kept flapping its wings, making use of its advantage and circling in the air.

Using its sense of the location of the hole, it fanned out balls of flames that attacked the hole.

Although the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat could not see clearly either, it did not show any signs of weakness.

It relied on its keen senses to swing its tail and block the incoming flames.

It even returned the balls of flames.

Of course, it didn't forget to shoot water pillars from its pupils.

A huge water pillar suddenly rushed towards Xiaochi.

Flapping its wings, Xiaochi quickly dodged the water pillar. At the same time, it shot out a huge fireball from between its wings.

Seeing this, the fur on the Giant-eyed Fishy Mouse instantly stood on end. It immediately shot out a water pillar to counter the fireball.

However, its water pillar did not have any effect on the fireball. It simply could not resist it.

On top of that, the Rat's speed was not as fast as Xiaochi's. It was gradually unable to resist the increasing number of fireballs.

Gradually, the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat fell into a disadvantageous position. As such, the flames successfully hurt it.

On its body were many wounds of different sizes with traces of flames on them.

The burning pain made the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat roar and resist.

At the same time, Zhen Cuelan and Luo Chengyun had rushed to the cafeteria upon receiving Chen Nan's message.

They arrived at the entrance at the same time and looked at each other.

At this moment, a roar sounded, and their expressions turned grave.

Worry appeared on Zhen Xuelan's face.

Although she believed in Chen Nan's strength, she was still very worried when she heard the roar.

She immediately rushed towards Chen Nan's location.

When they arrived at the freezer, their eyes immediately widened.

It was because they had witnessed a scene that they would never forget.

Zhen Xuelan heaved a sigh of relief when she saw this.

As for Luo Chengyun, he stood rooted to the ground and stared at the front with a face full of disbelief.