Kill the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat, Shocking

When Xiaochi saw that the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat was injured, it did not hesitate to unleash its full power.

At this moment, the flapping of its wings gradually slowed, but the flames that condensed in front of it were extremely powerful.

Not only that, in this pitch-black night, Xiaochi's body was emitting a dazzling scarlet light.

This light seemed to be the symbol of its strength. The brighter it shone, the stronger it was!

Seeing this, the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat's body began to tremble, and a hint of fear appeared in its eyes.

In mid-air, a huge ball of flames suddenly appeared.

With a flap of its wings, the ball of flames immediately flew towards the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat.

Along the way towards the Rat, the color of the ball of flames turned darker as it burned even brighter.

The power it emitted was very strong.

In an instant, a series of crackling sounds rang, and all the glass shattered.

The chandelier above shook even more violently, and it even seemed like it was going to fall.

When the flames approached the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat, it took a huge leap over the flames.

It couldn't help but feel smug. If it had been struck by the flames, it would have been long dead.

Fortunately, it had jumped over Xiaochi's attack at the critical moment.

Following this, it immediately shot out a water pillar from its pupils.

Although it was not Xiaochi's opponent, it was probably impossible for it to escape either.

Since that was the case, it might as well take a gamble here. If it won, wouldn't Chen Nan and the others be at its disposal?

After thinking for a moment, the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat immediately launched a counterattack.

A water pillar shot out from its pupils and instantly rushed towards the flames.

"Bang!" The two collided, and at the moment, the victor was still undetermined.

Zhen Xuelan and Luo Chengyun who had just arrived at the freezer were looking at this scene in a daze.

Thanks to the light emitted from Xiaochi's body, the two could see the appearance of the vicious beast and its strength.

It was a high-rank bronze grade Giant-eyed Fishy Rat.

Seeing this, the shock in their hearts increased by a few levels.

After all, the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat's strength far surpassed that of their contracted beast!

The same went for its combat strength.

Looking towards the hole, they saw that the two attacks were in a deadlock.

In the next instant, they saw the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat add another wave of energy into the original water pillar.

In an instant, the originally deadlocked attack tilted towards Xiaochi.

But not long after that, it was struck back again.

The attacks were in a deadlock once again.

However, Xiaochi seemed to be tired of playing and only wanted to end the battle as soon as possible.

It immediately flapped its wings and gradually picked up the speed. A fireball that was like a planet suddenly appeared in the air.

The power that it emitted was also much stronger than the previous one.

The door was instantly shattered and cracks appeared on the ground.

Everything that was made of wood was shattered.

Feeling the power, the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat immediately stopped all its actions and instantly headed for the hole.

Unfortunately, its speed was not as fast as the fireball.

Abruptly, the fireball hit the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat heavily.

It left a deep wound on the Rat's body that was burning with traces of fire.

Chen Nan and his contracted beast's frank actions made Zhen Xuelan and Luo Chengyun even more shocked.

However, Zhen Xuelan had already gotten used to it.

On the contrary, she was pleasantly surprised by the strength that Chen Nan had displayed this time.

He had obviously gotten much stronger than last time!

Luo Chengyun, who was standing at the side, no longer had words for what he had just witnessed.

He didn't expect that Chen Nan's strength would be so powerful!

To think he could actually kill a high-rank bronze-grade vicious beast with ease.

That's right! With ease!

He could see that Xiaochi had always remained calm and collected when attacking the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat.

It was as if it didn't think much of the Giat-eyed Fishy Rat at all. To defeat it was just a matter of flapping its wings!

Luo Chengyun calmed himself down and looked at Chen Nan.

At this moment, his opinion of Chen Nan had changed a lot.

After all, few could kill a high-rank bronze grade vicious beast by themselves.

Seeing Chen Nan walking towards the hole, Zhen Xuelan immediately went forward.

"I'm still a step too late," Zhen Xuelan revealed a bitter smile.

If they had arrived in time, they would have been able to finish off the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Chen Nan had already killed it.

Hearing this, Chen Nan shook his head, indicating that he didn't mind that they were late.

Instead, he pointed at the hole in the wall and said, "The Giant-eyed Fishy Rat came out from this hole."

Hearing this, Zhen Xuelan was shocked and immediately looked at the hole.

The hole was so deep that she couldn't see the end, which made it so she couldn't see what was going on inside.

After retracting her gaze, Zhen Xuelan immediately took out her phone and dialed the number of the City Defense Army.

After the call was connected, she briefly explained the situation to the City Defense Army before hanging up the phone.

She then walked to the front of the hole and observed it with a frown.

"I wonder if there is a nest of vicious beasts in the hole. I'm afraid that the missing student has already met with misfortune," She said with a grave expression.

Judging from the blood dripping onto the ground, there was probably no chance of survival for the missing student.

At this moment, Luo Chengyun came to the front of the hole as well. He took a look inside and said, "If there is a nest of vicious beasts in there, I'm afraid it will be difficult to solve."

If there were really many Giant-eyed Fishy Rats, it would be difficult for them to deal with all of them.

Since the one that appeared was already one in the high-rank bronze grade, the others were most likely not much weaker.

He had to admit that Chen Nan was very strong.

It was fine for him to deal with one, but him alone was probably not enough to deal with a group of vicious beasts.

When Chen Nan heard this, his expression became solemn.

It was indeed as Luo Chengyun had said. If it was a group of vicious beasts, they probably needed someone stronger to deal with it.

At this moment, some sounds came from the entrance of the canteen.

This sound instantly made the three of them wary.

"You guys go over and deal with it," A deep male voice sounded.

It immediately made the three of them heave a sigh of relief. So it was the City Defense Army.

In the next instant, they saw the captain of this troop of City Defense Army walking over.

He came to the front of the three of them and swept his gaze over them.

When his gaze landed on Chen Nan in the end, it was filled with surprise.

Chen Nan was too young!

He looked like a high school student.

It was the captain's first time seeing such a young hunter.

"Who killed the vicious beast?"The captain of the City Defense Army looked away and looked at Zhen Xuelan.

He didn't count Chen Nan at all.

In his opinion, although Chen Nan had the ability to register as a hunter in the Hunter Association, he was still too young.

Plus, the vicious beast was a high-rank bronze grade one.

No matter how powerful Chen Nan was, it would be difficult for him to kill this vicious beast.

Seeing this, Zhen Xuelan instantly understood that the captain had misunderstood. She pointed at Chen Nan and said, "It was Chen Nan who killed it. We didn't even help him."

She wore a bashful smile on her face.

After all, Chen Nan was the only one who had killed the Giant-eyed Fishy Rat.

As for them, they had merely stood at the side in shock and forgotten all about what they were supposed to do.

It was not until Chen Nan had killed the vicious beast that they remembered that they were here to help.

Hearing this, the City Defense Army's captain's expression became very surprised.

He could not help but look at Chen Nan a few more times.

He had just thought that the vicious beast wasn't killed by Chen Nan.

He didn't expect to be proven wrong so quickly!