A Date Before Leaving

After dinner, Xu Yuan returned to his room.

He was now writing furiously every day. The furthest he had walked was from his room to the kitchen. It was as if he was in prison.

If it were any other day, Xu Yuan's parents would have been worried that their son would have a problem holding in his room. They would have dragged him downstairs to take a walk.

However, things were different now. They knew that Xu was completing his masterpiece in his room and could not be disturbed, so although they felt sorry for him, they would still cooperate with him.

The first thing Xu Yuan did when he returned to his room was to text Cai Pingtong.

"Cai, do you know Freya's real name?"

Cai pingtong replied almost instantly, "Her name is Wan Tingfu. I especially did some research for you. This fan is incredible! I also found out that her father is the chairman of Southeast Media! I told you to serve the big boss well. It's not too late to realize things now! "

Xu Yuan looked at this half-joking paragraph with a mixture of feelings.

He replied, "Have you seen the news today? Live Water Marketing has been rectified and the revision of the new copyright law has been put on the agenda. It was proposed by Representative Wan Ru of the National People's Congress..."

"F*ck, I was wondering why the public relations of Netland suddenly created a miracle. So it was the big boss of the fans who made a move!" Cai Pingtong's envy overflowed through the words. "Awesome, Mr. Shu! No wonder you're not anxious at all! So there's a big boss behind it!"

Xu Yuan did not expect things to develop like this. Back in the original world, not only did he have to do everything himself, he also had to take the blame for his boss and get scolded occasionally. Now, even when he was lying down, someone had solved the problem.

Thinking of this, a relaxed smile appeared on Xu Yuan's face. He crossed his hands behind his head and rested his feet on the table, thinking to himself, "It feels pretty good to be a gigolo."

Previously, in order to save time, Xu Yuan had sealed himself off from the outside world and kept his words to himself. Now that he thought about it, it was indeed very unfair to Freya.

"Mr. Shu, it's still not too late to go and thank the big boss!" Cai Pingtong reminded him out of goodwill. The big boss fan who had power and money were simply the noblemen in the author's life.

Xu Yuan had been very lucky. He treated the big boss fan indifferently. He was actually able to get someone to help solve the problem. If it were any other author, they would have been abandoned by the big boss fan long ago.

Xu Yuan also knew that he owed a big favor, so he agreed and opened Freya's WeChat.

At that moment, the voice of the system sounded in his head.

[Greetings, dear host. We have detected that you have passed the turning point of the parallel world. Your future life is unimpeded. This experience will end in three weeks. Please complete the follow-up arrangements as soon as possible.]

Xu Yuan was suddenly stunned when he heard that.

He stared at the half-written text on the computer. "Battle Through the Heavens" was already at the final stage. With the current speed, it was more than enough to finish it in three weeks. He had almost finished the outline of the other book, "Lord of the Mysteries". There was nothing to worry about anymore.

However, he could not publish it himself.

After sitting in front of the computer for a long time, he finally typed a few words with his nimble fingers.

"Miss Freya, are you free on Monday in three weeks? I'd like to have dinner with you."

Although it was strange to arrange dinner with someone for three weeks in the future, wishing to be stuck in a room without knowing the day or night might cause one to lose track of time, so it was better to set the schedule in advance.

After waiting for about two minutes, Freya replied, "No problem, you can decide the time and place."

Her cold words seemed to have switched her role with wishing, but in fact, in the high-end villa, Wan Tingfu was rolling on the bed in excitement.

Guan Shu was worried that she would be kicked off the bed by her happy little hooves, so she stood aside early and teased, "It's just a meal, do you have to go to such lengths!"

"Shu, you don't know how aloof Mr. Shu was before. I thought he was going to play dead again! Humph, he still obediently came to ask me out for a meal!" Wan Tingfu jumped off the bed and ran barefoot to the cloakroom.

"Quick, help me choose what to wear on my date." She took a set and gestured at it in front of the mirror. She felt that it was inappropriate, so she threw it aside.

Guan Shu felt that she must be possessed. Although Wan Tingfu an exceptional beauty, her suitors could go around Yanlos twice. Dating was like a game to her. She had never seen her so serious before.

"Hey, Hey, you haven't even met Mr. Shu. You haven't even said a few words to him. Why are you so serious?" Guan Shu couldn't stand it anymore. She reminded, "He's an otaku who stays up all night writing. He might have a bun on his head, his face is swollen like a steamed bun, and his dark circles are scarier than a panda's! I advise you not to expect too much!"

Hearing that, Wan Tingfu's hand that was hanging in mid-air hung down, and the wine-red dress she was holding was thrown to her feet.

Just as Guan Shu thought that her words were workin, Wan Tingfu picked up the dress and casually hung it to one side. "Shu, why are you so shallow? You judge people by their appearance. I think that Mr. Shu's ability to write 'Battle Through the Heavens' already proves his inner qualities! Moreover, don't you think..."

Wan Tingfu paused for a moment. It was unknown what she had thought of, but her cute face suddenly turned red, she said shyly, "Don't you think that Mr. Shu is very similar to Xiao Yan? For him to be able to create such an attractive main character, it is definitely not just an empty talk..."

This manner clearly showed that she was moved. Seeing her shy manner, Guan Shu suddenly understood why a celebrity would have a representative work. Wan Tingfu had not even met the real person and she was already moved by her emotions.

Guan Shu knew that no matter how much she said, the other party would not listen, she took off a pink and purple dress and said to Wan Tingfu, "Doesn't the heroine of 'Battle Through the Heavens' always wear purple? You have light skin, you can try this color."

Wan Tingfu happily took the dress and said, "Good idea, thank you, Shu!"

Three weeks later, at the capital of gods hotel.

This was a hotel famous for its design. Its style was mainly based on Norse mythology. From Afar, it looked like a solemn temple. It was also one of the best hotels in Yanlos. A single dinner might be worth a month's salary for an ordinary person.

A taxi stopped at the door, Xu Yuan, opened the door, and got out.

He was wearing an exquisite custom-made suit. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that the price was not cheap. While he was tidying up his sleeves, he looked at the door of the high-end hotel, thinking that it should be enough to treat Wan Tingfu to a meal here.

Then he strode into the hotel.

The waiter respectfully opened the door for him and led the way. "Sir, do you have a reservation?"

"Xu Yuan," said Xu Yuan.

The waiter seemed to remember all the reservations in his mind, and directly took Xu Yuan to a seat by the window.

"There's another lady coming, so we'll order later," Xu Yuan said, putting the menu aside.

Just then, an attractive female voice rang out. "No need to wait, I'm already here."